Los Angeles

Ran into a local client..
jaydalee See my TER Reviews 187 reads

years ago while I was adopting a dog.Didn't see him until he walked by me and said in a low voice my work name.
He kept walking but it was a bit awkward I was with a family member fortunately family member did not hear him.

FirstTimeAsker5479 reads

Just curious (it hasn't happened to me...yet) but curious if anyone has unexpectedly ran in to someone they knew, or worked with while hobbying.  Providers - ever shown up for appt and realized you knew the person?   Or guys ever seen someone you know from the real world advertising (or even gone through with it after you realized?).   I'm nervous to go to a meet and greet for the same reason.  

Really I'm just curious if there are any stories like that.

Always wondered about this one too.

years ago while I was adopting a dog.Didn't see him until he walked by me and said in a low voice my work name.
He kept walking but it was a bit awkward I was with a family member fortunately family member did not hear him.

Damn, not very chill of that guy if you ask me.   If I were to see someone from the hobby outside in the real world after I'd be as discreet as possible.  We'd be "old friends".  A walk by shout of your work name doesn't seem cool.  
How about the reverse though - anyone ever know someone in the real world before and then run in to them in some capacity during the hobby.    I feel like it might be very weird/awkward but then could be super hot.  
A long time ago a girl told me she went to an outcall and when she got there realized it was her dads co-worker (or maybe even his boss I think!).   They ultimately went through with it (think it was FBSM with extra but no fs).   Still though, curious if anyone's had that type of experience.  

That used to work for me...

It didn't even set her back a bit (she was a stud)... Had an amazing date and that was it. I think more girls than most people think drift into providing for a short time to help make ends meet, then right back out...

Guess you weren't paying her enough on the day gig, eh?

Yes, this has happened and we both just laughed it was no big deal. If you bump into someone at a meet n greet well thier there for the same reason as you so neither of you are going to tell.

of OTC time with my regulars, and so there have been instances where we are out in public and she will be recognized by another of her customers.  Its usually a short eye contact for them and then they ignore each other for the duration, which is the proper response in such a situation.  Sometimes the guys are jerks and come over and say something to the girl.  Less frequently, we will be out (particularly if I'm in Ktown) and I will see another girl that I have been a customer of.  Sometimes they see me, sometimes not.  Same protocol:  Eye contact but don't approach.  A few times I got a snarky text later from a girl saying "I saw you out with so-and-so, why don't you ever take ME out?"  Its mostly a lose-lose when you run into a provider on the outside by accident when you're with a different provider.  

Had seen her maybe a week before for second or third time - had a GREAT time. Unloading my groceries not paying too much attention, we both looked up about the same time and recognized each other. Smile and a "Hi, How are you? " was about it but we both knew

Saw her after that but we never talked about it - I was wondering why she was in my neighborhood and she probably was wondering the same

All cool

It must have been 20 years ago, but I wound up having a date with a person who lived in the same building but only seen her in passing as she kept to herself.  I was friends with her grandfather and he was always curious what she did for a living.  Well, I finally found out but didn't have the heart to tell him :)

A few years ago I had an ATF I would see on a regular basis. I asked the protocol should I ever run into her out in the world. She said if she was alone she'd say 'hello'. If she was with friends she would ignore me. Fair enough. I assumed the most I would've done was make eye contact. If she was alone and acknowledged me, fine. If she was with other people I wouldn't consider it appropriate to approach her.

-- Modified on 6/24/2017 11:53:21 AM

We pretended we didn't know each other as we were with other people. Then later, we giggled about it.  

Lick Lick,


This has happened to me twice.  Once I was at Costco in the cold produce room and ran in to an FBSM provider I'd seen a few days earlier.  She saw me, too, and we both were cool.  She was with a guy.  Saw her a month or two later, didn't think she'd remember but she did, told me that was her boyfriend.  He didn't know what she did on Thursdays!
Other time I went to see a "K" girl, who was really of a different nationality.  Her face was blurred on her ads.  In her day job she worked at the same facility that I do!  We shrugged and went on with it.  She was fantastic, later told me that if I had just asked her out at work it would've been free!  I called her on this because there's no way she'd ever go out with me.  She pretty much agreed, we laughed and I've continued to see her - definitely not for free!

LittleBigMan15145 reads

which seems kind of surprising considering how big this city is.  On both occasions I was with my wife, and on one occasion the provider loudly came up to greet me, so I had some explaining to do.  Needless to say, I crossed her off the list.  

I saw an ATF while I was in the car picking up my wife at LAX.  Asked her about it later, and it turns out they were on the same flight.

Avalguy140 reads

Once saw a provider that I lived in the dorms with 20 years ago. Fucking awkward because what do you do. We both had mutual friends etc. still had a great time and never talked about it again, never told anyone.

yes i have a few times.  one time a guy came to see me who looked really familiar to me and i knew he was a lawyer from his screening information.  after everything was said and done we started chatting about different firms we worked and it was then i realized that we worked together at the same firm several years ago.  it was a little awkward but not awkward enough because he came back a second time.  

So far so good, I have yet to run into anyone in/from my personal life. I can't imagine it to be pleasant. I might just laugh and exclaim, "just kidding!" I don't know.  

If I run into anyone in public somewhere, my plan is to act like I don't know them. I mean, what else can you do?  

Keep the screening air tight. Discard if you feel your spidey senses tingling. It's not worth the awkwardness to both parties.  

I'd love to go to a meet'n'greet. Someone please take me. I hate the thought of going alone the first time.

I ran into a provider at local super market once. I saw her standing in a check stand line. She noticed me with shocking face. I did pretend as If I didn't notice her and walked towards the back to the isles where and what I needed to buy. Super market was literally two blocks from her working pad. It was during day time.  

Rasputin4President110 reads

I have always been curious about this. I asked my favorite provider and she said she once booked an appointment and when the guy showed up she realized it was her bother's friend from high school.

my first ever outcall turned out to be a friend of one of my closest friends!

But you keep your cool and give a knowing nod and move on!   How would you like it if you were with your family and the provider called you by you handle?

Once a provider told me a story about a client that was texting and emailing her constantly,  she was quite aggravated by him.  She bumped into him at  Bed Bath and Beyond while he was with his wife.  He was grabbing a cart and she pulled one out for him and said " Here let me help you with that"   emails and texts stopped that day!    

I was out of town visiting a buddy of mine. On the way back to my hotel, I decided to check out the local talent and called up a provider. The booker answered and went through some basic screening. Being that I'm not on social media, when she asked for my name, I gave it. She turned out to be an old college buddy of mine.

When she blurted out the words "Oh my God, I know you", adrenaline started pumping through my body and she revealed who she was. We ended up talking for a while. She said not to be surprised as she's bumped into many friends and acquaintances. She was booking meetings for quite some time and even had her own girls.

was to my best friend's oldest friend. awkward!

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