Los Angeles

Re: Don't worry Kayla
KaylasAngels 332 reads

Oh, it's all good!....No worries here, as everyone knows he is a narcissist, and does not live in REALITY.

You cannot argue with someone who lives in their own world, and has no outside activities other than these boards.....TER is his life 24/7..

He is a very unhappy person, which is why he lashes out., and degrades woman....Zero class, Zero social skills, etc...

BTW: I am actually in my 40's, and proud...No issues here.....***LIFE IS GOOD***

Peace out..


Does anyone know the whereabouts of Mia? She was a provider in Los Angeles until 2007? I would very much like to make contact with her. She used to live in Sherman Oaks. Tall, attractive and a very nice person. Appreciate any help.

And now you call her attractive....sorry but get lost. Even if I knew I wouldn't tell you shit.
Dam, some stalkers just don't get it..

gave her a six, it was retaliatory because she blew him off when he asked for an OTC date?  And now he's hit bottom with every other lady he knows, so he wants a second bite of the apple with Mia?

GaGambler315 reads

if it were retaliatory, then explain the 9 he gave her for performance?

Not to mention out of several pages of reviews, her very BEST score for looks is only an 8.  

I don't blame him for telling the entire board to fuck off after your replies to him. I would have put it in MUCH stronger terms if I were him. Personally I think you fucktards owe him a fucking apology.

intoodeeply322 reads

I doubt he will apologize.    Whenever there's a topic, CDL is usually in with some snarky comment, rather than being helpful.   Some of these guys have been around too long and forgot how to be cool on this board.

He's no sniveling coward going into alias mode to call someone out.  Do you really think hiding behind your alias makes YOU the least bit "cool."

Do your homework before making broad-brush negative comments about me or anyone else, Newbie.  If you were here more than ten minutes you would know that half of my posts ARE helpful and informational.  Being snarky and controversial the other half of the time is what gets readers to my helpful posts.  You never know what you're going to get with me until you click, and I like it that way.

intoodeeply342 reads

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: One thing you can count on with CDL . . . .
He's no sniveling coward going into alias mode to call someone out.  Do you really think hiding behind your alias makes YOU the least bit "cool."  
 Do your homework before making broad-brush negative comments about me or anyone else, Newbie.  If you were here more than ten minutes you would know that half of my posts ARE helpful and informational.  Being snarky and controversial the other half of the time is what gets readers to my helpful posts.  You never know what you're going to get with me until you click, and I like it that way.
Yeah, like you're using your real name - you're so darn brave using Cour de lion as your screen name.   You spend 24/7 on this site and do not seem to have a life outside of it - so somehow, you think that everyone has to follow your strange code.   LOL, helpful?   Like the comments above?  They're more rude than anything.    You're not helpful.   If you weren't on the board, the board wouldn't miss your comments.   And it's funny you claim to be helpful, then prove what I said by writing a nasty message.   I've seen your comments for years....you seem to be brag about trying to buy the ladies affections...they just see you as a mark trying to make it more tolerable to be with someone 60 years old.

That you can so easily transition from sniveling coward to jealous loser.  I'm 58 and confident I can bench way more than you. You even write like a punk kid.  I don't need to buy affections because with my budget I can buy all the pussy I want.  It's P4P, so it doesn't matter if they like me or not.  I can't help it if they all want to date me because I've got deep pockets. That's the way the world works, sonny.  I've turned down freebies because a girl just wasn't my style.

intoodeeply272 reads

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: Not surprised at all . . .  
That you can so easily transition from sniveling coward to jealous loser.  I'm 58 and confident I can bench way more than you. You even write like a punk kid.  I don't need to buy affections because with my budget I can buy all the pussy I want.  It's P4P, so it doesn't matter if they like me or not.  I can't help it if they all want to date me because I've got deep pockets. That's the way the world works, sonny.  I've turned down freebies because a girl just wasn't my style.
LOL, you're not one of those guys that tells everyone how much they bench, unsolicited, are you?   I wouldn't be bragging about being 58 and still buying it.    I don't know where you get that anyone would want to be 58 and still paying for a service.    The girls provide a service - don't be under the illusion that they somehow want to spend time with you.    If the money suddenly dries up, watch them disappear.   I bet they can barely stomach being with someone 3 times their age.

shit about providers or women in general.  Why do you think many providers post on their websites that they won't see customers under 35 or 40?  Its because they can't stomach millennial losers.  

You brought up age, not me, so I will bring up fitness, which is what counts in the end, not age.  The fact that you are very young and on a fuck board shows you HAVE to pay for pussy.  My first P4P was age 48.  Before that, I had enjoyed about 2000 women in my life, and never paid a dime for "service."  There are two kinds of hobbyists:  Those that HAVE to pay and those that PREFER to pay.  I prefer to pay because I pay them to leave afterward.  Civvie girls are a pain in the ass, but I have no trouble getting pussy at the gym for free, its just not my preference because its too much maintenance.  Then there are hobbyists like you that have no game with women and HAVE to pay for pussy, or else go without,.  

The fact that you think I have illusions show you have no game.  I spent this past weekend in Vegas with a provider that I have known for awhile.  I did not give her a dime for her time, I only paid our expenses as I would have with a civvie girl.  Not only that, she took an extra day and a half off of work seeing chumps like you just to spend the time with me without getting paid for it.  She gave up about $3000 to be my date for the weekend, sex included.   When you are in that league, then you can lecture me about how relationships work.  You obviously have no experience.

-- Modified on 5/31/2017 10:27:22 AM

intoodeeply337 reads

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: You just proved you don't know . . . .
shit about providers or women in general.  Why do you think many providers post on their websites that they won't see customers under 35 or 40?  Its because they can't stomach millennial losers.    
 You brought up age, not me, so I will bring up fitness, which is what counts in the end, not age.  The fact that you are very young and on a fuck board shows you HAVE to pay for pussy.  My first P4P was age 48.  Before that, I had enjoyed about 2000 women in my life, and never paid a dime for "service."  There are two kinds of hobbyists:  Those that HAVE to pay and those that PREFER to pay.  I prefer to pay because I pay them to leave afterward.  Civvie girls are a pain in the ass, but I have no trouble getting pussy at the gym for free, its just not my preference because its too much maintenance.  Then there are hobbyists like you that have no game with women and HAVE to pay for pussy, or else go without,.    
 The fact that you think I have illusions show you have no game.  I spent this past weekend in Vegas with a provider that I have known for awhile.  I did not give her a dime for her time, I only paid our expenses as I would have with a civvie girl.  Not only that, she took an extra day and a half off of work seeing chumps like you just to spend the time with me without getting paid for it.  She gave up about $3000 to be my date for the weekend, sex included.   When you are in that league, then you can lecture me about how relationships work.  You obviously have no experience.  

-- Modified on 5/31/2017 10:27:22 AM

Yeah, all these women dream of giving it up for free to a near 60 year old grandpa, who seems quite angry all the time.    How many times have I heard the tired excuse that a guy is paying a girl to leave?   Guys just say that to shield their own ego, to make themselves feel better about paying for it.   We can all pretend and indulge you in this fairy tale you've cooked up for yourself, but seriously, you're in no position to be lecturing anyone about game.    Everyone pretty much has the situation pegged.    You have 130 reviews on here and seem all consumed with it at every part of the day.   The pictures you keep painting seem to be that of a mark - these girls must recognize it immediately and see that they have a live one on their hands.    Good for them...it's a tough job making guys think they're into them....they should make as much money as they can get.  

Same tired platitudes that I have been hearing from clueless low-volume hobbyists here for years to justify to themselves why they're not getting what I'm getting from the hobby.   I'm not the only guy here that hobbies 5-6 hours a week, and they're getting the same royal treatment from the girls that I get.  Some are younger and don't have the social skills I have, but most learn quickly with a little guidance. They just keep a lower profile than me. We all PM each other regularly and I'm sure I will get PM's about the new Bozo that doesn't believe we're getting what we're getting. We will all have a good laugh at your expense.

intoodeeply229 reads

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: You are regurgitating the . . .  
Same tired platitudes that I have been hearing from clueless low-volume hobbyists here for years to justify to themselves why they're not getting what I'm getting from the hobby.   I'm not the only guy here that hobbies 5-6 hours a week, and they're getting the same royal treatment from the girls that I get.  Some are younger and don't have the social skills I have, but most learn quickly with a little guidance. They just keep a lower profile than me. We all PM each other regularly and I'm sure I will get PM's about the new Bozo that doesn't believe we're getting what we're getting. We will all have a good laugh at your expense.
Dude, you're calling up escorts day and night and paying for it - what social skills do you think you have?    I think you've been so absorbed in this world, you're missing how the real world thinks.   It's not normal to hobby day and night.   And, it might come as a shock to you but these 20 something girls are not looking to give freebies to someone 3 times their age.    Who wants to be near 60 and still hobbying and talking to a bunch of creepy guys on pm's?    If you somehow think what you're doing is so special, why don't you tell the people in regular civilian life all about it and see if they think it's so awesome and special.  

Personality and charm to attract OTC time with a  provider that someone in your league doesn't know exists.  Most of us older guys know how to seduce. You younger guys only know how to pay.

intoodeeply304 reads

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: Social skills??  It's having the . . .  
Personality and charm to attract OTC time with a  provider that someone in your league doesn't know exists.  Most of us older guys know how to seduce. You younger guys only know how to pay.
Sure.   And that's why you spend all of your free time paying for it.

guy who has never experienced OTC time.  It's like saying that because YOU haven't been to the space station, then no one has.  Plenty of guys here are getting OTC time from their regulars.  You pay sometimes, and sometimes you don't, but the girl has to really like you.  Another reason why you probably haven't been there yet.  The girl has to WANT to spend the outside time with you.  It doesn't matter what her motivations are, but of course, she's not going to waste her time with boring losers.  

-- Modified on 6/1/2017 8:17:14 AM

intoodeeply272 reads

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: Spoken like a . . . .
guy who has never experienced OTC time.  It's like saying that because YOU haven't been to the space station, then no one has.  Plenty of guys here are getting OTC time from their regulars.  You pay sometimes, and sometimes you don't, but the girl has to really like you.  Another reason why you probably haven't been there yet.  The girl has to WANT to spend the outside time with you.  It doesn't matter what her motivations are, but of course, she's not going to waste her time with boring losers.  

-- Modified on 6/1/2017 8:17:14 AM

Give me a break.   You're paying escorts.    You have somehow invented this fiction in your head that it's because of your social skills that they want to spend time with you.    Let me clue you in on how it works.   This is their job, to make money.   To make money, they make guys feel good.    To keep guys spending lots money, they will keep that going.    It's clear to me that you're too absorbed in this world, which has made you lose complete perspective.    On the one hand, you claim that you don't need to pay for it....that you PAY them to LEAVE.   But, then brag about wanting to spend extra time with them off the clock.   Why don't you just admit that this excuse is just one guys use to protect their ego for having to pay for it.   If you have such great social skills, why don't you just go to a club and pick up hotties and not have to spend most of your income on escorts that are really there to get paid.    If you think they're really there for you, then stop paying any of them altogether and see if they're still around.    

to stop paying.  I have had several over the years where the customer relationship morphed into an outside RL relationship and at a certain point, the girl says, "You're my boyfriend, so you don't have to pay anymore."  There are several here who have experienced the same thing.  I PM with them all the time and their stories are similar to mine.  I know that sounds about as foreign as it gets to someone with no game, but it happens, not everyday, but it happens often enough to many of us that we know its not an aberration.  

intoodeeply237 reads

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: Not until the girl tells me . . . .
to stop paying.  I have had several over the years where the customer relationship morphed into an outside RL relationship and at a certain point, the girl says, "You're my boyfriend, so you don't have to pay anymore."  There are several here who have experienced the same thing.  I PM with them all the time and their stories are similar to mine.  I know that sounds about as foreign as it gets to someone with no game, but it happens, not everyday, but it happens often enough to many of us that we know its not an aberration.  
You pay for it on a regular basis - that is hardly game.    You make it sound like it takes special charm to pick up the phone and order an escort.    Their job is to make you feel good - you seem unable to understand that line.    What you're saying is very common for any regulars, but somehow you have it in your head that makes you special.    You're customer #135 - yet you have it spun into this fiction that it's a whole seduction scene and it's your game.    You have 130 reviews and spend all your time and money on this - you've completely lost perspective.    Try not paying at all and getting a girl without it being transactional, then we'll talk about game.    

flying planes, sailing boats and racing exotic cars.  I used to own race horses as well, but got tired of that.  This hobby is secondary to those and doesn't take half the time and only a fraction of the money I spend collectively on the others. See, when you're young and have limited life experience like you, you just assume the big picture based on the 10% of information you have.  The few people from your generation that have figured out life is not like that are already billionaires.  And here you are saving up your coins for an hour a month with a provider because you have such a narrow experience within this industry, if any at all (since you use an alias we can't see your reviews, if any.).  

I never said it takes special charm to order an escort.  I said it take special charm to what to spend OTC time with you.  You have blinders on and you're trying to pigeon hole me based on your own limited experience.  There's a whole lot of guys that have done what I'm doing.  Just because you haven't, you make it sound like its all fiction.  My closest hobby bros have seen the photos of the OTC dates I have had.  You know its outside OTC dating because they don't have the FM makeup on that they wear for guys like you when they take your once a month donation.  

If I see them at their incall, then I am customer number whatever, but if I'm seeing them at their residence for the whole day, then I'm the only customer . . . . that is, until they tell me I'm their boyfriend and not a customer anymore, but that's up to them to declare.  I never ask or push.  

intoodeeply240 reads

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: Actually, I spend way more time and money . . . .
flying planes, sailing boats and racing exotic cars.  I used to own race horses as well, but got tired of that.  This hobby is secondary to those and doesn't take half the time and only a fraction of the money I spend collectively on the others. See, when you're young and have limited life experience like you, you just assume the big picture based on the 10% of information you have.  The few people from your generation that have figured out life is not like that are already billionaires.  And here you are saving up your coins for an hour a month with a provider because you have such a narrow experience within this industry, if any at all (since you use an alias we can't see your reviews, if any.).    
 I never said it takes special charm to order an escort.  I said it take special charm to what to spend OTC time with you.  You have blinders on and you're trying to pigeon hole me based on your own limited experience.  There's a whole lot of guys that have done what I'm doing.  Just because you haven't, you make it sound like its all fiction.  My closest hobby bros have seen the photos of the OTC dates I have had.  You know its outside OTC dating because they don't have the FM makeup on that they wear for guys like you when they take your once a month donation.    
 If I see them at their incall, then I am customer number whatever, but if I'm seeing them at their residence for the whole day, then I'm the only customer . . . . that is, until they tell me I'm their boyfriend and not a customer anymore, but that's up to them to declare.  I never ask or push.  
Whenever I see guys insinuating that others are envious of them or feel the need to tell everyone how much they bench press, I know there's some serious inferiority complex issues going on there.   Rest assured, no one is jealous of 60 year old men who are on these boards 24/7.   It's nice that you can imagine buying sailboats and race horses on your fixed income, but it seems like you spend most of your money on low-dollar donation providers.   A lot of guys easily pay way more than that, so I don't even know what you're talking about.    It's almost like you've never had the attention of a woman.    A provider throws you a bone and gives you a little off the clock extra time and you somehow concoct that into an elaborate fantasy where you're seducing them as you leave an envelope by the night stand?    It seems very important to you that you need to bring this  off the clock up every time, but the reality is that most regulars get some sort of extras.    It's laughable that you think that's something to brag about.    And, it's really quite misleading.   In the past, you have bragged about how you overpay to try to get freebies and priority.    If the provider is already getting overpaid and her expenses paid too, she already has her money... her throwing in a little incentive to string along the mark is part of doing business.    I've brought up this point that you've deflected many times - if you're so confident, then stop paying altogether and see if they stick around.   In your heart, you know they won't.  

Its dripping with jealousy.   LMAO

Go ahead and have the last word.  Its what you live for.  By now everyone knows you're beating a dead horse.  It is what it is.

-- Modified on 6/2/2017 12:08:27 AM

intoodeeply248 reads

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: Every time you post . . . .
Its dripping with jealousy.   LMAO  
 Go ahead and have the last word.  Its what you live for.  By now everyone knows you're beating a dead horse.  It is what it is.  

-- Modified on 6/2/2017 12:08:27 AM

Yeah, everyone's jealous of you and the fantasy life you've concocted.    We all want to be 60 and spending every waking minute devoted to hobbying.   Let me guess, you were typing your reply while jetting back from Paris, trying to escape all the young women you'd pay to leave.   Those escorts must have been hooked the second they heard how much you bench press.

GaGambler274 reads

I do tell people in my "regular civilian life" exactly what I do, and by and large, especially amongst the married guys, they are jealous as hell about the way I live my life.  Some of them actually like to live vicariously through me and the first thing out of their mouth whenever they see me is to ask me who I've fucked lately.

Once again I can't speak for CDL, but I still get the occasional 20 something who doesn't seem to mind fucking me for free, unfortunately they aren't lined up around the block to see me at that age, but I still have no problems getting 30 somethings to date me IRL.

Lastly, if you are so against "paying for it" What the fuck are you doing here anyhow? I certainly don't mind "paying for it" any more than I don't mind throwing a waitress the occasional hundred dollar tip on a twenty dollar tab. (Ok, I will concede that part is bullshit. Not the hundred dollar tip, but I NEVER seem to have tabs of only twenty bucks. lol) Between gambling and running a  business, the money I spend on pussy really isn't any more consequential than the money I spend playing golf.

with the $20 tab comment.  I thought maybe you went on the wagon and switched to club soda.  

There will always be skeptics here that won't believe that its not always about the money with a provider, because that's the only aspect THEY have seen.  As you well know, if you have a little charm and a lot of experience with many women, providers have a civvie life, too, that they want to enjoy with someone that's fun that just treats them like a regular girl when they're not working, and doesn't stand around staring at them with their mouth open in awe of their beauty.  

At my point in life, I don't have to date anyone who's not beautiful, or who is old or fat, so an outside date with a DDG provider is just another date for me.  There are more available girls than I have time for.  




GOOD  READ, though...


intoodeeply273 reads

The guy is easily twice your age...he has no right to be calling you such a derogatory name.

Oh, it's all good!....No worries here, as everyone knows he is a narcissist, and does not live in REALITY.

You cannot argue with someone who lives in their own world, and has no outside activities other than these boards.....TER is his life 24/7..

He is a very unhappy person, which is why he lashes out., and degrades woman....Zero class, Zero social skills, etc...

BTW: I am actually in my 40's, and proud...No issues here.....***LIFE IS GOOD***

Peace out..


Nobody has a clue who CDL is.  You would all be shocked if you knew. Lol

Maybe I even saw you, in your younger days, of course. Many of the ladies here have met the man behind CDL, but just don't know it.  

My character takes a different form on different days for different people. Oh, and Other than writing an occasional review, I spend less time on these boards than you do watching TV, which I don't do.  It's rarely more than an hour a day, just spread through the the day in 5 minute snippets. I type 80 words a minutes, so that helps too. (That's why so many of my posts are modified to correct typos.).  The 24/7 thing cracks me up.

more than ten minutes, you would know that Kayla already knows I'm an equal-opportunity asshole.  

BTW, Newbie, white-knighting for a girl you haven't seen is called brown-nosing, and is unseemly, even for a rookie.  Kayla can take care of  herself.  She's got to be twice your age.  lol

intoodeeply317 reads

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: If you were here . . .
more than ten minutes, you would know that Kayla already knows I'm an equal-opportunity asshole.    
 BTW, Newbie, white-knighting for a girl you haven't seen is called brown-nosing, and is unseemly, even for a rookie.  Kayla can take care of  herself.  She's got to be twice your age.  lol
And, yet she's still half of yours.

You seriously need to get some hobbies outside of this....you're so entrenched in your little rules that no one on the outside world cares about.   You called her an over the hill skank.... kind of shows you what you think of women.   And as I recall she doesn't think much of you.    

more than ten minutes, you would have researched her posting history before opening mouth and inserting foot.  Despite the millennial obsession with the world revolving around you, there is a rich history on the board before YOU got here.  Kayla is a famous (or should I say infamous) flamer here, not much liked by fellow hookers or johns.  

intoodeeply271 reads

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: Again, if you were here . . .
more than ten minutes, you would have researched her posting history before opening mouth and inserting foot.  Despite the millennial obsession with the world revolving around you, there is a rich history on the board before YOU got here.  Kayla is a famous (or should I say infamous) flamer here, not much liked by fellow hookers or johns.  
Well, so far, the only one that I see consistently disrespectful is you.    Just look at your different posts on this board, just a bunch of snarky comments, unprovoked.   You must be the most un-self aware person....everything you accuse others of, seem to point back at you.

to be in the P4P world.  You're going to fall in love with a provider and be taken for everything you have.  

When you get a little older, you will understand the use of sarcasm for humor.  You call it snarky.  I call it sarcastic humor.  Most here are old enough to get it.  You're apparently not.  

Finally, if you have really studied my posts, you will know that I have explained many times that I am a little over the top here so that the providers I see will not suspect I am CDL on the boards.  It allows me freedom to write honest reviews without blowback from the provider.   CDL is Batman.  The man behind CDL is Bruce Wayne.  Every provider wants to see this Bruce Wayne over and over, in my experience, because he's nothing like the dark side that is Batman in person.   CDL is an act.  Get it?

intoodeeply300 reads

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: You're way too sensitive . . . .
to be in the P4P world.  You're going to fall in love with a provider and be taken for everything you have.    
 When you get a little older, you will understand the use of sarcasm for humor.  You call it snarky.  I call it sarcastic humor.  Most here are old enough to get it.  You're apparently not.    
 Finally, if you have really studied my posts, you will know that I have explained many times that I am a little over the top here so that the providers I see will not suspect I am CDL on the boards.  It allows me freedom to write honest reviews without blowback from the provider.   CDL is Batman.  The man behind CDL is Bruce Wayne.  Every provider wants to see this Bruce Wayne over and over, in my experience, because he's nothing like the dark side that is Batman in person.   CDL is an act.  Get it?
You're the most sensitive guy here.   It seems like you're unable to distinguish between the fantasy that the girl provides and the reality that it's just a job to them  - constantly bringing up how you're seducing an escort.   Like that other lady mentioned, all your time is spent consumed here.    The Batman rant is just bizarre.

You are correct...

I am not liked by "some" John's, because they constantly get turned down when asking for discounts...It happens every week....Whether it be for myself, or my friends that I book.....We are all simply out of their league, so they resort to pouting., and trash talking.....Ask me if I care?. :) :)

As far as the providers?....I treat people how they treat me, plain and simple....You are delusional once again, thinking that all of us Escorts are BFF's....I've made some great friends, and also met alot of CRAZIES..

In closing....Since you get so many FREE dates in your delusional world, I will see if I can hook you up for yet another one....Someone over 1k per hour should work, but she is only 20yrs old., and doesn't datemen over 40....Only problem is, we all ran out of X-SMALL raincoats....Shit!!....Maybe another time..

Peace out..


And don't need discounts.  Thank you for the gesture but I never met a 20 yo that was classy enough to go out with me. The girls I see are all 30-40, but Very hot looking.  You've got the size thing wrong.  I'm not huge, but only two providers I've seen out of 400+ allowed me in the back door once they had a look at me.  

Kudos to you for owning up to being dispised here. I respect you for that, I just don't like you.

you have put me on the wrong side of a post.  However, this time, you had the benefit of his additional information below, while Happy and I were posting in the vacuum of ONLY the  original OP and the words contained therein.  You have the benefit of hindsight, and I did not.  I explained below to him how he could have gotten a different response out of me, but he gets no apology, because his original OP did come off kind of like a creepy stalker.  Only when provided the REST of the relevant information, did it take a turn for me, and I addressed that below.  

-- Modified on 5/29/2017 9:55:50 PM

GaGambler300 reads

but his post about  

"It so happens that when one faces the end of this life, there are things that need to be put in order...legally, emotionally and every other way."

Now THAT sounds a bit creepy to me.  

I think you were just lazy in your first post and followed  Happy's lead about the 6 he gave her for appearance without so much as even reading his review where he scored her a 9 in performance or her other reviews which tend to validate the OP's score of a 6 for appearance.

These were your words

"gave her a six, it was retaliatory because she blew him off when he asked for an OTC date?"

If you had bothered to have read his review of her, you never would have made such a statement.

Just admit you blew this one, and lets move on to the next one.

-- Modified on 5/30/2017 11:09:37 AM

I am sometimes lazy, but as I said below, if I had all of the relevant information in the first place, I would have responded differently.  You post that I blew it came AFTER he posted the additional information.  I agree that with the added info, it appears I interpreted the first post incorrectly, but how was I to know at the time?  He didn't tell us until much later.  

He wrote her a good review. He also said he had seen her several times and would see her again. Why are you bashing him for giving her a 6? This was over 10 years ago before top lists and rampant review manipulation, when a 6 actually was a decent score. Have you looked at your old reviews lately? You gave a lot of 6s to providers you actually liked.

-- Modified on 5/28/2017 10:10:48 AM

Are we reading the same thing? And WTF does my prior reviews have to do with the price of tea in China? I'm not the one looking or asking. And to quote.."Tall, attractive and a very nice person"..

It so happens that when one faces the end of this life, there are things that need to be put in order...legally, emotionally and every other way. Thanks for your "intelligent" and vapid posts. A simple request...met with ignorance and stupidity. Well done! Hope you are all feeling quite smug with yourselves.

Your review seemed genuine and accurate. If your intentions for trying to get in touch with her after all these years are genuine, I wish you luck. Unfortunately in this hobby, many folks just disappear and all we have are memories.

But then why didn't just come out and explain yourself in the beginning? Your initial post comes off "creepy", looking for someone from 10 years ago. You've been around long enough how these post can come off?
And next time phrase it like this "Tall, nice looking and a very nice person"....Know your audience.
On a side note...kinda makes me wonder what you did to her that during your Jesus moment you feel the need to make amends...Hmm...
I would just  "Shine it on" and move on. There's a reason why she left...respect that.

If you had included this information in your original post, that you have some kind of terminal illness, and wanted to put this provider in your will or whatever, I would have responded much differently, but I agree with Happy, your first post came off as a creepy stalker because, believe or not, there have been many stalkers come on the boards over the years and make a similar plea for help finding a girl from the past.  

The learning moment here is for you to put out ALL of the relevant information at the same time so that you will get responses that address everything in your head, not just the few words you chose to put on paper at the time.  You can't withhold important and relevant information and then expect to get perfect responses.

intoodeeply261 reads

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: We can only go with the words you write . . . .
If you had included this information in your original post, that you have some kind of terminal illness, and wanted to put this provider in your will or whatever, I would have responded much differently, but I agree with Happy, your first post came off as a creepy stalker because, believe or not, there have been many stalkers come on the boards over the years and make a similar plea for help finding a girl from the past.    
 The learning moment here is for you to put out ALL of the relevant information at the same time so that you will get responses that address everything in your head, not just the few words you chose to put on paper at the time.  You can't withhold important and relevant information and then expect to get perfect responses.
Dude, you're just making excuses for being rude to him.    He asked a simple question.

You will see many posters, hobbyists and providers alike, that give you half the story, and then want comments.  When they don't like the comments, they provide the REST of the information that they should have provided in the first place and they would have gotten more accurate responses.  

The point here is that, yes, my first response was wrong to the OP, but I didn't know it AT THE TIME because we only got half the story.  As I said, give us ALL of the information up front, and you'll get better and more accurate responses.  

Of course, there I also the possibility that the later response is just damage control on the part of the OP.  We will never know, so we can only go on what is said, not what is in his mind that he didn't say.

intoodeeply306 reads

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: When you've been doing this a long time, . . . .
You will see many posters, hobbyists and providers alike, that give you half the story, and then want comments.  When they don't like the comments, they provide the REST of the information that they should have provided in the first place and they would have gotten more accurate responses.    
 The point here is that, yes, my first response was wrong to the OP, but I didn't know it AT THE TIME because we only got half the story.  As I said, give us ALL of the information up front, and you'll get better and more accurate responses.    
 Of course, there I also the possibility that the later response is just damage control on the part of the OP.  We will never know, so we can only go on what is said, not what is in his mind that he didn't say.
The guy asked an innocent question.   It's not his job to give you his life story.   Your response was unnecessarily rude.   And, when it was pointed out to you that you were out of line, you didn't even have the decency to say "my bad."    Instead, you try to pin the blame back on the original commenter and mis-characterize what was going on.    He simply asked whatever happened to a girl he saw a while back, which many commenters do.   I went back and read his review and he was very nice to her....there was nothing offensive about his review.   And as far as his score of 6, that was in line with most of the reviewers who gave her 6's and 7's....some even gave her a 2.     If you didn't have the full information, then don't be typing that type of response without having the full facts.     Your responses in many of these threads seem to be two notches harsher than the original comment that inspired it, and many times it's really unprompted and out of the blue.  

Are just rude by nature...

It is their way of sharing the pain that is in their life with those around them (I do it myself when I have an abundance of pain)... Think - The story of the scorpion and the frog.

At times this discussion board is rad and it other times it feels like a troll-fest - It is what it is...

I would have PM'd the other folks that had reviewed Mia to see if any were still close to her - then pulled that thread completely...

Cheers Brother - TB

i certainly understand most of the back and forth going on about someone looking for a girl from 10 years ago .. but .. i noticed the OP reviews are with one exception from that time period ... so ... it could make sense that he might be getting back into the hobby after a long lay off  ( no pun intended)  and would naturally seek out someone he saw before and whose company he enjoyed.    

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