Los Angeles

Re: Interesting
Billy D 65 Reviews 617 reads

I was informed by a fellow monger that I was mistaken with regard to the subject of the review in question. Thta fact doesn't change my experience it just apparently adds another name to the list of who is open to BBFS. I just don't undertsand the recklessness of this behavior.

Just noticed a review by a reviewer I don't know and about a K-girl I don't know, but the subject was bbfs.  BBFS reviews are so rare they are conspicuous, and it raises the question in my mind whether (quite apart from the prudence of going bare) this is a good subject for the public boards?  If a provider offers this service, publicity heightens the attention she gets (not all good, I imagine).  Publicity might also change expectations, which would lead to increased demand and pressure for bbbs.  I don't do bbfs, and don't encourage others to do so.  So, just a word of caution as to whether this makes sense for the community?

General Colon Bowel5690 reads

...and am glad TER is allowing them.  I wish I was the kind of guy who could fuck without fear but that little voice in the back of my head tells me to put a condom on.  I hate that voice.  And, once I hear about a provider who allows BBFS I'll probably go see her because reckless women are exciting.  I like that feeling of getting a bit too risky.

I think open discussion and reviews about BBFS have made the board a way better place.  Discussions involving BBFS are more interesting and participatory, and it gives people a chance to moralize.  And we all know how much people like to do that.

I've been in The Hobby since 2006, mostly in LA, am an avid reader of five review boards like TER, and I am continuosly fascinated with the controversy that surrounds bbfs.  I'm also dating two providers: 1 Thai, 1 Chinese.  I have found bbfs to be surprisingly more available than most guys like to admit.  I'm also surprised that bbfs stirs up so much anger inside the guys.  I've had candid discussions with some of the girls about bbfs, and they have their reasons to offer it.  Some of them actually prefer it, as crazy as this sounds.  Both of the providers I'm seeing offer it to selective customers, and this will probably never change.  I know some customers who are obsessed with having bbfs, and they compare their bbfs addictions to heroin addiction.  I believe that customers/hobbyists are wise to be educated and aware of the reality of bbfs: it's definitely occurring much more than written reviews reveal.

KGirlCrazy789 reads

The reviews should tell it like it is. If BBFS happened. Say so. Whether the writer is lying or not, we will never know. There is no way to verify ANYTHING in a review anyway. The entire system is based on trust, as well as the overall picture you get from reading multiple reviews.

Yes - BBFS is clearly more common than most people would like to admit. And, really, who cares?? If some dude doesn't like it, he can protect himself by wearing a condom. For other guys who enjoy a little risk taking, it's available. No big deal.

Is his possible  exaggeration about BBFS any
more of a lie than some (many) of the reviews
that rate some girls a 10 in looks who shoudln't
even be an 8?  Or how about the 10 in performance
without anal or even CIM. If he's exaggerating he's
no different than the bozos with the false ratings.
If he's not exaggerating then he is probably breaking a trust with the provider. I know they don't want that kind of information on the review board.
Without knowing the hobbyist who  is giving the ratings they have become to  some degree meaningless.

Sure till the health department calls vice and then vice calls the fbies .....we know the other services are "permitted" why do you think ER's attorneys did not put a category in for bbfs. Plus if they think it's a book drumming up business they will target them. I think his/her girls are hot and resent such a floodlight going on this. I will bbfs working girls all day but I also jump out of planes and tri gas dive.... Difference is those are legal....documenting them does not come with handcuffs.

KGirlCrazy553 reads

All of this stuff is illegal, man. Not just BBFS. This hobby comes with many risks. Disease is one of them. LE is another. You play the game, you take the risks.

Yes but not in a review...asking for trouble.

An issue of course. But let us look at the bigger picture. BBFS is not just endemic to Kgirls. Yes it happens. No doubt. But does it happen with the independents and non k girls? Of course it does. If this is to be a discussion on bbfs, include all categories of providers.

Don't tell me that the native speakers here don't provide that service because SOME do and deny as some will, we know it happens.

For me if a girl wishes to provide bbfs, that is her choice and between whom she chooses to partake it with. By putting names out or certain categories of providers, you put undue pressure on the ladies. Last time this was brought up, I recievedf many PM asking if I knew any bbfs providers so that they could be "avoided". How transparent can you be. For those actively seeking such service. Buyer beware.


Posted By: dripper
Just noticed a review by a reviewer I don't know and about a K-girl I don't know, but the subject was bbfs.  BBFS reviews are so rare they are conspicuous, and it raises the question in my mind whether (quite apart from the prudence of going bare) this is a good subject for the public boards?  If a provider offers this service, publicity heightens the attention she gets (not all good, I imagine).  Publicity might also change expectations, which would lead to increased demand and pressure for bbbs.  I don't do bbfs, and don't encourage others to do so.  So, just a word of caution as to whether this makes sense for the community?
I'm going to take a hard line stance here and say that anything done without protection is a stupid move on the part of the hobbyist and the provider.  And IMHO, anyone who offers BBFS, especially in a day and age  when there still is no cure for AIDS, needs to be taken out and shot.  Any guy who requests BBFS needs to be shot.  This is not open for argument as far as I'm concerned.  You're either concerned about your life and health or you are not.  There is no gray area.

I'm amazed at how many desperate women will do anything for a buck, but you can't spend it if your dead.  And if you contract the disease, you won't be thinking about spending cash to begin with.  I've met people who are hiv positive when I lived in NYC that are in so much pain from the disease both physically and mentally that I can't begin to describe their suffering.

You're right. Unfortunately men getting HIV from a woman who is
not a drug user is as rare as being hit by lightning. It is the provider
who is taking the real chance and has to be careful.

KGirlCrazy682 reads

A lot of people don't seem to realize that simple fact. The female is taking 99% of the risk by engaging in BBFS, therefore, it is her responsibility to protect herself and refuse to do anything too dangerous.

If she chooses to ignore that risk, then I don't see how anyone can blame the guy. The risk is not the same. It's not even close. He might catch a nasty (treatable) disease, but the risk of contracting AIDS from oral or vaginal sex is almost nil for the guy.

So it's no wonder that some guys -- perhaps MANY guys -- have no problem asking for and engaging in BBFS. Any provider who has a problem with that is probably just upset over losing business to the other girl.

To these angry providers: Just say "NO" and it's not your problem. Stop fretting over what other people do behind closed doors.

I'm tired of the BBFS requests, and all those nasty men who think that's okay.

I plan to be clean and safe forever, and those dirty men will NEVER come near me :)

Good bye dirty men & women who ruined a beautiful thing for us all !

Harpman60718 reads

My only surprise about  bbfs is people seem to be surprised which I  feel is not genuine. As I stated in a recent post it's prevalent especially among independents, and no it is not always a special treat between a guy and a girls , but even within the K-doll community some girls just give it all away to any and all comers. This is t he reality , take it , leave it but don't deny it or sweep it under the rug. 

Should it be reported in reviews yes unless there is an agreement and a promise not to reveal it. Girls who.Those who go  bare back  do so at their own risk and should be responsible for the outcome.   

scoremore916 reads

Since when do they allow bbfs reviews?   I thought that reporting bbfs was prohibited.   Oh, and btw, can you please link to the review or list the provider so we can "avoid" her?  Lol.

KGirlCrazy664 reads

I would respectfully ask the OP not to post the link. Given the bad attitudes around here, it will just cause problems for the girl.

scoremore544 reads

Actually I was just kidding about posting the link.  I agree with others that it's best not to put that info in a review.   I was just poking fun at all the guys who crawled out of the wood work last time bbfs was discussed asking for more info so they could avoid bbfs providers.  Yeah right.

KGirlCrazy565 reads

Sarcasm well placed.

Yes, I would like to avoid her, too. Can you please give me her name, phone number, address and nearest cross street so I can be extra sure I don't happen to trip and fall into her pussy?!


I actually PM'd the reviewer a while back.  I asked him to remove it.  Of course he never replied.

In my opinion, it's more a safety issue for the provider -- look; BBFS goes on.  That's a given.  Anyone who is surprised by that is a complete novice.  And it's not just kgirls.  It can be any type of provider.

I think writing a review and reporting that she has provided BBFS send guys who are looking for it running to go see her, thinking they will also get BBFS.  That's the danger.  She could be put into a dangerous situation by some guy who does not have his head on straight.  If she refuses, who knows what will happen.

It's everyone's individual choice on how risky they are when it comes to the hobby.  If you want to be 100% safe from getting an STD, the only true way is abstinence.  Any type of sexual contact can lead to getting an STD.  You can get an STD from a BBBJ.  So my point is -- I don't think BBFS should be mentioned in reviews for the safety for the provider, rather than it being an STD issue.  Everyone knows the BBFS is dangerous.   Talking/texting on your cell phone while driving is dangerous, and everyone knows it, but people do it.  Same thing.  

KGirlCrazy616 reads

Yeah, I read the review, too. Not that hard to find and, I agree, it's probably going to cause this provider some problems. She's a sweet girl and doesn't deserve the headache, but if it happened, it happened. I won't fault the reviewer for telling the truth -- IF, indeed, it is true.

Harpman60655 reads

Again you have to distinguish between a provider who gives to you as a special treat and one asbo practices it with Tom , Dick and and Harry . If  I had. A falling. out wiith a provider who offered bb I would never out if it is understood that it was a special treat. I may not that hesitant with some who appears indiscriminate , the jury is out on that. Ultimately people are both responsible and accountable for their own behavior .  

Posted By: KGirlCrazy
Yeah, I read the review, too. Not that hard to find and, I agree, it's probably going to cause this provider some problems. She's a sweet girl and doesn't deserve the headache, but if it happened, it happened. I won't fault the reviewer for telling the truth -- IF, indeed, it is true.

KGirlCrazy606 reads

Based on what was written in the review, it was not a special treat given to a long-time client. It was the first time he visited this provider.

Harpman60710 reads

I am familiar with both the K-doll and the review. My comment are not about this specific case but the general principle.

I know which review and which provider. I too was a first time customer when I saw her a week or two or three before the review in question was posted. She was what I referrred to as a "stupendous f*ck". That being said, I will not repeat because when I said I wanted to f*ck she laid back and opened the gates of paradise. I had to ask for the jimmy and she seemed a bit surprised when I did.

There have been at least a couple of other similar situations for me the past several months; I do not mention them in reviews for may of the same reasons discussed in this thread. I am neither the newest noob nor the most grizzled veteran but I am apparently pretty naive because I am a little shocked that bareback is apparently not quite so taboo as I thought.

And just so so of you smug bastards know, some us DO ask with an eye to avoidance. I will not knowingly see someone who has so little regard for the safety of herself AND her customers.

Just my $0.02...

KGirlCrazy564 reads

I think you have just confirmed the accuracy of the review. If the exact same thing happened to you -- and both of you have a long review history -- then I am inclined to believe you guys.

Also, I commend you for not using an alias. That adds to the credibility.

I was informed by a fellow monger that I was mistaken with regard to the subject of the review in question. Thta fact doesn't change my experience it just apparently adds another name to the list of who is open to BBFS. I just don't undertsand the recklessness of this behavior.

You have been around for a while like me.  Looks like this is now getting LE tones. Have you ever seen someone document bbfs ? true or not I have not seen it b4 ....is  the Booker looking to jump up the visits? Either way I think I'll enjoy the  SF gals for a bit....I have reviewed the same provider long ago I may shut down my Handel. this stuff is so stupid....we had a good thing going someone always has to drop a grenade in the soup.

I know her too. I also  see her Booker put her and her and her alone  alone on two low end sites mentioning the review. if a guy posts a shit review like this on a girl the Booker should be pissed. Look at the drama going on. Booker not pissed told the girl (can't read much english) that it was fine and it was a "" broken condom story" . Smells like a customer posting to get early access to new girls. god knows this Booker has enough turn over. do you really want to see girls who's Booker does not protect her gals health or yours. how will it feel with some juicy beaver in your mouth that some pissed off gut with aids found by googling BBFS so he could spread the pain. is everyone totally cruel and insane?

Many thanks to all for their contribution.  My point was not that we all be so naive that BBFS doesn't occur.  It surely does.  But the extent to which it becomes an element of promotion for a provider then it becomes problematic and unwise.  But I can see the grounds for a reasonable difference of opinion.

Posted By: FROOMIE
I actually PM'd the reviewer a while back.  I asked him to remove it.  Of course he never replied.

In my opinion, it's more a safety issue for the provider -- look; BBFS goes on.  That's a given.  Anyone who is surprised by that is a complete novice.  And it's not just kgirls.  It can be any type of provider.

I think writing a review and reporting that she has provided BBFS send guys who are looking for it running to go see her, thinking they will also get BBFS.  That's the danger.  She could be put into a dangerous situation by some guy who does not have his head on straight.  If she refuses, who knows what will happen.

It's everyone's individual choice on how risky they are when it comes to the hobby.  If you want to be 100% safe from getting an STD, the only true way is abstinence.  Any type of sexual contact can lead to getting an STD.  You can get an STD from a BBBJ.  So my point is -- I don't think BBFS should be mentioned in reviews for the safety for the provider, rather than it being an STD issue.  Everyone knows the BBFS is dangerous.   Talking/texting on your cell phone while driving is dangerous, and everyone knows it, but people do it.  Same thing.  

-- Modified on 4/21/2012 1:45:42 AM

yellow puss coming out of your penis, herpes sores around your crotch area, and other gross shit.... I hope the 10 minutes of fun was worth it.

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