Los Angeles

Why didn't you tell your bros about Alison's weight and old photos
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 672 reads
1 / 26

...left and her ad was taken down.  Eira arrives, and lo and behold, she's using Kara's pics.  But never a word from the K-girl admirers.  You're afraid to say anything lest you be thrown out of the club.  You guys aren't pussy-whipped, you're booker-whipped!

CENZO1 162 Reviews 388 reads
2 / 26

Just maybe there are some of us who don't see every K-girl and have better things to do than sit around in front of the computer screen comparing pictures. Why do you want to start a pissing contest? You know there's an old adage that if you get into a pissing contest with a skunk, even if you prevail, you're still going to be a loser. Ciao!

mufftime 270 Reviews 397 reads
3 / 26

Are you sure it's not just that. A name change?
There have several recently,  where the girl, the
description and the contact number remain the
same. Just the name changes. Have you seen Eira?
If you want to  know who has done
that recently PM me.
It's just to drum up business if a girl isn't doing well.
Don't go around calling us pussy-whipped or
booker-whipped unless you are sure and even if you
are it's not always the same case.

Beemer310 35 Reviews 215 reads
4 / 26


You need to relax.its is amzing this post of yours lasted longer than fifteen minutes.

As Harpman put it to you once before, don't you have a Kogi BBQ truck to chase down? Or maybe you just feel left out in the conversation?

Posted By: Hyori
who they hell are you that i or any other reviewer have to tell you anything?

why don't you STFU and go see the chick your whining about and report it if shes a phony..

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 365 reads
5 / 26

...have to back-channel you to find out.  If a provider isn't doing well because of her looks and/or service, you should inform TER so she could be listed as "Gertrude/Gladys."  That way, Gertrude's poor reviews would be available to guys who want to see the 'new' girl Gladys.

Beemer310 35 Reviews 369 reads
6 / 26

Why don't you call out the independents that do that shit also? I can name one independent asian provider whose pics are out of date and misleading. I know you know who I am talking about. Oh fuck it, allison/kaylani thai is guilty of that shit.

Why don't you call out the other independents that airbrush their pics as well. Seriously, maybe you are the one one being pussy whipped by the independents on this topic.

And honeslty Bigpapasan, I don't think you have ever seen a kgirl have you? Why start this topic unless you have something to gain as well.


Posted By: BigPapasan
...left and her ad was taken down.  Eira arrives, and lo and behold, she's using Kara's pics.  But never a word from the K-girl admirers.  You're afraid to say anything lest you be thrown out of the club.  You guys aren't pussy-whipped, you're booker-whipped!

mufftime 270 Reviews 257 reads
7 / 26

And besides that some girls change their managers
and can't use the same name. Seems like the different
managers have the rights to these names i.e. Darling/Dia.
Does it really matter if a girl changes her name? Just do
your due diligence and read the reviews, if there are any,
and make your decision. If the new name has no reviews
move on and stop making a fuss about nothing.
Also, as Beemer said many indies change names,
airbrush and use pics from many months and many years ago.
He named one but there are plenty.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 289 reads
8 / 26

...surrounding the K-girls.  What's the matter, are you afraid the booker will say...

Beemer310 35 Reviews 389 reads
9 / 26

You have been watching to much "Get Smart". You don't think the same works for the independents as well?

Once again, don't single out the k girls on this issue as this is an industry problem. I just think one of the independents put you up to this.

The bookers I see respect my thoughts and I have no problem letting them know if I have an issue. I would like to think that the money I spend is of some value to them. If I have any issues I let the booker know.

Seriously, have you seen any kgirls? If you have, you would know that the best bookers listen to the clients.


Posted By: BigPapasan
...surrounding the K-girls.  What's the matter, are you afraid the booker will say...

KGirlCrazy 410 reads
10 / 26

If I have a problem with photos or anything else, I will talk to the booker. It's called professional courtesy. And they return the favor. I've had bookers tell me, photos of X are just representative because the girl doesn't want to put real photos online (an understandable request).  I've also had bookers tell me, A has changed her name to B, or X is also working under the name Y.

No need to complain here if you have good information flow from the source. Talking to a booker is much more likely to get a problem fixed than posting anything here.

Harpman60 312 reads
11 / 26

Bps you generally are well informed but in this case you are totally off the mark. I have known of cases CV screwing up changing the narrative but forgetting to change the photos this happened with Jane recently when the pictures of Judy/Jessica K/Melody We're mistakenly featured instead of Jane who had taken over the phone number , also happened in another more recent case that has slipped my mind. 

You are assuming that the bookers are privy to our TER handles but just as I oppose using online reference check agencies I would never divulge personal info including TER info to K-dolls or providers lest it comes to haunt me one day. I am sure it is the same case with most of the other patrons of K-dolls. That allows to post what we pleas without fear any repercussions or backlash.

 Name changes  are often reported specially in reviews and they occur for a varity of reasons that are not concealed by the bookers and range from rebranding  (milla) , going independent (rani) , overcoming an issue (SeeLA), safety (JessicaK), security (JJ), starting a new tour of duty (lita) . 

Reviews do states if the the pictures resemble the K-doll , if it the person in the pictures or totally different. They of often states the pictures don't do justice to the K-dolls. Since  I do not read reviews of home-growns I have no idea if their guys refer to such aspects or are fearful of being black listed. We all witnessed  Kaylani/Alison's out of control manic  public outrage and meltdown for being called out in a review about her overweight. The reviews may be justified in not reporting these discrepancies because of the fear of being black listed for their honesty. 

So rather than I mistakenly suggesting that K-hobbyists are booker whipped you would state that home-grown patrons are pussy whipped . I fear no K-booker are fearful or feel intimidated by a home-grown ?   

Posted By: BigPapasan
...left and her ad was taken down.  Eira arrives, and lo and behold, she's using Kara's pics.  But never a word from the K-girl admirers.  You're afraid to say anything lest you be thrown out of the club.  You guys aren't pussy-whipped, you're booker-whipped!

Hyori 389 reads
12 / 26

who they hell are you that i or any other reviewer have to tell you anything?

why don't you STFU and go see the chick your whining about and report it if shes a phony..

Harpman60 316 reads
13 / 26

Shehori  there is a retard it is  you ,you are very brave slandering those who jilt you and those you wish you can copy, but to no avail. You are still a second rate paper clown who does not have the courage or means to but his money where his mouth is regarding the one guy to computer . I am game to see you back up what you charge. No shirt yet.

Posted By: Hyori
who they hell are you that i or any other reviewer have to tell you anything?

why don't you STFU and go see the chick your whining about and report it if shes a phony..

LE_phobic 257 reads
15 / 26

* It happens a lot, to K's, non K's and indies. What's the fuss? What do we lose if we see her with a new name? If we've seen her before, we'd recognize the pics.
* There was a famous indie case who one day rebooted with new name. I recalled Froomie did a big review for her, and basically intro her to the whole world. She became very successful, and got average 9/9 and was even mentioned among the top 50 in LA. She is now UTR, presumably with a loyal following. I see that as a win-win case.

mufftime 270 Reviews 240 reads
16 / 26

There's your answer. Read review of Eira
by voeyour39.
It was what I said it was and get off
your high horse.

scoremore 224 reads
17 / 26

One of the many reasons I see k-girls is because the pictures are usually of the girl who opens the door.  I am very quick to point out in my reviews and to the booker if the pics are fake or if there is a name change.  The fakes usually don't stay around long as a result.

Harpman60 342 reads
18 / 26

Bigpapasan=big sad loser .

If you only waited and not  jumped in and interjected yourself among the home-grown manginas you would have got your answer without lining yourself with the the K-doll haters.

Here is your answer ,payback is a bitch.


Posted By: BigPapasan
...left and her ad was taken down.  Eira arrives, and lo and behold, she's using Kara's pics.  But never a word from the K-girl admirers.  You're afraid to say anything lest you be thrown out of the club.  You guys aren't pussy-whipped, you're booker-whipped!

mqueensland 18 Reviews 161 reads
19 / 26
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 260 reads
20 / 26

...Eira, not Eira/Kara.  Go ahead, click "Report a Problem."  You can't, because I already did.

If she changed her name because she has a new booker, the TER community has a right to know that Eira used to be Kara.  I know providers who have changed their names and went UTR for safety or family reasons; in that case the TER community has no right to know their former identity.

I don't line up with the K-girl haters or lovers.  I line up with keeping the TER profiles accurate.

Beemer310 35 Reviews 302 reads
21 / 26

So...in the off chance she told the client she just changed bookers but in reality changed it for safety reasons, you have basically compromised her safety.

This happened before with another well know k girl who was stalked.

I applaud you for your motive but the way you went around could have been better.

Posted By: BigPapasan
...Eira, not Eira/Kara.  Go ahead, click "Report a Problem."  You can't, because I already did.

If she changed her name because she has a new booker, the TER community has a right to know that Eira used to be Kara.  I know providers who have changed their names and went UTR for safety or family reasons; in that case the TER community has no right to know their former identity.

I don't line up with the K-girl haters or lovers.  I line up with keeping the TER profiles accurate.

Harpman60 362 reads
22 / 26

I don't need the extra free days , so I let you report it to reward you for caring about the rights of the TER community to know , although those who review the reviews know the content and it is their job to do the repairing and necessary reporting and updating in the profile.

 You are a veteran and should know better . A provider who changes Handle and ID is given a new profile . Circumstances forced Gia to become Amber , Twin Judy to become Jessica K and more recently Melody, Ara has become Lyn  and Leona Lita after changing agencies none of the aforementioned K-doll had their old and new profiles combined by the powers that be.  Even though  the just departed Viva used the same name on this tour of duty as  she did last year yet still her profiles have not been combined.

Enjoy your extra day , but remember the community has no rights only privileges , and neither you nor I are obliged to report  problems . TER recognizes this , which is why it offers incentives and bun us day s for those who submit problem reports. 


Posted By: BigPapasan
...Eira, not Eira/Kara.  Go ahead, click "Report a Problem."  You can't, because I already did.

If she changed her name because she has a new booker, the TER community has a right to know that Eira used to be Kara.  I know providers who have changed their names and went UTR for safety or family reasons; in that case the TER community has no right to know their former identity.

I don't line up with the K-girl haters or lovers.  I line up with keeping the TER profiles accurate.

Harpman60 330 reads
23 / 26

You are as familiar with Alison/ Kaylani as anyone , yet you did not reveal to your follow bros , who you stated  have a right to be told , that the photos of this provider were out of date and that she has accumulated serious weight since the photos were taken. By contrast the K-dolls patron have been most informative in their reviews. You are most guilty , and more , of what you are falsely  accusing the K-doll patrons of doing.  

Besides the issue of hypocrisy, you  are again missing the point , because , since your original claim has been proven to be baseless and redundant .  you seem to be on a desperate , pointless doomed to fail jihad to score a point ,but to no avail .

I am neither my brothers' keeper ,nor shall I reveal something I have no knowledge of the reasoning behind it , in case it is  a safety issue , nor will I do the work of TER staff for them.

TER can issue a rule requiring providers to maintain a life time ID # and profile if they felt it was necessary. It is up to them to implement whatever , policies they deem suitable , if you feel different you are at liberty to express yourself , to your hearts content,  at the board dedicated to policy. When I felt the ads were destroying the discussion board I voiced my concerns along with toners and thankfully I do not have to plough through redundant ad to get to a post of interest.

I enjoy the K-dolls , I keep track of any developments , and when possible am happy to share them privately  with brothers privately through pm or emails.  

Given that you singled  out K-dolls

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 290 reads
24 / 26

...created her second profile didn't know she already had a profile.  However, YOU knew but did nothing.  Your TER bros should have had the benefit of seeing ALL her reviews, yet you decided not to help them.  Viva herself would have benefited too, since everyone would have known she wasn't a newbie.

TER can't possibly check all the profiles against all the previous profiles to see if there are duplicates.  That's why they rely on us to help keep the profiles accurate.

mufftime 270 Reviews 272 reads
25 / 26

Check the review. It is of Eira/Kara.
Stop all the whining. We all know what
we're doing.

oldbobh 71 Reviews 307 reads
26 / 26

OK, here's the scoop.  Kara switched bookers.  It's as simple as that.  I know because when I saw Kara I booked with one screener & today I asked another screener who was available & she told me Eira.

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