Los Angeles

Re: WHy the Alias?
LALOVER01 4425 reads
1 / 39

Recently I have become more active and see two or at least one provider every week. I also read discussions here on the board. I have come to the conclusion that a lot of the ladies are for the most part, spoiled brats. They value their time a lot yet don't give a shit about the guys time who is paying for it. The more I know about them the more I gravitate towards K girls. With them, its all about the customer. With the spoiled brats, its all about them, unappreciative, rude, selfish centered , entitled bitches.... agree or disagree?

AHappyCamper 9 Reviews 88 reads
2 / 39

a spoiled brat.  Sure there might be some that are as you describe.  None of the ladies I've meet have I been disappointed in seeing.  They have been absolutely wonderful.  I do my due diligence by knowing the type of lady I enjoy spending time with and I'll do my research on them. It's worked out for me just fine.

I have no knowledge of the K-girl scene so I can't speak on it.  

Silkstalkings 327 Reviews 132 reads
3 / 39

Too afraid to use you're real handle!

Or afraid  you will Blacklisted?

Not all are spoiled brats as you would say. I've met many over the years and have become wonderful friends with and some have moved on and still keep in touch with a nice email to say "hi".

It's like your throwing rocks over the wall so know one will see who you are too hide.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 84 reads
4 / 39

He said "for the most part."  I interpret that to mean something more than 50%.  Can't say I would disagree on that point.  There are many ladies here who are fair and respectful about a customer's time, but there are also many who are chronically late, or will bump you last minute because they have a bigger fish on their line.  I especially have a problem with ladies wanting a deposit in case you cancel, yet they think nothing of cancelling you without any compensation for YOUR wasted time.  This is only ONE of the reasons they keep losing market share to agency imports who respect the schedule that has been set on a much more consistent basis.  

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-- Modified on 10/9/2017 9:27:43 AM

ShillBill 96 reads
5 / 39

How can you be so sure. Do you have data? Is there market research on this.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: He didn't say "every" . . . . .
He said "for the most part."  I interpret that to mean something more than 50%.  Can't say I would disagree on that point.  There are many ladies here who are fair and respectful about a customer's time, but there are also many who are chronically late, or will bump you last minute because they have a bigger fish on their line.  I especially have a problem with ladies wanting a deposit in case you cancel, yet they think nothing of cancelling you without any compensation for YOUR wasted time.  This is only ONE of the reasons they keep losing market share to agency imports who respect the schedule that has been set on a much more consistent basis.    
 Modified to correct typo  
 -- Modified on 10/9/2017 9:25:51 AM

-- Modified on 10/9/2017 9:27:43 AM

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 76 reads
6 / 39

...data!  He doesn't have to show you any stinkin' data!!  He's a K-fanboy; isn't that enough for you to believe him?

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 92 reads
7 / 39

Sensible post you've put up in weeks. There's hope for you yet.  Lol

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 87 reads
8 / 39

I talk to a lot of indies who believe this is happening to them.  Can't say more without compromising my anonymity with these ladies. If some of them knew I was CDL, they would not see me anymore.  You can go ahead and bash me for wanting to remain anonymous, but if you do you should switch out of your alias first. Just Sayin. Lol


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LALOVER01 81 reads
9 / 39

Didn't say all. You can continue kissing their ass.
Yes on the Alias. I didn't name any ladies so no need for be to be named. I didn't even know about " Blacklisting" . Thank you for letting me know. That is all the more reason to use Alias.

LALOVER01 84 reads
10 / 39

By the way, I looked at your 214 reviews. I see a very impressive list of " high end , over priced" providers you have been with. Most of the girls you have seen are 160-180 / hr range  Of course you would remain very close friends with them....FYI, they were not the topic of my discussion..

Silkstalkings 327 Reviews 105 reads
11 / 39

1st do you're homework I barely have reviewed and girls in the 160-180 range. Kgirls 250-300.

Also, I've had many many dates in 800-1000, 1500-200(pornstars) pr hr. All of them requested to not write a review of them which I respectfuly done.  
I have "No" problem ever getting  date cause I can use them as refs.

ShillBill 86 reads
12 / 39

I guess I could bash you, but I prefer to help you. That’s why I’m responding. Your comment “I talk to a lot of indies” is incredibly  weak.  How many is a lot? Two, three, four.
Just Sayin’

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 74 reads
13 / 39

a dozen or so.  They have some concerns about the Asian agency encroachment into their customer base and say they have friends that are having the same experience.  Its not uncommon when you check many SoCal reviews to find guys that have been hobbying with indies for a few years and then switched to a majority of Kgirls.  I was 90% indies my first year and a half.  Now its about 85-15 the other way, but my longest continuous regular (monthly for three years) is an indie.  There was also a recent discussion on the SD board about the glut of ads on BP by Asian agencies that's making it difficult to sort out the indies.  Its clear the indies and their loyal customers are concerned, and accounts in part for the narrative among SOME indies that all Asian agency girls are sex slaves, in an effort to keep their own customers from defecting.  

But, there may be a leveling of the playing field coming.  There is about to be a widespread price increase in the Kgirl market that will make the rate disparity between Kgirls and indies diminish.  It will be interesting to see if the indies still lose market share when prices are more comparable.  If they do, then its a service issue, not a price issue causing the defection to Kgirls.  Can't wait to see how it plays out.  

LALOVER01 61 reads
14 / 39
LALOVER01 77 reads
15 / 39

Thank you for your input Mia. I am not a newbi here. Been writing reviews here on TER since 2003.  At one point there was Mimi LAX, I don't know if anyone here has been around long enough to know her. She is long gone from the seen but she was one heck of a lady. Hott as fuck, Horney as hell , cute and genuine . Then there was Eden Haze. No one today comes anywhere close to her( those I have met) these days. Veronica wood, hell of a lady, and ....
These days though anyone in their range, ( again for the most part, I have not met all) are just spoiled brats.  
Of course there are some that are totally fine. Take Carla Di Capri for example. Hott, sexy, cute, funny, and darn right genuine and brutally honest and real. not jaded or selfish at all. In fact she tries to set you up with her friends too.  
I just think that these days ( for the most part) those asking for $600 and up , are not worth the drama. There are way better options out there.

ShanaLay See my TER Reviews 102 reads
16 / 39

I'm curious if that ethic applies here. If someone would insist on American Made vs. something made in Asia. Or if this is different and if so how. Also, do you see a dramatic difference in the service you receive? Are there aspects to the kgirl experience that are strikingly different? I suppose I shall go read more about it. I've left it off my radar for now since I can tell it would be a total timesuck for me to delve into. This is all so fascinating to me on so many levels.

This question is to LALOVER)01 Do you screen your escorts at all in terms of their character or personality? Are you looking for a particular kind of personality? Or less personality all together? Do you think there are wide differences in that department regarding what different men want?

It seems like the Spoiled Brat thing is well, a thing. It' a whole thing and some guys are really into that thing. So ,if you're not into that thing, are there tell tale signs on someone's website  that would be a clue for you?

I know the men who choose to see me often do so as much from who I am as for what I look like.    i know that I tend to be pretty authentic in my meets. I am who I am, silly at times, soporiphic at times, super sexy all the time. LOL  I imagine that's more important to some than to others. Does it factor into your decision making or, and I"m totally ignorant of the kgirl thing, is that aspect of it different with them? Is their affect more, homogeneous, so you sort of know what to expect no matter who you go to?  

Thanks to anyone for answering any of those! LOL

ShillBill 97 reads
17 / 39

I don’t rule out “foreign” made as I’ve driven foreign cars on and off for years and I do like Italian made clothing, especially Lora Piana    

Actually it’s more about the command of the English language. I like some conversation during my sessions. And I’m not a fan of the scripted session.  

I also look to screen for that “spoiled brat” thing. If I sense that the a provider has it, she’s automatically off my “to do” list. While I don’t partake in social media, I have found twitter to be an excellent tool in discovering the “spoiled brat” thing.  

Thanks for the thoughtful post, stick around, the board could use you.

LALOVER01 105 reads
18 / 39

Shana, we are not talking cars or parts here. If, again, IF, the American made is spoiled brat who demands ton of money and expects the customer to serve her as oppose to the other way around and the foreign made is willing to worship the customers dick and even ass, then foreign it is. If given the same service, I ll take American made any day.
As for screening providers,  yes , that is what this site and board are for.  
And yes I know there are guys who are into spoiled brats. Otherwise  , spoiled brats wouldn't exist. There are guys who love golden and brown showers too. Try raping your head around that one....  
Yes to character.  
And for the record, there are plenty of extremely nice ladies around. I am lucky to know some of them.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 67 reads
19 / 39

Much like me, in person, she is a total sweetheart.   She has a great personality to go with her beauty and intelligence.

Foker 21 Reviews 81 reads
20 / 39

What's really disheartening is when you find a girl you like, you're willing to pay her rate, you've actually had one session with her, but then she imposes a 2 hour minimum for the only times you're available to meet.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 62 reads
21 / 39

to be fungible with homegrown pussy.  The attraction for me to the import providers are consistency in high-level service.  I have met US-born providers that are better than any import, but there are many more that aren't, so for someone like me where service is king and appearance is secondary, the imports offer me a better percentage of reliably great sessions, but do not equal the "best" that a small percentage of US providers have to offer.  Consequently, I see both.  

LALOVER01 88 reads
22 / 39

I know there are some really nice LADIES here , I am not talking about those but Mr, Foker, you are dealing with HOOKERS. That is what they do. and when hookers tell you , oh your handsome, oh you are wonderful, oh you are such a nice guy....Know this.., they actually think that you are a cheating bastard and have no respect for you. So yes, if they think your in a bind , god help you

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 46 reads
23 / 39

-- Modified on 10/12/2017 8:03:32 AM

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 70 reads
24 / 39

I wish I had time to play once a week.  lol Time is precious.  I always choose to spend my time wisely.  I pay for VIP here too, so I read the reviews to see if we maybe compatible first.  I cruise the discussion boards to see if the guy is a gentleman, or a troll.  Making an executive decision is what counts.  Quality time is priceless.

Maybe you want to try a different approach & choose a provider that values your time, and business.  There are many providers, like myself that have professional jobs that are not related to this industry.  I would assume that the entertainers your referring to more, than likely only do this escorting all day everyday.  If this is the fact, then yes, I can see the provider becoming jaded.  

Best of luck to you in your search, but I would not give up hope just yet.  I am optimistic.  Smile 4 me & make it a great day!

Lip-lock 40 Reviews 69 reads
25 / 39

So when do we get to read your review of Mia Hug? Or for that matter any non-kgirl.

Darthvolc 2 Reviews 76 reads
26 / 39

That has not been my experience. Since I don't know who you have seen nor how you get to your conclusion, it's hard to speculate why our experiences are so different.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 73 reads
27 / 39

...He's a K-fanboy who can only afford to spend $250.  He can't afford to see "indies" as he labels any non K-girls.  Mia is so far out of his league that he can only dream about seeing her.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 69 reads
28 / 39

like you can't afford to spend anything this year.  Your last review and whitelist was 2016, where you saw three ladies at once and probably spent what I spend in a week.  Are you still saving up for your next appointment?   Are you going to be able to afford to fuck anybody before 2017 ends, big shot?  

I see plenty of indies, but they don't know they saw CDL, and its driving all of you nuts.  You will not goad me into compromising my anonymity.  Its too much fun watching all the drama.  I suppose I could post some incall addresses, but I don't think that would be very gentlemanly of me, and might even violate TER rules.    

BTW, the guy with his nose up your ass, Lip-Lice is a Kfanboy too.  Only he prefers the girls that offer BBFS at the Palace.  NOBODY sees Palace girls UNLESS they are into BBFS.  That's an undisputed fact in the Kgirl scene in LA.  He has reviewed five of them, one notorious girl twice!   Why aren't you bashing the cream-pie lover?  More of your double-standard?  You keep getting smaller and smaller.  (Except your tits, they're still huge.  When I asked here, nobody wanted to say if they were bigger than Shaunna's, so I think we know what the answer is.)

Lip-lock 40 Reviews 55 reads
29 / 39

Oh it's so much fun to watch you grovel CDL. I also am dying to know if you're dating Mia OTC as well. You are such a badass playah' it wouldn't surprise me.  

Lip-lock 40 Reviews 79 reads
30 / 39

Oh and to answer your question yes I have C cup man boobs and they are SPECTACULAR.!! As for kgirls yes I've seen several many of whom are lovely sweet women that really know how to treat a guy. No shame there. If you want to run more BS about bare-back go for it. But it's no more true than you seeing Mia Hug.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 71 reads
31 / 39

Your big comeback?  This is even weaker than LilMamasan.  At least you're not denying that you're a BBFS-hound.  The independent ladies here that want to stay safe should be putting you on their DNS list. Carry on.

mufftime 270 Reviews 91 reads
32 / 39

K-girls give you the best bang for the buck.

Posted By: LALOVER01

Recently I have become more active and see two or at least one provider every week. I also read discussions here on the board. I have come to the conclusion that a lot of the ladies are for the most part, spoiled brats. They value their time a lot yet don't give a shit about the guys time who is paying for it. The more I know about them the more I gravitate towards K girls. With them, its all about the customer. With the spoiled brats, its all about them, unappreciative, rude, selfish centered , entitled bitches.... agree or disagree?

ClamsCasino 75 reads
33 / 39

Wait, he is dating Mia off the clock?  How do you know?  OMG, this has become sooo confusing and I am so old.  Wasn't the thread about brattiness?  Are you saying Mia is bratty?   So..... confused...... how you guys make girl talk about yourselves......

Well, anyway, yes it is difficult to get off on even the most beautiful provider "letting" you shtup her while she texts her friends and looks for a restaurant on yelp.  Even doggie!  For a cool $60 yet!

No, don't even think about moving this post to the 80 and older board.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 105 reads
34 / 39

Many of the girls you see don't even have condoms on the premises.  That's why they're all the talk on the BBFS board.  Customers  ALL go to the Palace for one reason:  BBFS is automatic, you don't even have to ask.  You saw five different girls there.  Like a kid on a candy store.  NOW, you want to try to convince the indies here you're NOT a scumbag?  Good luck with that.  You will never rehabilitate this, so you might as well stop trying.  You're getting buried.  There is a time when a smart man quits while he is behind.  

-- Modified on 10/13/2017 8:21:40 PM

ShillBill 78 reads
35 / 39

Sometimes there more to it than just getting your rocks off.

Posted By: mufftime
Re: As I always said.....
K-girls give you the best bang for the buck.
Posted By: LALOVER01
 Recently I have become more active and see two or at least one provider every week. I also read discussions here on the board. I have come to the conclusion that a lot of the ladies are for the most part, spoiled brats. They value their time a lot yet don't give a shit about the guys time who is paying for it. The more I know about them the more I gravitate towards K girls. With them, its all about the customer. With the spoiled brats, its all about them, unappreciative, rude, selfish centered , entitled bitches.... agree or disagree?

phi68psi 21 Reviews 94 reads
36 / 39

so ruined this post as they usually do, I am reluctant to say something that pertains to the original post.

And since so many take satirical remarks as serious comments, the following is a joke. It never happened.

There are so many self centered girls that I have taken to low balling their hysterically high rates and watching them blow up.  Did that to two this week.  Good, predictable sport.  

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 84 reads
37 / 39

I agree there is a lot of satire and sarcasm here played for humor.  I have been taken seriously on so many occasions when it was not my intent that I have started putting LOL at the end of many of my posts to indicate I am NOT being serious.  However, Papasan still quotes these with links as though they are serious comments.  

I apologize if I helped spoil the thread for you, but I have too points to make, 1) Papasan is the low-hanging fruit here, and who doesn't like to take a good wack at a piñata once in awhile when they hand you the stick?   and 2)  no offense, but being from San Diego yourself, a little introspection might reveal that maybe YOU are a little to serious here.  The people there that can't appreciate humor and take everything seriously are the reason that board is circling the drain.  I post there because I hobby in SD, too, as shown by my review history.  However, SD board refugees are coming up here just to find some interesting things to talk about, but they need to find a sense of humor while they're traveling the 5 or the 15 north.  

AND for the record, look through the threads and see who it is that takes the FIRST shot at the other 95% of the time.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 109 reads
38 / 39

...because you're being taken seriously, that means your pathetic attempts at humor are not funny.


AND for the record, look through the threads and see who it is that is obsessed with homosexual sex and TS sex because he accuses other of engaging in that type of sex.  He describes the sex acts very vividly.  Homophobe much?  Or wishful thinking?

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 110 reads
39 / 39

absolutely pathetic.  Just like here, YOU are the one that keeps bringing it up over and over, trying to convince us that you have nothing to come out of the closet with.  Liberate yourself.  Be real, and you will feel better.  

I don't know about not being funny.  I get an awful lot of "likes" on my funny stuff, way more than you do.  I  had to do this primarily for you because you're so dense, like the one about the Christmas chocolates.  LOL at the end means its a joke.  But you linked it to a few of your rants attacking me because you thought it was serious.  So you're still not paying attention even when there is LOL at the end.  How stupid does that make you look?

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