Los Angeles

Re: Where are these extraordinary women?
olivialeon See my TER Reviews 677 reads

Lol okay?

What the Fuck?  Are you serious?  You don't respect women.  

You would not believe how many private emails I've received telling me what an ass you are and I must say, I completely agree with all the emails I've received

well i am evil.    an employee of a business associate of mine did me a big favor.  so in return i paid for and set him up for an appointment with a top LA lady.  he had never indulged before and now he is in love.  well in love with the concept of being able to arrange a wonderful drama free sensual time at this convenience.    

although this lady is above the donation level he should afford i have a feeling he is going to be blowing his next 4 paychecks  LOL  

and another one discovers the amazing hobby and how lucky we are in Los Angeles to enjoy the company of some extraordinary women.

Or you talkin about them bitches and hoes?

Why do you TRY, key word try...to turn a beautiful experience into something not so much?  Why such a negative attitude?

We are providers, providing a fun and sexy experience, we are women, human, sensitive, nurturing and sharing the love.  Why can't you just enjoy vs trying to put us down?  This is supposed to be a fun and sexy experience for all involved - isn't it?

Maybe I had too much fun or too much vino tonight with my awesome date (from this site)?

There's enough hate, violence and ugly in this world - can't we all just be nice and get along?

Lol okay?

What the Fuck?  Are you serious?  You don't respect women.  

You would not believe how many private emails I've received telling me what an ass you are and I must say, I completely agree with all the emails I've received

Ohhh noooooooo......let me go into my corner and cry a little

-- Modified on 11/22/2015 10:13:19 AM

Did your dick get any longer when you went down this road of sowing what an insecure limp dick you are?  Did you get taller, grow some balls?  Just curious what you get out of this?  Is this a fetish?

Exactly WHY he (and many others), have to PAY for sex!!.

Turn him DOWN Ladies!.

Yuck!. :(

Not defending that guy as he is a douche (only redeeming quality is he is a Barcelona fan) but...

This seems to me that you are making broad generalisations about those who have to PAY for sex...

A bit of a slippery slope if you ask me and I am surprised that no one else here had a problem with it...

Knows4fun400 reads

slippery slope is right…

pay for sex…pay, for sex.. let's think here

Anyone around here actually, you know, do that ? Have I been the only one ?

Posted By: tankbinding
Not defending that guy as he is a douche (only redeeming quality is he is a Barcelona fan) but...  
 This seems to me that you are making broad generalisations about those who have to PAY for sex...  
 A bit of a slippery slope if you ask me and I am surprised that no one else here had a problem with it...

I am sorry you were offended by that, but my comment was meant for the Men who obviously HATE woman.

Douche bags who are disrespectful, angry., and treat woman like they are nothing more than a *********!!!!!!!!!!!. :(

"THEY" are the ones who have to PAY for sex, as nobody would be with them otherwise...It's pretty clear...

There are plenty of CLASSY/RESPECTFUL men, who engage in this sort of companionship, who just do not want any type of commitments....It is convenient for them, and is a win-win for everyone....They are good looking, FUN, and really appreciate us Ladies..(all around).

I hope this clears things up..



Knows4fun473 reads

Absolutely no offense taken ! Seriously.  

I do get your meaning and am certain you and other women experience a lot of anxiety-causing-douche -bags. Even with all the necessary screening.  

Peace for sure Sweets


Posted By: KaylasAngels
I am sorry you were offended by that, but my comment was meant for the Men who obviously HATE woman.  
 Douche bags who are disrespectful, angry., and treat woman like they are nothing more than a *********!!!!!!!!!!!. :(  
 "THEY" are the ones who have to PAY for sex, as nobody would be with them otherwise...It's pretty clear...  
 There are plenty of CLASSY/RESPECTFUL men, who engage in this sort of companionship, who just do not want any type of commitments....It is convenient for them, and is a win-win for everyone....They are good looking, FUN, and really appreciate us Ladies..(all around).  
 I hope this clears things up..  

You're most definitely the current winner - Douche Bag of the Week

Use all the letters.

So, an anagram of barcafan cannot be barfcan. Abarfcan or (A Barfcan) is, however, a proper anagram. :)

LOL the volume of white knights on these boards is tragic.

Douche? OMG HOW OFFENSIVE......going back to crying.

A shout out to all the AMAZING WOMEN on these boards who cure hard-ons $$$ at a time.


not exactly the comment stream i expected.   yes there are plenty of extraordinary woman and LA is one of the most wonderful places for them.     I Have always been very appreciative by their company.   even the ones i don't click with i still have warm thoughts.    while the top UTR girls are amazing and sometimes worth a couple of Mercedes payments I have been delighted by the women i have met over the years via TER.  

well off to vegas soon and support more single mothers  :

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