Los Angeles

Re: Just wondering if you could.......
strongnhorny 16 Reviews 4958 reads
1 / 25

I believe that anyone who post a BBFS k girl review should receive in-mails till the server explodes and text to the Booker to blacklist him.  WHY because we like our hobby and having it made LE priority one one is a very bad idea.

For those that dissent I hope you have great counsel. The most recent stupid review has created a avalanche that could bury our hobby with k girls locally  or at least the poor Booker.

Wow people's stupidity never fails to astound me. Consequence is too poorly recognized by morons.

let's all beat our chests and scream "Health Department, Vice & FBI .....all hail HDVF I assume we will need a song when we march around the prison grounds.

General Colon Bowel 1021 reads
2 / 25

1.  Please provide proof to backup your statement that an avalanche has been created.

2.  Please explain why you are posting this on a public board which alerts everyone including LE to what was written in
    a private section of the website.

Thanks for clarifying.

Harpman60 942 reads
3 / 25

Why would you shoot the messenger ? When I said it was that ,based on my experience,it is common especially with independents I had Muf and his fellow haters , trolls and cretins (on a jihad to cover up the truth or keep it to themselves to enjoy) throw their bombs ,slurs and abuse as if they were UBL and his band of taliban on 'roids.

You have to separate the indiscriminate chronic give it away from those who offer it discreetly to favorite clients on the understanding it remains confidential. Both Clients and providers should be responsible and accountable the decisions they make and actions they take.

If a provider is just giving away ,she should not be surprised it is reported in a review and worst still may find herself HIV positive and given the result of the ongoing TER survey overwhelmed by new business

Generic Joe 817 reads
4 / 25

actually it doesn't really alert LE.  more so the mongers lurking here that want to find BBFS girls.  trust me there's lot of out there and plenty of K-girls who do it.

strongnhorny 16 Reviews 678 reads
5 / 25

Sure Colon check under T visa online. then google "FBI prostate arrests Los Angeles" take the dates down. They do it twice a year. Now look around ER for ANY BBS reviews (none). now when the raids happen the agents are undercover. they can't hit them all. If you have any PD friends ask them what filters are used to determine who would be a. The most dangerous b. The easiest to grease informants with a T visa say angry girls with aids who have a blood test as a matter of standard procedure during a prostitution arrest.
Besides being inhuman and awful it is a sure fire way to get the focus from LE. since it's all harmless to you keep on mongering I'm sure you will be fine. I'm just an alarmist prick who thinks these girls are human beings and the Booker ass lick sociopath who should be chained in the sun with honey and ants. these girls are so ones daughters.

Posted By: General Colon Bowel
1.  Please provide proof to backup your statement that an avalanche has been created.

2.  Please explain why you are posting this on a public board which alerts everyone including LE to what was written in
    a private section of the website.

Thanks for clarifying.

strongnhorny 16 Reviews 904 reads
6 / 25

Harp...bbfs is ok with me...show me a single review defining it for LE so clearly. A few arrest couple of positive blood test and it is LA times front page "disease ridden hookers lure LA perverts with promises of unprotected sex." WTF why would the Booker not pull the review by pressuring the idiot who wrote it.

I've lived in Korea, I speak Korean. I've helped girls immigrate.  have friends who monger with LAPD This IS a problem. everyone is going to be trite till they are in the back of a cruiser.

Forget the bullshit yes no bbfs who cares we are going to have a big problem in a hurry. you know the drill the idiot Booker on this situation goes down everyone splits town....no getting laid guts.

mufftime 270 Reviews 884 reads
7 / 25

Another nonsensical rant from the true bomb thrower
who seems to be the expert on cretins and trolls..
Common means more often than not.
Well. NOT!!!
This topic doesn't even belong here.
If it happens try to be discreet and not a blabbering idiot.

Posted By: Harpman60
Why would you shoot the messenger ? When I said it was that ,based on my experience,it is common especially with independents I had Muf and his fellow haters , trolls and cretins (on a jihad to cover up the truth or keep it to themselves to enjoy) throw their bombs ,slurs and abuse as if they were UBL and his band of taliban on 'roids.

You have to separate the indiscriminate chronic give it away from those who offer it discreetly to favorite clients on the understanding it remains confidential. Both Clients and providers should be responsible and accountable the decisions they make and actions they take.

If a provider is just giving away ,she should not be surprised it is reported in a review and worst still may find herself HIV positive and given the result of the ongoing TER survey overwhelmed by new business

strongnhorny 16 Reviews 740 reads
8 / 25

Nice muff time. Read your reviews....really a   fan huh. Question when you suck her off to get good treatment does she CIM or are you. A CBJ kinda wimp. Save your pathetic diatribe bookerina

strongnhorny 16 Reviews 545 reads
9 / 25

I'm recanting Muff is right it's all in good fun. I just put the thread and the review on two websites that promote spreading aids to get a cure generated faster...I've dedicated to muggy . Undoubtedly it will be ignored as a rant.

I am ashamed to be a mongerer reading some of the posts. I'm hopeful Muffy can demostrate his sesquipedalian vocabulary and intimate grasp of grammar as he is interrogated.

bravo Muffy your a stud. mom would be proud you really grew up to be a prince!

strongnhorny 16 Reviews 468 reads
10 / 25

Sorry colon .... I'm sure the FBI never thought of being a VIP....are you for real.

strongnhorny 16 Reviews 675 reads
11 / 25

Given the majority of inquires I would suggest text the booker then have the Booker asks the customer to pull it for health hobby safety and human kindness. Or not....

KGirlCrazy 711 reads
12 / 25

The discussion here was sparked not by a review, but by a service that was provided. You are "shooting the messenger," as someone else noted.

TER is here to provide information so that hobbyists can make informed decisions. The reviews are the most important part of that process. If we are going to shoot a reviewer for telling the truth, then there is no point in writing reviews at all.

And, no, this is not the first BBFS review I have seen. They come along every once in a while. TER does not seem to delete them as a matter of policy, so we have to assume they are allowed. Despite all the attention over the past few days, the review you are referencing is still up.

Harpman60 707 reads
13 / 25

Mention of BBFS was not permitted in either reviews or on the Discussion Boards ,however in their wisdom or lack off, the powers that be decided to change policy .At the time it was discussed extensively on the general board and a few regional boards but not in any serious or meaningful way.

We do have a  gentlemen's understanding not to refer to bookers by name which seems to have been adopted  by LA DB , (as you experienced having your own post referring to a booker removed a few days ago) the same applicable to bbfs and it would be referred to more often than not in the future should it occur. Again given that approximately an equal # number of respondent said the they would avoid a provider who offered bbfs as would "run to her" ,shouldn't the interest of these stakeholders taken into consideration.

I understand your LE concerns and there have been busts that for some reason have gotten no media exposure.

You seem to have much of your anger directed at the booker and seem to think that she/he know the handle of the reviewer to be able to make him make him a threat he could not afford to refuse if he still wants to see the K-dolls.

Posted By: strongnhorny
Harp...bbfs is ok with me...show me a single review defining it for LE so clearly. A few arrest couple of positive blood test and it is LA times front page "disease ridden hookers lure LA perverts with promises of unprotected sex." WTF why would the Booker not pull the review by pressuring the idiot who wrote it.

I've lived in Korea, I speak Korean. I've helped girls immigrate.  have friends who monger with LAPD This IS a problem. everyone is going to be trite till they are in the back of a cruiser.

Forget the bullshit yes no bbfs who cares we are going to have a big problem in a hurry. you know the drill the idiot Booker on this situation goes down everyone splits town....no getting laid guts.

Harpman60 659 reads
14 / 25

Muffie my dear man, what have we here it seems like a case of the pot calling the kettle black.  
I do not write fake reviews, nor am i in the pocket of any booker or on their payroll nor am I  compensated me for services rendered with free and discounted sessions in return for favorable reviews .

You talk about blabbering and discreet but it if there is no bbfs there will be no need for either , if you are happy to discreetly accept any treat that may result in you passing and disease you might be carrying and in the process causing a public health catastrophe  others are not as callous or irresponsible. Discreet indeed ,where do you come with these terms to justify your cover up of the truth. Share with the board and be transparent about your own practices instead of acting like a  pretentious paper clown.

Posted By: mufftime

Another nonsensical rant from the true bomb thrower
who seems to be the expert on cretins and trolls..
Common means more often than not.
Well. NOT!!!
This topic doesn't even belong here.
If it happens try to be discreet and not a blabbering idiot.
Posted By: Harpman60
Why would you shoot the messenger ? When I said it was that ,based on my experience,it is common especially with independents I had Muf and his fellow haters , trolls and cretins (on a jihad to cover up the truth or keep it to themselves to enjoy) throw their bombs ,slurs and abuse as if they were UBL and his band of taliban on 'roids.

You have to separate the indiscriminate chronic give it away from those who offer it discreetly to favorite clients on the understanding it remains confidential. Both Clients and providers should be responsible and accountable the decisions they make and actions they take.

If a provider is just giving away ,she should not be surprised it is reported in a review and worst still may find herself HIV positive and given the result of the ongoing TER survey overwhelmed by new business

JanusTrent 779 reads
15 / 25

Business is S-L-O-W.  Ask any of em.

But if you don't want to ask, the other symptoms of a sluggish market are...

1.  Fake pics, lots and lots of fake pics.
2.  Fake reviews.  Ugh...this is really on the rise.  Make sure you review the reviewer before spending your $$
3.  Duplicate pics.  Girls are listing themselves TWICE under different names! (Andrea Kim/Megan), etc.
4.  $200 specials
5.  $300 twosomes
6.  Rapid fire name changes (Eira/Kara) (SeeLa/Queenie) (Rory/Mila/Vivian).  Ugh I'm dizzy.  What ever happened to branding??

KGirlCrazy 652 reads
16 / 25

This should be a top 10 list, Mr. Letterman! Here's a few more to round it out...

8.) Girls leaving L.A. before their 3-month tour is up.

9.) No taking days off, not even Sunday.

10.) Mongers throwing hissy-fits and going off the deep end.

strongnhorny 16 Reviews 689 reads
17 / 25

Sorry you feel that getting fatal reviews changed is a hissy fit....your psychological insights are also illuminating.

strongnhorny 16 Reviews 649 reads
18 / 25

If you only knew the real nasy side of this...you would go postal in public like me. Ignorance was bliss.

Harpman60 1028 reads
19 / 25

The review you have been referring to has been removed.

Also your posts naming a booking by name have been edited or removed.

Beemer310 35 Reviews 682 reads
20 / 25

One of the things I find amazing as well in regards to him naming bookers is the hypocrysy of some of the other members who had such a problem with Hman60 doing a kgirl poll without naming any bookers and yet they are nowhere to be found when this post comes up.

I wonder why is that? I guess because no brownie points for them this time? These certain members were so vocal in their preaching about "safety" and LE concerns but yet when this topic or bbfs comes up, they are nowhere to be found. I wonder why?


Posted By: Harpman60
The review you have been referring to has been removed.

Also your posts naming a booking by name have been edited or removed.

mufftime 270 Reviews 768 reads
21 / 25

I have one last thing to say on this topic. If you get BBFS you
don't have to go around announcing it and naming the girls.
For those who don't want it they can put on their condoms.
For those who want it they can make their own deals.
Naming names and announcing it
does the girl no good and can do some harm especially
if their bookers or managers get wind of it.
So let's be discreet and cause no harm to the ladies
who help brighten out lives.
Make it your BIMIL.

mqueensland 18 Reviews 728 reads
22 / 25

Mufftime is quite right.

BBFS happens.  We all know it.

Take the risk, don't take the risk.  

At all costs one of our duties is to protect the girls from those morons/crazies out there. Don't give those idiots more ammunition to go after, and quite likely demand via threat of a bad review or worse, BBFS.  Or anything for that matter.

Think before you write.

Generic Joe 520 reads
23 / 25

9.) No taking days off, not even Sunday

even though Sunday is a day I prefer the 7 days a week schedule lot of k-girls are keeping now is concerning

strongnhorny 16 Reviews 470 reads
24 / 25

Direct me to one.......I'll calm down...maybe

DiscussionBoardAdmin 639 reads
25 / 25
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