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Woof Woof... Bow Wow!
funwmadison See my TER Reviews 893 reads
1 / 9

I been wondering about guys or gals with a past history of cheating.  Is it true, once a cheater always a cheater?  I know this might seem a weird place to ask but I just wonder.   Are there former cheaters out there who have been happy with just one special person?

Tufu 2 Reviews 506 reads
2 / 9

by definition they are cheating on their wives. Maybe some do it once or twice and with regret afterwards. But I think it is fair to say that those who cheat continually are and probably always will be cheaters, unless something profoundly changes them.

Silkstalkings 327 Reviews 424 reads
3 / 9

alot of people plead the 5th on this topic.

Airmobile 52 Reviews 457 reads
4 / 9

For this Vato, once a Dog always a Dog.  Monogamy sucks.  I discovered this when I as 17.  I have tried it many times, I even got married for awahile.  It ain't for me!
Just call me Rover!

Carla_capri See my TER Reviews 444 reads
5 / 9

They might be happy with one special person BUT  for a short  time ..
I do not  think for guys ..in their mind  have sex with  providers is cheating.  
but have  emotions for Another woman besides their wife .....then .. they  might  consider be   cheating
but I  am NOT a guy so I am  sort guessing ..  
But life is so  SHORT to not have fun..  
what is wrong or right anyway  

It is  a  hard subject  
I have met great guys who are  good husbands and  great  fathers  
but they can not find happiness at home anymore..
the worse cheating in life..... is be unhappy  
so why be unhappy and miserable ..??????
we  only Live once

-- Modified on 7/24/2014 4:48:36 AM

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 421 reads
6 / 9

There are both married and single men in the hobby.

The single men might be doing this because they don't want the commitment of a relationship, and this provides some of the needs for human touch and sensual interaction.

Married men might feel that P4P allows an alternative without "cheating" by going into a new relationship.

If you mean one-on-one monogamy, there are people who live that way. But I don't think they're very happy.

kiwigirl See my TER Reviews 450 reads
7 / 9

Some people like to eat the same flavor of ice-cream their entire life, and others are more adventurous and want to try different tastes and change things up once in a while.

Personally I have my favorite flavors I like and then like to change it up too!!!!

It's the same with careers… some people are happy with one career choice their whole life, others like diversification. My niece just wrote an article on "slash" careers and I have always been one to wear many different hats! I wonder if those of us who like a variety in our professional careers also naturally enjoy a variety of lovers too!!

I hate the word "cheater" and even more vehemently loathe the concept of "jealousy" - I just don't get it! It's evil.

My utopia would be a world where no-one has an issue with sex, bodies, loving different people, sharing with others… No bullshit, no jealousy… "Imagine all the people… living life as one…"

Nether502 7 Reviews 396 reads
8 / 9

Can change. Once a cheater always a cheater is just stereotyping  

Posted By: funwmadison
I been wondering about guys or gals with a past history of cheating.  Is it true, once a cheater always a cheater?  I know this might seem a weird place to ask but I just wonder.   Are there former cheaters out there who have been happy with just one special person?

bank2 264 reads
9 / 9

I like your way of thinking and agree.

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