Los Angeles

Simly put......teeth_smile
romanticbello 43 Reviews 476 reads


Been seeing this one young girl who really is into me.  Wants to be exclusive now.  She's the kind of girl you can take home to mom.  But she has some problems that I'm afraid will become mine.  She owes some money to people and asked me to help her with that and she's all mine.  How can I refuse.  She's just so sweet and adorable.

You should find that true love like I did.  But you're just another old man who just sees the old hookers.  Try and remember when you were young.  Don't be such a hater.

dakine18440 reads

-- Modified on 5/30/2015 11:59:37 AM

Let me guess, you're like in your early 20's or something?  

News flash, there is a LOT more to a relationship than sex.  That is probably why so many provider don't want to see anyone under 30 years old.  But what the heck, this is how you learn.  If you're that young then I guess she can't cause too much financial damage.  That is unless you get her knocked up.

Be careful!

Posted By: OingeBoinge
Let me guess, you're like in your early 20's or something?    
 News flash, there is a LOT more to a relationship than sex.  That is probably why so many provider don't want to see anyone under 30 years old.  But what the heck, this is how you learn.  If you're that young then I guess she can't cause too much financial damage.  That is unless you get her knocked up.  
 Be careful!

Seriously? And you think she is really "into you" but is asking you to give her $$$ that you will NEVER get back to be exclusive? For how long? Till her bills are payed? And how often will she have a "headache" when time for how "into you" she claimed to be months before...?

Do yourself a favor and realize that some of these ladies you are paying to LEAVE not for their offerings.
Think with the big head not the little one

you truly found......   Unconditional love
have fun  
read the return policy on your "product" ...
or soon be in garage sale  

Posted By: Hot_Rod_Johny
Been seeing this one young girl who really is into me.  Wants to be exclusive now.  She's the kind of girl you can take home to mom.  But she has some problems that I'm afraid will become mine.  She owes some money to people and asked me to help her with that and she's all mine.  How can I refuse.  She's just so sweet and adorable.

But I will give it a shot and see how it goes.

I like your cartoon.

it is very rare for something like this to work.  I can maybe count on one hand the number of providers I have known where it might have been able to grow into more of a relationship and I have seen quite a few over the years.  Then we would also have to assuming we were both in the same point in our lives where we were looking for that and other factors fit.  In each of those few cases there were certain qualities:

1.  She liked spending time with me.  In other words, times where I was not paying.  

2.  She had a regular job and just did this on the side for extra income and fun.

3.  She did not have financial problems.

You did not indicate there are any of those three qualities listed above.  So I'm sorry to say, but I think I know where your head it.  Your head is here......

Surely her chronological youth is indicative of the innocent, non jaded purity of her heart. Pay off her debts, hold her up proudly without blemish to the world, and hasten to buy a big house in which to multiply and further share your blessing of love.

:D  :D  :D

Try to get out of the relationship gracefully BEFORE she ropes you into moving her furniture out of one incall and hauling it across town and up two flights of stairs to her NEW incall plant.

RJBerger618 reads

sounds very Fiddy like.... Fiddy is this you again and a another alias???

we all know who this is..

Posted By: RJBerger
sounds very Fiddy like.... Fiddy is this you again and a another alias???
-- Modified on 5/31/2015 7:53:59 AM

It works great. They do sex shows in front of me, I join in any time I like.  They pay the rent and cook.  I play guitar when I feel like it.  Don't listen to the haters.  It can be heaven!  It is for me!  And Carla and Goldie...   Heaven on earth...  Haters be gone!

HUmm ?????dan ha ha  
HAAAAAAA  you are such brat king...... do not forget  post your personal   Iife  in  facebook too
IMPORTANT  things" THE world need to read " ...  some EX ...    I  pee today ..I went to  Costco    etc etc  

       Goldie.... hope met her soon..... one these days etc.............                                                      
 DAN  big BACI
 was missing your sense humor  

-- Modified on 6/1/2015 5:21:38 PM

And I AM going to Costco today...

Posted By: Sexy_European
HUmm ?????dan ha ha  
 HAAAAAAA  you are such brat king...... do not forget  post your personal   Iife  in  facebook too  
 IMPORTANT  things" THE world need to read " ...  some EX ...    I  pee today ..I went to  Costco    etc etc  
        Goldie.... hope met her soon..... one these days etc.............                                                        
  DAN  big BACI  
  was missing your sense humor  

-- Modified on 6/1/2015 5:21:38 PM

Now I'm answering my own posts...Nothing wrong with dreaming!

Posted By: Hot_Rod_Johny
Been seeing this one young girl who really is into me.  Wants to be exclusive now.  She's the kind of girl you can take home to mom.  But she has some problems that I'm afraid will become mine.  She owes some money to people and asked me to help her with that and she's all mine.  How can I refuse.  She's just so sweet and adorable.

Can be a hole you might ne able to dig out of. Despite you're open heart to help her.  

The end might be have you saying wtf did I just do.

CaptainRenault422 reads

She has some "problems?"  She owes some money?  Are you NUCKING FUTS!?!?!  She is going to open your wallet and bank account like a sardine can, and when the last drop of dollar juice is squeezed, it will be "adios, mudderpucker!"  Don't be an idiot.  RUN, don't WALK, to the nearest exit!


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