Los Angeles

Re: I mix mayonnaise and Ketchup together for a dip for my chips.
tirekicker 50 Reviews 97 reads

Mayo and ketchup is basic Russian dressing, great for roast beef sandwiches

HappyChanges128 reads

Sometimes I take a swig of a 2 liter of Pepsi or Coke before my morning coffee.

I don’t really like sweet potatoes but at Thanksgiving one year many moons ago I decided to finally give them a try.  

My aunt did sweet potato casserole with marshmallow, butter, brown sugar and cinnamon. Pretty regular, but she also decided to add in some peanut butter. Ooooooooh it was so good. I’ve been wondering whether I should get the recipe from her and try it with Nutella or cookie butter.  

My friends think it’s sacrilegius to make sweet potatoes with anything besides the regular butter, brown sugar, and cinnamon. But they haven’t had it... gotta try it.

HelpAGuyOut93 reads

Sounds like your aunt wiped out the sweet potatoes with other stuff to make it taste like candy.  

That’s how it’s supposed to be made. Otherwise sweet potatoes are trash

Mayonnaise , and butter, on a hot french baguette

I've had some strange looks but it's damn good stuff!

-- Modified on 10/16/2017 4:45:03 PM

my  sixth grade teacher liked it too, peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwiches.


But growing up in East LA, eating cows head was the norm, the brain, tongue and just meat was pretty good. When we moved to Highland Park, which at that time was a white suburb. yes I'm Hispanic..duh. So when my friends came to the house, and they'd see the cows head, the ewww..I'd get. The head with the cooked out eyes..yummy
Then there's the pickled pigs feet. which is very tasty to this day .

...fucking disgusting!!!  They're pig's intestines, so you don't EVER want to be around when they're being cleaned before they're cooked.

GaGambler123 reads

One of my favorites is made with pork blood too.

I know most of you remember that show "Fear Factor" where one of the challenges was to eat something deemed to be "disgusting" What I found hilarious is that at least half the stuff could be found at any Asian grocery store.  

White people have such delicate taste in food. lol

Or are you just hijacking Ashley's thread?   LOL

...You really are dumb.  I replied to "hpygolky" whose post was clearly about not mixing anything.  I replied in kind.


 Or are you just hijacking Ashley's thread?  LOL at another one of your feeble attempts at humor.

Mayo and ketchup is basic Russian dressing, great for roast beef sandwiches

GaGambler130 reads

Ketchup, mayonnaise and ceviche. GROSS

I was dating a Nica (Nicaraguan) several years ago and that's how she ate  her ceviche, it was disgusting to watch her ruin good ceviche that way, even more painful that watching someone pour ketchup on a perfectly cooked filet mignon.

wow my fav sandwich of corned beef on cinnamon raisin bread with mustard seems boring in comparison to others here!  LOL

is pancetta, brie, sliced pear and Devonshire cream on a grainy bread.  

...you can brag about the expensive ingredients.  How come you didn't mention that the pears came from Harry & David?

he also left out that he like to sprinkle gold dust on it......

...He has to add "LOL" to his feeble attempts at humor so that people know he was trying to be funny.  Sad!

to you, then you are worse off than I thought.  They're not expensive at all.  A whole sandwich is about four bucks.  Now I realize your happy meal is less than that, and it still comes with a toy to keep you amused, but this post explains why you're so jealous and follow me around like a little puppy dog.  You can't afford a four dollar sandwich.  No wonder your last hobby experience was last year.  Being a troll is a lot cheaper.  its just that your act is getting old.  

...my last hobby experience was last year based on my reviews and whitelists.  By your reasoning, that would mean GaGambler, whose approval you desperately seek, has NEVER had a hobby experience since he's never written a review and has no whitelists.  I'll have to let him know what you think of him.

Gawd you're dumb!!!

Bending over for Dr.  Hooey counts as a hobby experience.  I'm surprised you haven't figured out yet that no matter how many loads he drops in your ass, the two of you are not going to have that baby you so terribly want to cement your love for each other.  OTOH, maybe the DID figure it out and you just don't want HIM to figure out.  

Why are you so afraid on any of the boards to ever say anything negative about GaG even though you bash me for some of the same things he does?  What does he have on you?  Does he know the details of the liaisons between you and Dr. Hooey that you desperately try to keep secret?

GaGambler124 reads

Most of the time I am laughing at both of you.

BTW, where has Dr "Hooey" gone?

recovered from that night in the woods with LilMamasan.  He can be so demanding when he's horny.  

...you inevitably fall back on your antediluvian homophobia.  False accusations of homosexuality used to be "defamatory per se."   That means that someone suing for defamation would win the case automatically.  Today, however, it is no longer considered defamatory to accuse someone of being a homosexual.  But you're an old fart who is still living in the 1950's and somehow think that accusing someone of homosexual behavior is an appropriate slur.  Why are you obsessed with gays and gay behavior?  That seems to be the only insult you can come up with:






Me never say anything negative about GaG?  That just shows how stupid you are.

If we believe you when you say you're not a closet homosexual.  You don't have any reviews of female providers in nearly a year.  I think that's about the time you got really tight (no pun intended) with Dr. Hooey.  I'm just putting two and two together like anyone else here can.  

You continue to reveal yourself as the REAL homophobe here.  You can call me gay all you want, and I don't consider it a "slur" or "defamatory" in any way, but then again, I'm not the one who IS gay but still in the closet.  You always term it an "accusation" like it is some kind of shaming.  The fact that you find it an offensive moniker just shows that you have your own prejudices against gay people.  This is often the case with closet gays, just like the guys here condemning BBFS, while they are the ones promoting it on other sites.  "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."   (-W.S.)

I'm not crazy about eating vegetables but when they come on a dinner plate, I'll sometimes put A1 sauce on them, it tastes good. Also, when i cook steak at home, I'll rub/insert some maple syrup on it and then cook it, love it.

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