Los Angeles

why not on the first date
hardman 70 Reviews 1447 reads
1 / 21

Have any of you ever done overnights with providers.  Did you find it a worthwhile experience.  Be interested in any response or feedback from both hobbyists and providers

Hpygolky 207 Reviews 890 reads
2 / 21

But never on a first date. You have to be totally comfortable with that person. But once you find that person, it's the best experience around, dinner, then strolls on the beach, or if you're in Vegas gambling after dinner or dancing and then your nite cap... I Love them!...JUST NOT ON THE FIRST DATE!

Nightfalle 14 Reviews 826 reads
3 / 21

I had an awesome overnight with Serena Rossi before she left for NY, was exactly what you always hoped for.  

But I've also had not great experiences where the girl wants to be asleep by 10, wants a separate bed and sleeps in, then left with no morning fun at all.  

My advice would be:

1) make sure you've seen her a number of times (3-6 at least, at least a few of them longer in duration) to make sure it's someone you'd like to see for 12 hours.  
2) Be realistic in your assumptions (she will want to get at least some reasonable amount of sleep, she may have to call some folks at some point and need some privacy for that etc.).  
3) Be clear on your expectations.  Are you a cuddler?  When does it start?  When does it end? Some women think it means they show up in the late afternoon and leave sometime after brunch, some have a fixed number of hours in mind, start as early or late as you like, but 12 hours from now they are done.  Are you a one and done?  Are you someone who goes 6 or 7 times if you have enough hours to fit it in?  Do you like playing in the morning - not everyone does.
4) Ask her if there's anything in particular she'd like to tell you about her overnight experience, you get surprising answers sometimes, everyone has their own take on what the experience should be

Alley-Syd See my TER Reviews 654 reads
4 / 21

Hi There

I have a lot of over nighters and its been fun.



-- Modified on 11/1/2014 12:39:51 PM

AlexisTheGreat 879 reads
5 / 21

I mainly get contacted for overnights. I could see how one can hesitate spending the night with a complete stranger but if you get to know the person for sometime prior the slumber party and get a sense of them, you should have no problems really :)

Silkstalkings 327 Reviews 472 reads
6 / 21

otherwise after 5 or six hours you might have the feeling of I need to get out of here.

Posted By: hardman
Have any of you ever done overnights with providers.  Did you find it a worthwhile experience.  Be interested in any response or feedback from both hobbyists and providers

OingeBoinge 166 Reviews 477 reads
7 / 21

I would not even consider an overnight unless I know the provider well.  There is a big difference between an hour or two and all night.  Some providers would rather be in the dentist chair getting dental work done than be stuck in a hotel room all night with a guy they don't know.  

Also, if you know the provider well and she likes you there is a good chance she will cut you a deal much better than someone she does not know.  Especially if the evening involved some other activity she would like to do anyhow.  

Once I had a provider offer to let me stay with her the rest of the night at no change because it was late and I was tired.  Unfortunately, I couldn't take her up on it because I had to be at work in the morning.  Another provider I know really well offered to let me stay with her in her apartment when I come to town rather than pay for a hotel, and she does not even work out of her apartment.  

There are pluses to developing a good relationship with a provider when the provider has made it clear that she actually enjoys your company.

alessia.jordan 983 reads
8 / 21

Overnights are fun, I have done a couple.  Its good to have some things planned to do so it doesn't get in that awkward moment of silence kind of things.  Its usually good to start off like with dinner and a glass of wine or something and then from there it gets better since the dinner helps to break the ice.  A few sexy outfits, some fun and games and there you have it, a crazy good time!  :)


hardman 70 Reviews 507 reads
9 / 21

seems like you are a lucky guy and found some very sweet providers

Carla_capri See my TER Reviews 710 reads
10 / 21

Is better u know the person that u are going to Sleep ...
I  prefer   share this type intimacy with someone that  I really enjoy to  be with. and trust .or no way  

 or  be waking up ....... watch video explain ..
smile laugh  
our journey is short  

passionpal 19 Reviews 526 reads
11 / 21

I've done a few overnighters. My absolute best hobby experience ever was with an insatiable young woman. We spent 12 hors together with some outfit shopping a nice meal and the rest of the time just enjoying each other. She is the only women that has every completely wore me out. There was another experience where we clicked so well we hung for another couple days together. In general I am a big fan of extended dates. Taking the time to build a connection makes the love making all the sweeter.

Airmobile 52 Reviews 575 reads
12 / 21

Better hope the Dog, or Guy, or Provider doesn't "Reverse Snore" or "Reverse Sneeze"  
Keep the windows Open!,,

Carla_capri See my TER Reviews 604 reads
13 / 21

noW I am  not sure why women snore IoI
Sorry my sense humor

to respond your  post
TRy overnight with someone that u have chemistry in bed and out ..
BE  with  a person 1  hour.... is not the same then be with someone  24 hours or more..
 and overnight can be very expensive too ..
On MY personal taste.. I really care with  WHO wake up..and see  on my side ..
and is not to  everyone..

Alanah415 See my TER Reviews 505 reads
15 / 21

I have done a couple of overnights and they were both great. We discussed the boundaries first and both gentlemen were respectful and wonderful and we were both grateful to spend time together, in and out of the bedroom.  
I have heard a lot of stories about the hobbyist expecting to have sex for 2 hours upon arrival, then again after dinner, then in the morning for another two hours. That's all well and good if it's agreed upon FIRST by BOTH parties involved.  

Trainman51 64 Reviews 506 reads
16 / 21

your website seems to encourage overnights and your extended date rates are so reasonable -- perfect combination.

Trainman51 64 Reviews 663 reads
17 / 21

However, heed all the good advice given above ...

- Never on the first date and seldom on the second
- Talk to her prior to setting up the date about what she expects, her "rules" and what you can expect in general
- Let her participate in planning the evening - would she like to go to dinner? show? out to breakfast in the morning?
- Do not be discouraged if it takes a couple of attempts ... great overnight/travel partners are difficult to find because someone who is fun to play with for a couple of hours may turn out to be incompatible for you over a 10 - 12 hour (or longer) date  
- I actually often find that a lady's overnight rate reflects her interest, inclination and enthusiasm for overnight dates ... if her overnight rate represents a significant discount relative to her normal hourly rate, then you can generally be assured that she is trying to encourage them

I personally prefer overnights primarily because they are frequently like "real" dates, with a beautiful women, that is also going to be a lot of fun sexually, and a great companion for the entire evening.

babylaura See my TER Reviews 691 reads
18 / 21

I thrive from the pleasure of extended engagements and travel dates with both gentlemen I know and new clients as well. Every connection is individual and sometimes a fly me to you to a new gentleman can be even more exciting!
Speaking on the phone and gauging your rapport goes a long way when meeting someone you have not met previously.

Silkstalkings 327 Reviews 509 reads
19 / 21

Very much agree!

Posted By: Alanah415
 I have done a couple of overnights and they were both great. We discussed the boundaries first and both gentlemen were respectful and wonderful and we were both grateful to spend time together, in and out of the bedroom.  
 I have heard a lot of stories about the hobbyist expecting to have sex for 2 hours upon arrival, then again after dinner, then in the morning for another two hours. That's all well and good if it's agreed upon FIRST by BOTH parties involved.  

arielleskye See my TER Reviews 542 reads
20 / 21

Maybe its just me but I've had many appts that turned into an over-nighters on the first date. You can tell when your clicking with someone by the end of 2 hours & you dont want it to end.  
Hell, my ex BF was a 2 hour appt turned overnighter, turned into new best friend and not long after, new boyfriend.....No wait thats happened with the last THREE bfs LOL
What can I say dating in the biz saves a lot of hassle about keeping my secret life, a secret.  

Hpygolky 207 Reviews 504 reads
21 / 21

You seem funny and I like your......tie.
But yes, I've had dates where we clicked and it turned into an overnighter,(because she was too drunk to go home...lol.only kidding.) But serious, the first date wasn't PLANNED to be an overnighter, it just happened. The way it was is that ...shit, I wasn't going anywhere, she didn't have plans, we clicked, I just hit the lottery.......so why not.
So it can happen, if the stars are aligned.

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