Los Angeles

Shaving my balls
TheTunneler 34 Reviews 1277 reads

What’s the best way to shave my balls? Really every time I try with the razor in the shower I just end up nicking them and bleeding.

You may still nick yourself, but try an electric shaver.  And if adding a little drop of electric shaver oil before mowing will make it much easier to wack the weeds!

Using a razor you always risk getting cut & bleeding. I found this online for me. & have seen it at Costco. Let me know how it goes. I love to help! My man loves using a Bic. Idk I don’t have balls. Lol smile for me! I shave everyday. Your welcome. Xoxo

I can vouch for the Manscape shaver.  It's safe to use in the shower and does a pretty good job.  I have Manscape version 3 and the version 4 shaver is now out.  There's a subscription option where they send replacement blades and other things.  Regarding the "blades", think of "clippers" used to cut hair.  With hair clippers, the part the "guide" overlays is what needs to be replaced every so often with the Manscape shaver.

I would offer to post a photo of the end results, but I doubt you wanna see MY "junk".   Besides, it's far more arousing looking at Bia.  ;)

Hope this helps!   Let me know if you have any questions!

+1. I've used Manscaped Lawn Mower for 5+ years and love it. Very rarely get a nick, but easy to use and gets the job done. Recommend.

I find this a worthy topic if only because a nice clean shave down there really enhances the sensation in my opinion, and ladies seem to appreciate the effort.  So here are my main tips:

1) Get a woman's razor like a "Venus."  I've never trusted electrics.

2) Start by trimming as much as you can using scissors.  Use a comb as a guard to keep the blades from coming in contact with the flesh!

3)  Shave in a hot shower.  If you have a handheld sprayer even better.  Get nice and warm to relax the skin and lather up with a moisturizing soap.

4)  Holding your member with one hand, GLIDE the razor over your shaft and balls.  Do NOT "scrape."  You'll be surprised how much hair is removed with only the slighttest contact.

5) Rinse the razor every one or two strokes at first.  Too much hair buildup reduces effectiveness and increasses the chances of nicks & cuts.

6)  Take your time and be gentle.  Once you're no longer seeing thick clumps of hair in the blades after a couple strokes, rinse, re-lather and target specific areas by holding the skin taught with one hand.  

7) Don't try to get it perfect in one try.  Shaving can be very irritating down there so don't fret if you need a couple days to get it just right.

8) When done, towel off and apply a moisturizing lotion with aloe, vitamin D and/or other soothing/healing agents.  For the love of all things holy, do NOT use a "refreshing" after shave lotion.  The mint or menthol will have you screaming from the burns.

9) If possible, let the boys hang free and air dry when done. Getting dressed too soon could encourage irritation.

Once again, take your time.  Test the razor against your skin before going all in and be gentle.  Better safe than sorry.

I agree with 44. I’ve done it for years. Never a nick. Use a good quality razor.  I like either Schik or Gillette. NOT a throwaway. I really like Harry’s shave cream.   Side note…years ago a provider told me they REALLY appreciate men being shaved.

swivels.  It follows the contours better and naturally avoids nicks.  Then I use the 5-blade cartridges that have the lubricant built onto the cartridge.  I tried the electric trimmers and cut myself almost every time I used one. As one other poster said, Harry's shave cream is okay, but a high-quality shaving soap that you apply with a horsehair shaving brush works the best, IMO.  As others said, a light touch is best on the balls.  You can use a little more pressure and get a closer shave on the surrounding areas where the skin is smoother.  

Be careful not to leave any stubble on the pubic area just above your dick, or your lady can end up with a rash and skin irritation.   She may not appreciate having to reschedule a later customer because your stubble left her skin red and irritated.  I learned this the hard way about 12 years ago so now I shave as close to the appointment time as practicable to make sure I'm as smooth as can be on the areas around my dick where her labia are likely to rub my skin.  

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