Los Angeles

Unlike the gentleman above, . . . .
QueenBia See my TER Reviews 1135 reads
1 / 10

I see people inquire about Palm Springs, but what about Mojave, Palmdale, Rosemond, Lancaster, California City, or Edwards Base?

Does this peek anyone's interest?  L.A. traffic can be the pits.  Some of these cities are not far from Los Angeles.

I was just curious.  Thank you in advance.  Pm me if you prefer.  Smile 4 me & make it a great day!

Hpygolky 208 Reviews 456 reads
2 / 10

And I'm going off your TER profile. But for the areas of Mojave, Palmdale, Rosemond, Lancaster, California City,and Edwards Base your rate may beyond of what the marker is for those areas. LA, San Diego and Las Vegas may be your best local audience....Just my 2 cents.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 392 reads
3 / 10

I don't give a crap if you take this the wrong way or not.  NOBODY is going to drive to those areas from the LA basin to pay those kinds of rates.  If you think otherwise, you're delusional.  I can get 6 hours with an agency girl or nearly four hours with a top indie within 20 minutes of me for what you are asking for two hours with you.  In addition, the average incomes and net worth in those areas (except Palm Springs) is a fraction of what it is in LA or OC, so the POTENTIAL customer pool is much smaller to begin with.  You're pricing yourself out of the market, but good luck to you anyway.  Many men don't have balls as big as yours.

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 359 reads
4 / 10

LMFAO great read this a.m. thanks for the laugh.  I am totally aware of the market & rates.  No one has my niche here either it's fine.  I appreciate & respect your candor, and that is why I only advertise in LA, SD & LV.  I have had several drive from LA to SD to see me. Thank you, kindly.  

Your the average TER guy & prefer more bang for your buck.  I am not interested in catering to fellas who are wanting 20 minutes.  For you to say NOBODY is a lie.  Maybe not many. Just, like when I started requiring deposits to book. Thank God for the true gent who is a rare indeed.  You are right most men don't have huevos as big as mine!  lol  I just told my SO this fact.  Smile 4 me!  Have a fantastic day!

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 319 reads
5 / 10

out of the shower in 20 minutes!!!  90% of my sessions are 2 hours or more.  I only do one hour when meeting new girls because nothing is worse than being stuck two hours when you're not clicking.  I've been doing this nine years, and its not so much "bang for the buck," but I have learned the difference between a $500/hr provider and a $750/hr provider like you is $250, nothing more.  There is nothing a higher-priced provider can do that a $500 provider can't do, and often do better.  As P.T. Barnum said, there's a sucker born every minute, so not surprised there are dumb-ass newbies that will drive that far to pay those prices when some of the best providers in the nation are in SoCal at lower rates.  

My take on a provider that ONLY advertises in LA, SD and LV while living in the high desert is that she is NOT doing well so she must live where rents are cheap, and couldn't make ends meet in the SoCal coastal areas if she had to pay housing costs down here.  Since you're conceding that not many come to see you, I'm probably right.   If I'm thinking that, so are a lot of other guys.  Just keeping it real  

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 349 reads
6 / 10

Your not a pleasure to entertain, so keep trolling TER.  I am glad some of us providers have the freedom to bypass boys, like you.  I am putting you on my ignore list.  You obviously did not read my 1st post, nor do you respect women.  I never stated I have a problem getting business, or having anyone come see me.  I own my home no mortgage & no rent.  I have a deed. You should never assume.  I took a long break, and now I am back!

Bend over, and take the L!  lol Smile 4 me!  

Jinx_The_Cat 33 Reviews 333 reads
7 / 10

The combined population of Mojave, California City and Rosamond is about a tenth of the population of Reseda.  The populace itself are either wheel chair bound oxygen tank users or very underpaid E4s from Edwards AFB.  There's a few strip clubs in Lancaster, so there may be some play there, but as others have mentioned, not at your rates.  I have observed a few fairly hideous truck stop Annies hanging around the big truck stop in Mojave, but try to avert my gaze so as to not attract their obvious desperate attention.  You probably wouldn't want to join their ranks, but I suppose anything is possible in our little world.

But best of luck.  Your post definitely made me smile as I was LOL.  I do respect and appreciate your entrepreneurial spirit, though.
Posted By: Ms_Nasty
I see people inquire about Palm Springs, but what about Mojave, Palmdale, Rosemond, Lancaster, California City, or Edwards Base?  
 Does this peek anyone's interest?  L.A. traffic can be the pits.  Some of these cities are not far from Los Angeles.  
 I was just curious.  Thank you in advance.  Pm me if you prefer.  Smile 4 me & make it a great day!  

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 234 reads
8 / 10

If you weren't new on the boards, you would already know why I don't do whitelist while still hobbying 5-8 hours a week.  Admittedly, not at inflated and unwarranted rates.  

You said in your post before this one that "not many" customers come up from the LA basin to see you.  Are you changing your story now?

I don't ever assume, I draw reasonable conclusions from what you say here and your website.  Sometimes the conclusions are not completely accurate, but they are still reasonable from the available information.  

I have seen about 400 providers in the last nine years, all women, and never had a one suggest that I don't respect women. but I call a spade a spade.  I won't be deferential just because you're a woman.  If you can't take the heat for the things you try to make us believe, you shouldn't be on this board.  Unfortunately, you have become the low-hanging fruit here, to boot.  

BTW, if your home still has wheels, its called a "pink slip", not a "deed."  People in the upper desert sometimes get confused about that.  

-- Modified on 2/28/2017 2:43:38 PM

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 268 reads
9 / 10

are smiling, too, for the same reasons.  You just said out loud what everyone is thinking.  

uzj100 5 Reviews 199 reads
10 / 10

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
are smiling, too, for the same reasons.  You just said out loud what everyone is thinking.  
It might be the "peek" interest?

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