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Thank you Veterans.
JoeAFriday 6 Reviews 193 reads

Veteran's Day shouldn't be only celebrated once a year.  There are veterans amongst us, they should be honored and cherished every day, for without them there would be no freedom.  The minutemen of the original 13 colonies fought and overcame a superior force to fight for what they believe their cause to be a just cause.  

What sets our military men and women apart from most of the world's are ours are all volunteers.  (draft ended after Vietnam war).  To sign up and then having Saddam Hussein invade Kuwait is a bit scary.   Some volunteer to get money for college, some join to learn new skills, there are some sign up for the adventure, and there are the rest who felt it was a way to escape their lives back home to make something of themselves.   Even a few choose it as a career to put in their 20+ years.  

Whatever the reason, they should all be honored daily; if you know a vet, buy him or her a lunch, dinner, coffee, or even saying thanks for their service.    

Thank you.

Happy Belated Marine Corps. birthday to all you bad ass Marines out there. OORAH!!!  
Today is Veterans Day and I would like to thank all veterans for your service.  I would not have the freedom to post on a board like this and so many other things that I take for granted if it were not for you.  

For the month of November I will offer a $100 discount to all Veterans as my way of say Thank you.
I would ask that we all do something to remember today – Buy the service man or woman in line that cup of coffee or lunch, light a candle or give to a charitable veterans cause.  
The Soldier Pays  
What do they mean it's the results that could not be foreseen?  
It's about the mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, husbands and wives  
that laid their lives on the line for the peace we enjoy at this time  
Liberty is not free and for it the soldier must pay.  
There were those who came home and those who did not  
and on this day we will let them know they will never be forgot.  
Even this day around the world, we are here and there  
but that is our way of life, to help everywhere.  
Remember each morning when the sun comes up,  
it was made possible by what each gave up.  
Let us not take for granted what we have today,  
it was given to us by those they took away.  
Let us put into perspective the meaning of Memorial and Veterans Days  
and thank from the bottom of our hearts all those who showed the way.  
This thank you is from me and those who cannot,  
and let them know, they will never be forgot!  
               By Vietnam veteran Jerry D. Brook

We all thank you for the sacrifices you gave up to protect our freedoms we enjoy today!

Posted By: funwmadison
Happy Belated Marine Corps. birthday to all you bad ass Marines out there. OORAH!!!  
 Today is Veterans Day and I would like to thank all veterans for your service.  I would not have the freedom to post on a board like this and so many other things that I take for granted if it were not for you.  
 For the month of November I will offer a $100 discount to all Veterans as my way of say Thank you.  
 I would ask that we all do something to remember today – Buy the service man or woman in line that cup of coffee or lunch, light a candle or give to a charitable veterans cause.  
 The Soldier Pays  
 What do they mean it's the results that could not be foreseen?  
 It's about the mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, husbands and wives  
 that laid their lives on the line for the peace we enjoy at this time  
 Liberty is not free and for it the soldier must pay.  
 There were those who came home and those who did not  
 and on this day we will let them know they will never be forgot.  
 Even this day around the world, we are here and there  
 but that is our way of life, to help everywhere.  
 Remember each morning when the sun comes up,  
 it was made possible by what each gave up.  
 Let us not take for granted what we have today,  
 it was given to us by those they took away.  
 Let us put into perspective the meaning of Memorial and Veterans Days  
 and thank from the bottom of our hearts all those who showed the way.  
 This thank you is from me and those who cannot,  
 and let them know, they will never be forgot!  
                By Vietnam veteran Jerry D. Brooks  

. . .save lives.  Example:   Let's eat She-1  OR  

                                       Let's eat, She-1

Veteran's Day shouldn't be only celebrated once a year.  There are veterans amongst us, they should be honored and cherished every day, for without them there would be no freedom.  The minutemen of the original 13 colonies fought and overcame a superior force to fight for what they believe their cause to be a just cause.  

What sets our military men and women apart from most of the world's are ours are all volunteers.  (draft ended after Vietnam war).  To sign up and then having Saddam Hussein invade Kuwait is a bit scary.   Some volunteer to get money for college, some join to learn new skills, there are some sign up for the adventure, and there are the rest who felt it was a way to escape their lives back home to make something of themselves.   Even a few choose it as a career to put in their 20+ years.  

Whatever the reason, they should all be honored daily; if you know a vet, buy him or her a lunch, dinner, coffee, or even saying thanks for their service.    

Thank you.

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