Los Angeles

Re: LOL !
Lip-lock 40 Reviews 2882 reads
1 / 19

I'm sure this has been discussed many times. But I just have to dump. Rating appearance can't possibly be a subjective choice. It's really just gotten ridiculous here. I almost always inflate if I like the girl in fear of hurting her feelings. But in reality I've seen a lot of gals that fall into the 5+ to say 7 range. Look man,  7 is fucking hot. An occasional 8 maybe. And my one true exception who if you want to know her see my reviews. But I just checked out a very popular provider that gets 8-10 in looks. I looked at her pics and I have to say if I was casting a movie and looking at pictures of women for the chubby grandmother role she'd definitely have a shot. Come on guys 10 is perfect. I know nothing will change and of course there's the "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder" but is it possible there are a lot of beholders that are in desperate need of and eye exam. And, if you have a fetish for big gals, or zoftig MILFS is she really one of the most beautiful women in the world? Just like with performance there she be a committee that has to approve appearance ratings over 7. I would like to volunteer to be on the committee. I think I have good taste and can be quite fair. And to the providers reading this I truly appreciate the female form and find sexy in all sorts of shapes, colors, and sizes but there has to be a cut off.

Lip-lock 40 Reviews 135 reads
2 / 19

Too politically incorrect or what? Ok well my suggestion to TER is to hold up pictures of Kate Upton, Danielle Herrington, and Sofia Vergara as a benchmark for a 9 or a 10 rating. And maybe we need a separate TER for 50+/160+ gals for you more interesting fellows. For me, I already have a MILF at home I can bang. When I go out to play I'm usually not interested in full filling a Mommy fetish. I'll leave it at that.

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 120 reads
3 / 19

Shits & giggles,  "I'm your huckle berry!"

Everyone is different.  Everyone has different likes, preferences, fantasies, etc..  I can agree that I have met some providers over the years at M&G's that I was astonished to see had consistent 10/10 scores, but I am not the one writing reviews.  Some guys are just very nice & think everyone is model material.  Where are these guys?  I need a 10 in looks lol I used to model.  IDK, but I doubt you will get a huge response.  I did know a provider who used to tell TER gents that she would give them half off her donation for a 10/10 review.  It is very possible the reviews maybe bs...

GoldieKnox See my TER Reviews 137 reads
4 / 19

Don't assume "perfect" to you is the same as it would be for the next guy.

That being said, yes, reviews can sometimes be a little inflated in scoring.
Read between the lines, write reviews how they would help you, lead by example and keep it fun.


coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 118 reads
5 / 19

up to $1000 an hour for gorgeous model-types, but many times what I got was a cold fish that was full of herself.  Attractive for me doesn't only include physical beauty, but the way she presents herself.  Also, as others have said, many of us have a certain "look" that we find the most attractive and tend to gravitate to girls that fulfill the fantasy look we are after.  There are curvy, voluptuous girls that many guys will give a 10 to, but I might give an 8, while I prefer slender, fit girls with visible muscularity, so that's my 10 and might be someone else's 8 because they think she's too "skinny."  

I think trying to impose your OWN ideals on the board by creating a uniform standard is only going serve those that like the same types you do, and the guys that like a different type are going to be here afterward posting what you did wondering how YOU could give a girl a 10 that they thought was an 8.  

495364 142 Reviews 116 reads
6 / 19

Finding a common ground on rating a providers appearance is going to be difficult to say the least, very subjective. But if the photos are accurate that should give you a great idea as to what to expect. I must say that personally if a provider says her photos are accurate (as well as the other reviewers) and upon arrival find the opposite, I will make a remark in my review to that point. It would sure make things easier if the guys writing reviews would try to be objective and not try to impress the provider with less than accurate information.

Lip-lock 40 Reviews 123 reads
7 / 19

Yeah I know it's never gonna happen. Plus there's way to many punks on here with mommy issues so there either afraid to tell the truth or they want some nice sagging wrinkly boobs to suckle. I give up.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 84 reads
8 / 19

you call a bulls-eye.   LOL

I get a lot of shit for saying this on the GD board, but IMO, its NEVER cool to ask for a discount.  The rate is the rate.  Either pay it or move downmarket a little to a rate you're comfortable paying.  

Lip-lock 40 Reviews 94 reads
9 / 19

Oh Mia how wrong you are. I never ever ever asked for a discount. And I can assure the top kgirls are way hotter than a lot of $600 girls. And read my review of Caroline. Apparently I'm not the loser you want to say I am. I'm a very respectful gentleman with the ladies I see. You just have a bug up your ass and that's fine.  
And the fact that there are actually unattractive women in this industry is just a fact. Get over it.

Lip-lock 40 Reviews 101 reads
10 / 19

Absolutely CDL. Just a case of a cranky little girl making shit up.

Lip-lock 40 Reviews 128 reads
11 / 19
Kyle_Paxton See my TER Reviews 130 reads
12 / 19
Lip-lock 40 Reviews 90 reads
14 / 19

Hey MiaPunch have you considered anger management?  I asked you  your price and if you do 30 minutes. What an asshole I am. Thank god i didn't ask you what part of town you're in that would have made me a child molester I guess. Not one word in the texts show any disrespect. It must not be easy going through life filled with all this resentment. Now take a breath and let it go.

bebedoll See my TER Reviews 123 reads
15 / 19

I certainly am not a 10 and it never helps me when somebody inflates my looks with a high rating.  The people I engage with want to be with me because I love what I do, not because of what I look like.  But I am very honest about that upfront and it has served me well... over and over and over again. :)

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 79 reads
16 / 19

In absolutes like "never."  If you're old, you can get away with just saying you "don't remember" ever asking for a discount.  If you're young, then you probably did ask, so you're pretty much screwed on this one.  Sorry.  

Shaunna See my TER Reviews 126 reads
17 / 19

Yeah, but you have a seperate passport to get your cock through customs :-)

I went to a Meet n Greet in NY, didn't recognise one provider from their website pictures that i had looked at earlier when i saw the guest list.

One of them looked like a teenage nymph in her pictures, in life, i thought it was her grandma, never been so shocked.  But i've met girls with all 10's, and not once thought they were a 10.  But if there was chemistry now that's a different story, because when you get a boner over someone, then they are a 10, shouldn't be, but all of it comes into play, attraction, sexual chemistry, connection etc, then they become the most beautiful girl in the world.

Me, i'm hot, 8 tops, but to some i am a 6/7 and the to the one's who have multiple personalities i'm a 10 at least once throughout the date hahaha.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 115 reads
18 / 19

I've gotten boners with girls I gave a 7 to.  For most older gents, its all about the service anyway.  When you're late 50's like me,  just about any provider in her 30's or 40's looks hot.  In fact, I am often uncomfortable with providers that are under 30.  Too big of an age difference to have anything in common to talk about.  

swish44 133 reads
19 / 19

I have also been to a MEET AND GREET and the girls were all 5 at best and that was generous .There are NO 10 in this industry .If they were 10s they would be super models and not be doing this sort of thing .The thing that really gets me is these girls really think there Hot and there  Not .But they think that since your paying them that there Hot . 700 800 1000 an hour for some of these girls . Gee I don't think so . Id rather buy a Apple Phone X for your time .iT Will look a lot better then the girl and will last a few years .

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