Los Angeles

Shouldn't "K-girls" have their own board? Do they even read/write here?
Brennan_Blake 1265 reads

If the board isn't full of ads lately it's another search for "best k-girl...with tits, a vagina, 2 eyes and a nose, etc and on and on".  

The girls that post their ads are at least of much value in that they also participate in relevant discussions, post alerts that all of us should read and generally take an actual interest in their chosen industry and client's likes, dislikes, expectations, issues.

Can the word "best" be banned and maybe limit posts that can easily be avoided by using the SEARCH function?!

I understand that the majority of the local TER regulars see K-girls but it removes a lot of the relevance that is LA/industry related so can't they have a K-girl forum like TS and Porn stars? It's a niche, right?


I definitely think it is a niche, and they should have their own forum.  And their ads should be posted there as well.

Brennan, remember that not all guys are smart enough to use the SEARCH button... although I wish common sense was a little more "common" in this particular area.

But on this one, not so much....

Can't ban the word "best," methinks -- or at very least, should not, and as to limiting posts, well, not really a good idea....  This forum is for general discussions about LA-area hobby matters, and if the guys want to raise questions about KGals, it is because as a group they usually give good service for reasonable rates, and therefore a lot of the guys see them regularly....  Does not mean that there are not many beautiful and wonderful providers of other ethnic persuasions, but there are far more KGals than any other single niche, for a reason...

I do agree that there might be a separate Kgal or Asian forum, but we hobbyists do not wield much clout with TER.....


Who can answer "best ass"  "biggest tits" "best rim job"?   Maybe IF the K girls participated here they would post the pics that have also been requested but nothing I've seen as of yet has appeared except that taking up of space with subjective and useless questions that could easily be found using search.

That's why search exists.  To be fair, those questions asked about any girl are annoying but I was only saying that since the K girls aren't even here, it's more so!  Do their bookers get on TER?  

Please speak up and prove me wrong if you're out there but at the low rates those girls charge they probably have little time to spend dicking around on TER, so good for them, I guess.  

I was high volume once and I now I can't even look at prime rib ;)
Looks like old ball sac! GAG!


chairmanoftheboard395 reads

errrr. I might have misunderstood what you said Brennan. But are you saying those of us who  see beautiful K-girls that give great service at a reasonable price are seen as old ball sacs by you???

Posted By: Brennan_Blake

Who can answer "best ass"  "biggest tits" "best rim job"?   Maybe IF the K girls participated here they would post the pics that have also been requested but nothing I've seen as of yet has appeared except that taking up of space with subjective and useless questions that could easily be found using search.

That's why search exists.  To be fair, those questions asked about any girl are annoying but I was only saying that since the K girls aren't even here, it's more so!  Do their bookers get on TER?  

Please speak up and prove me wrong if you're out there but at the low rates those girls charge they probably have little time to spend dicking around on TER, so good for them, I guess.  

I was high volume once and I now I can't even look at prime rib ;)
Looks like old ball sac! GAG!


In spite of popular belief, a majority of the girls and their bookers read the reviews and boards. They may not post due to language skills or what not but they do read the boards.

From one of the superstar kgirls herself, she found the waterbottle topic posted a while back quite humorous and told me so. So even though the girls might not post, they or their bookers are reading into the boards and sentiments.

Even if they contribute, why should they? Nothing but bashing on them anyway.

Beemer, looking behind himself

onemomentporfavor556 reads

"Best" posts are just shills for ones favorite kgal provider as it is impossible to give a fair judgement, since none of us has seen all girls out there and clearly cannot tell which one can be the "best" one for a reason or another. They do not partecipate in discussions because they work for agencies who keep them away from this community or they might figure out that they are worth more of what their pimps charge.

Posted By: Brennan_Blake

If the board isn't full of ads lately it's another search for "best k-girl...with tits, a vagina, 2 eyes and a nose, etc and on and on".  

The girls that post their ads are at least of much value in that they also participate in relevant discussions, post alerts that all of us should read and generally take an actual interest in their chosen industry and client's likes, dislikes, expectations, issues.

Can the word "best" be banned and maybe limit posts that can easily be avoided by using the SEARCH function?!

I understand that the majority of the local TER regulars see K-girls but it removes a lot of the relevance that is LA/industry related so can't they have a K-girl forum like TS and Porn stars? It's a niche, right?


G2478 reads

Since they don't participate, post pictures or communicate in any way with their customers, the guys that see them talk about them a lot more amongst themselves.  If they weren't invisible, then the number of annoying ISO posts about them would probably be about the same as the number about the other ladies on the LA Board.  

I think most guys that make these posts are either new and don't know how to search, or are just lazy and want someone else to do the work for them.  Most of them probably fall into the latter group.

But I do agree a lot of it is shilling, too.  When you're all selling basically the same service, these sort of posts are cheap marketing, which is another good reason why they should be ignored.

I also agree about the ads having their own space!   Anyone who has seen me around the boards for a few years knows that the majority of my participation is NOT posting ads, it's generally more about discussions that I find relevant.

I've worked twice as hard for a hell of a lot less than I am paid now and have no shame in that and no problems with what anyone charges or doesn't charge.  How can I possibly be jealous of something I don't even know much about. ARE they any busier than me?  Maybe but how would I even know that?  If they are busier then at $250. an hour they'd still have much longer hours than I would ever in a lifetime want.
I support ALL women in this industry, I don't judge and I give references even when I am out of the country for months on end, not for the client's sake but to keep every woman trying to earn a living as safe as possible.

My remark about the word "best" was sarcasm...can someone please invent the sarcasm font already?!

I know there are other people, men included, that have tired of seeing the best this best that posts. It's silly.  My best might very well be your worst and vice versa.  This has definitely happened with clients I've had questionable references about then I turn around and LOVE the guy even though some other girl couldn't stand him.

Maybe us girls should start posting "Which client gives the BEST DATY?" posts...I like that idea!  And I have a few guys I'd shill for too!!  


Well, I'm sure BB was referring to a post I did today. Now I'm sorry to offend you Brennan, I'm sure you are a very great provider. In fact I would love to see you, except that you're out of my budget. If I had annual salary of 100K, then I would probably be one of your top regulars. But the reason why K-girls are so popular is because it's affordable to the average working Joe, who just wants great service for not costing an arm and a leg. Now I know  your rate is more than reasonable in the service you provide, but it doesn't mean it's affordable to most average joes. $$$ is still $$$ no matter how great the service is or how great a provider looks. K-girls provide that happy medium that hobbyist can still get satisfied without hurting their budget too much. Independents like you, tend not to be so willing to negotiate, and I've always gotten the NON-negotiable response, which I absolutely respect. But then I read providers complaining how K-girl steal all the business, but yet they are unwilling to be competitive with the rates?

I do agree that there should be K-girl forum, it would be nice. Honestly I'm sorry that you're annoyed at the K-girl posts. I'm not lazy, or a newb to the forum or site, I just wanted to see if anyone had an opinion and would like to share, since new K-girls pop up every month or so and honestly no one can afford to really try every single one of them.

Hope you can forgive my post. Have a great day! Wish you much success.

Mr_Perfect477 reads

Her post has nothing to do with yours. Her "brainstorm" did not magically appear this afternoon. She's not the only one complaining about K-girl competition. One of her friends posted about it a couple of weeks ago on the S&P board.

Don't apologize for hobbying the way YOU want to. It's your money, and your choices.

Whoa there fellow hobbyist. Don't get me wrong, I'm not apologizing for the way I'm hobbying, thanks for the support. I just wanted to apologize that she's annoyed for the K-girl post. She has a right to be annoyed and I do understand/empathize with her side. I don't want to start any flame wars or anything. Just wanted to defend my post. Thanks for the support again Mr_Perfect.

Mr_Perfect392 reads

Like I said. Her post had nothing to do with yours.

Apparently a little clique are taking exception to their competition. this has been festering, and didn't just pop into their little minds today.

Sorry if it sounded like I was disrespecting you. I didn't intend it that way.

No worries, you didn't disrespect me! Just don't want the providers to get the wrong idea. They are entitled to their opinions too! I fully respect what other providers charge. It's their body, their business. We're just lucky there are K-girls to take care of us average joes who can't afford the gorgeous high class providers out there. OH wellz.

What are you talking about most of these K-girls are gorgeous and can match any other ethnicity any day of the week. I have seen K-girls that would blow away most any other chicks, so I strongly disagree with your statement that you cannot afford the gorgeous high class providers out there. What that is the blonde provider. We are just lucky that is all they charge, I have seen both and the K-girls service is every bit as good as the $2k girls. And I can afford the higher end providers.

Mr_Perfect526 reads

Be honest! This is not about board space. It is about competition and money.

I have a novel idea. If providers are having difficulty keeping up with the K-Girls, run some damn specials or lower your rates to compete with them. Stop the whining and blaming others business models for your own misfortunes.

Segregation is not the answer honey.

Mr_Perfect446 reads

who wants to be honest. Why else would you want to segregate a class of providers? Please don't tell me that you have THEIR best interest at heart.

Harpman60400 reads

I would rather keep Asians/ K-girls , who are an important part , of the LA scene on the LA page and create a new page for the ads who frequency and numbers makes it difficult to keep track of the discussion.

The K-girls may be too busy or unable to post, but you can't assume that they , their broker or agencies to not keep track of reviews and discussions. I submit an absalute that the majority of those who read the LA page never post. There is nothing wrong with that.

It is unthinkable to promote the idea  banning words and phrases  that do not compromise safety , security or promote hate , bias and bigotry . Lazy and newbie let them post, I have the option to ignore.

It is understandable if the the success and interest in K-girls creates jealousy and even resentment amongst other providers. For my part ,  after trying all groups independent and agencies , I have reached the conclusion that no one can beat the  quality of service and experiece I get from my regular K-girls. It is a matter of taste and choice.

Generalisimo512 reads

I can say everything comes in cycles. In the late 90’s and early 2000’s, we had the eastern European and Russians bring in young, beautiful and cheap girls. Now we have K girls, mostly (I believe) to be a result of the AMP shut downs in the mid 2000’s. Before then, many worked the AMPs, thus staying off sites like this and the many ad malls back then.  Therefore; I do not think it justifies its own board.

The question in my opinion comes off as a bit of sour grapes, they are younger, cheaper and difficult to compete with on several levels. But someone such as Brennan, (Again my opinion) is of a different class, if I am looking for blonde and GFE, I call her. But if I am looking for a petite brunette, early 20s (Most), Asian and under 3 hundred, I call a K girl; that simple. So if you find the K girl posts to be annoying then too bad. This board is to share information, granted many of the posts I also find to be annoying or shills but still deal with it like I do.

onemomentporfavor326 reads

Not all k-girls are under 300

Posted By: Generalisimo
I can say everything comes in cycles. In the late 90’s and early 2000’s, we had the eastern European and Russians bring in young, beautiful and cheap girls. Now we have K girls, mostly (I believe) to be a result of the AMP shut downs in the mid 2000’s. Before then, many worked the AMPs, thus staying off sites like this and the many ad malls back then.  Therefore; I do not think it justifies its own board.

The question in my opinion comes off as a bit of sour grapes, they are younger, cheaper and difficult to compete with on several levels. But someone such as Brennan, (Again my opinion) is of a different class, if I am looking for blonde and GFE, I call her. But if I am looking for a petite brunette, early 20s (Most), Asian and under 3 hundred, I call a K girl; that simple. So if you find the K girl posts to be annoying then too bad. This board is to share information, granted many of the posts I also find to be annoying or shills but still deal with it like I do.

I recall seeing a couple of those european and baltic young ladies. mostly on www.eroticsafari.com ; some of them were absolute model quality for at most 500. Whatever happened to them?

I'm disturbed by the conversations about K-girls.  How can you just lump together a group of women and dismiss them.  A provider is a provider is a provider.  Yes, there are cultural differences, but Korean is not a sub-human species.

Now if you want to see sub-human, go to Humaniplex.  Just joking.  Skank is skank is skank.

Mr_Perfect401 reads

I didn't want to encroach on that subject and chose to voice my opinion in other ways, but I do agree with you.

So, who's being racist here? The guys that only want to see one race of woman?!  It's not rates, or any other qualification the ubiquitous K-girl posts are inquiring for, it's a RACE. K=Korean, yes??   So are they being racist toward white girls, black girls??

Racism isn't including one race, it's excluding,  you genius.

The posts don't say "seeking a bbbj for 250. or best rimming for 400." they specifically request ONE race of woman.  Not a service, a personality style, a RACE.

No no I don't care who sees who and being in my industry I'm pretty open minded!  What I meant was that after being high volume and seeing 10-15 dicks in a day I can't look at prime rib without thinking of ball sacs!   I know, gross.  Turns out a girl CAN have too much of a good thing....I love a nice ball sac but like many wonderfully rich things I put in my mouth, moderation is key!

Hope I didn't put ya off dinner at Lowry's!!  


Let me start by disclosing some relevant information. I haven`t read this entire thread so if I take anything out of context I apologize and will correct it if called on it. I confess to reading just about anything Brennen posts because I enjoy it, much like I enjoyed our visit. She`s special in many ways. Her uniqueness is obvious when you meet her and she leaves a very refreshing type of impression.

Having said that, my only comment on anything pertaining to racism is this. It`s not that I only want to see one race of woman. If memory serves, I`ve sought out at least four. The attraction to Korean girls is the stark difference in attitude. Not by all, but enough to make a noticeable difference. When is the last time a non Korean girl gave you a nice shower? It might not be everyone`s prerequisite but it`s becoming one of mine.

As far as the session goes, are any of them really that different? Let`s see. Tongue it? Check Suck it? Check. Eat it? Check, Jerk it? Check. Fuck it? Check. Whip out the wallet and drop up to $600.00? Um.....no (absolutely no offense to BB or any lady with a similar price structure).

My bottom line is this. Great sessions with a pretty, kind, appreciative woman regardless of race for $250.00 has to be looked at in a positive light. Nothing more, nothing less.

Posted By: Brennan_Blake

So, who's being racist here? The guys that only want to see one race of woman?!  It's not rates, or any other qualification the ubiquitous K-girl posts are inquiring for, it's a RACE. K=Korean, yes??   So are they being racist toward white girls, black girls??

Racism isn't including one race, it's excluding,  you genius.

The posts don't say "seeking a bbbj for 250. or best rimming for 400." they specifically request ONE race of woman.  Not a service, a personality style, a RACE.  

I have no idea why some people became so defensive about that suggestion... I would love a blonde board, it would give me the full attention of my audience.  But hey, that business mindset is why I am the business here and guys are the patrons. I have to think in those terms, you do not.

If there are indeed SO many girls, coming and going, it seems to me that it would be very beneficial for the clients to keep up with the girls as well, to run bookers by each other, etc. It would also allow board space for the guys who are interested in simply seeing any quality girl that caught their attention and doesn't require a particular race to get their jollies :)

The men who found my suggestion offensive are clearly defensive for some other reason and that's their issue to look into, not mine. I stand by my suggestion.  I'm sure the porn stars and TS's love having their own board, prove me wrong.


That would be great. Do you know anyone at ter who can make it happen? I agree and hate having to sift through a bunch of stuff I am not interested. And yes I typically do a search on the word kgirl, but seem to come across disucssions like this instead.   PS many of the kgirls do not have pimps and are pretty much indy girls just trying to make a living in a tough economy. Sheesh, you think $250 is cheap, you should see what the real cut is.  Its not easy getting an apt in la or people who will answer the phone. They have a network of helpers, but please do not confuse them with pimps.

Posted By: CalJohn
I'm disturbed by the conversations about K-girls.  How can you just lump together a group of women and dismiss them.  A provider is a provider is a provider.  Yes, there are cultural differences, but Korean is not a sub-human species.

Now if you want to see sub-human, go to Humaniplex.  Just joking.  Skank is skank is skank.

onemomentporfavor457 reads

Since they do not post you have all these guys posting for them with these disguised posts for best of this and best of that.

Yes, I agree with you and your opinion about k-girls. They definitely should have their own board when they can post and the hobbyists who enjoy k-girls can just go there and read the ads !!!!



K-girls don't post on this board nor do they and/or their associates put up adds on this board.  I believe they are doing well enough without posting and probably don't want the attention and drama that often comes with it.  They are not her advocating for their own board and I'm not seeing many guys with a significant K-girl review history advocating for one either.

GuyFawkes370 reads

That way I don't have to sift through a page that is 50-75% ads.  Seriously, it's a discussion board, not a bulletin board.

I was gonna say, so what's point, and given that the purpose of the shill is to get biz for their gal - they will post where the action is.

Maybe if they came up with something more inspiring than 'best bolt ons' lol

Harpman60414 reads

Do you post because you have nothing better to do ? What do you actually know about the K-girl scene ?  How many LA  K-girl have you been with ? how familiar are you with the LA hobby scene. 

 Why would you assume that whoever posts about  K-girl is a is a shill ? If you have no interest in the K-girl posts  ignore I do that with the ads in which I have no interest  and  would rather see on a separate page and keep this for discussion, about LA  hobbying ,in which K-girls are integral part. However, the powers that be ,in their wisdom , feel otherwise and we have no option but to share , live and let live.

You are new here do some research on the subject , so that you will posts will be better informed.

Many of my K-girl regulars are as good if not better than any provider that use to charge me  upwards of $500, attempt to upsell , if not ROB. I would happily pay double or more to see my favorite K-girls .

This anti K-girl storm is driven by resentment , jealousy and mean spirit. August may be slow for some , but it is busy for those beautiful women  who provide excellent service , positive attitude , clean environment  and desire to please. That and not the price attracts me to them.

Demand and supply will determine if the asking price some providers are demanding will result in the phone ringing. They are free to ask whatever they wish for their time/services , but once they make their bed they sleep in it.

Posted By: Dbara
I was gonna say, so what's point, and given that the purpose of the shill is to get biz for their gal - they will post where the action is.

Maybe if they came up with something more inspiring than 'best bolt ons' lol
Sent from my iPad

I may not be using the term correctly - but look at the 'K-Girl Best Bolt Ons? .... that thread - an alias posted two K-girl names and tried to disguise it as a commentary - it got me to look at each profile and their CV listing  and two more K-girls on my list.

So - what is that?

I'm not complaining - and I was just stating that the shill-posters would post where the action is - I don't need to know much about the K-girl scene to have that opinion.

And I've seen many other k-girls mentioned in posts by alias... ???

I'm actually not a shill poster. I'm a regular hobbyist like you. I'm not even trying to promote any of the girls either, but I"m not going to be some newbie and not mention names like I have "researched" or everyone freaking telling me off and tell me to just use the search options. Honestly sometimes those reviews are biased and skewed. I just wanted to here some fresh new opinions. Stop freaking calling my post a SHILL. I hate that. I freaking can't understand why just because I want a K-girl with big bolt-ons, is a shill? That's a freaking legitimate question. I only mentioned 2 of the K-girls because that's all I see right now that is close to what I like in an AFT. People need to freaking get off my back!

Posted By: Dbara
I may not be using the term correctly - but look at the 'K-Girl Best Bolt Ons? .... that thread - an alias posted two K-girl names and tried to disguise it as a commentary - it got me to look at each profile and their CV listing  and two more K-girls on my list.

So - what is that?

I'm not complaining - and I was just stating that the shill-posters would post where the action is - I don't need to know much about the K-girl scene to have that opinion.

And I've seen many other k-girls mentioned in posts by alias... ???

I find those "best of" posts lame, but they aren't shill posts.  The guy that asks the question is not naming a girl and therefore he's not shilling for anyone.  And it seems to me the guys that asked those questions didn't get many responses which suggests lack of interest and no army of shills.

How about the guys that chime in when a girl posts an add (which wouldn't be a K-girl since they don't post adds) and says something to the effect - "hey guys she's not to be missed."  That's a shill in my book although it doesn't meet the TER definition.

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