Los Angeles

Performance scores of 1 to 4
KGirlCrazy 229 reads

That's a good idea. Using the TER rating system for good (rather than the usual selfish) reasons. The possibility never even occurred to me but, yeah, I think if I ran across a situation like that, I would report it in a heartbeat. Anonymously, of course.

Although I doubt I would ever be in that situation, precisely because I use the TER rating system to find top performers. A score of 1 to 4 would be totally unacceptable. Even 6 or 7 usually means I will avoid that provider, unless it's a rare deviation from a long list of 8s, 9s and 10s.

LE_phobic699 reads

We sometimes come across reviews that indicated that the provider clearly hated her work and made it known loud and clear. I wonder if that is a coded SOS signal? In such case would you report her? Does anyone have experience, reporting in anonymity?

don't see her again genius.....Kind of like when the refuse your walmart coupons at the gas and sip you gas up elsewhere

LE_phobic340 reads

Since you call this a moronic post, I have to call the response moronic. 1st of all, I never said I was unlucky enough to have seen any of these unfortunate providers. I always wait for 10 reviews before I make a move. I just out of curiosity one day took a look at a whole bunch of 2 to 4 in performance, and suspect there are many under coercion. Don't we as a community feel for these girls? When I said "report", I meant report the pimp, in case some genius could not understand the simple English.

If providing, then, why bother providing?  I would get out of there if she's made that loud and clear.

LE_phobic282 reads

No, that's exactly the point, some can't get out, because by crook or by hook, some of these girls might have been deceived into this situation. If you do an advanced search setting performance between 2 & 4, you see many such girls. According to a MSNBC rept, many were cheated from foreign countries to come here and have no way out. I just like to call for some compassion to know and care about providers who're stuck.

Posted By: LE_phobic
No, that's exactly the point, some can't get out, because by crook or by hook, some of these girls might have been deceived into this situation. If you do an advanced search setting performance between 2 & 4, you see many such girls. According to a MSNBC rept, many were cheated from foreign countries to come here and have no way out. I just like to call for some compassion to know and care about providers who're stuck.
In which case they can not leave because they are being held against their will?  That's a tough one to help. Either way, you need to get some other legal help to get them out of the situation without you getting drag into the case.

Harpman60404 reads

I doubt whether many providers, irrespective of what they say, enjoy the work they do and that is understandable.However, given the circumstances they might be in or their love for the money they generate they have many alternatives that enables them to make the same income.They have no option but to get on with it ,just like most people who work for a living do no matter how they feel about their job.

With regard to the K-dolls ,most accept their first appointment at 11:00 AM and take the last one at 11:00 PM which is 13 hours a day having to deal with all kind of clients the good,bad ,ugly and the predator plus time getting ready and cleaning up and preparing for the next day which more than likely means that they cannot hit the sack till after 2:00 AM  at the earliest .Try that 22 or 23 days a month . Yes ,the K-dolls do get exhausted ,stressed out , burned out and even have breakdowns and go home early.But the majorities are just happy to be in a position to have the opportunity to earn money.

With both native born and foreign provider I am sure some are forced in the business by loan sharks who are owed money and usury charges but the most of the K-girls are here without coercion or pressure from others.They get tired , play hurt and hate the work they do but they can quit and walk out on their agency on a whim. They work or stay away from work as they please .Have a survey on appointment cancellations. I can name many girls who say they are tire especially towards the end of the day- but the point is they do not have to work. I would call the booker or , if I know them , the owners share what I know.

If I was to come across providers or any labour in what appears to be forced captivity , I would report it in he knowledge that victims who be rescued, given sanctuary and  care and the opportunity to remain legally in this country.

Posted By: LE_phobic
We sometimes come across reviews that indicated that the provider clearly hated her work and made it known loud and clear. I wonder if that is a coded SOS signal? In such case would you report her? Does anyone have experience, reporting in anonymity?  

LE_phobic217 reads

(unlike some genius who is quick to throw bombshell like "moronic".)

* First on Kgirls, I've seen about 20 over the last 2 yr period, and have always rated them in the 8 to 9 range, never once disappointed. I recently rated one 10/9 and expect to see her at least 20 times more. As a group, they are wonderful. LA is extremely blessed by such treasures.

* When I started this post, I had in mind a famous characterization by a female Judge, who cautioned (maybe msg to LE) to make a big distinction between the case of consenting adults vs the coerced victims. Her wisdom was that society should leave alone the case of consenting adults but concentrate on those unfortunate victims.

* When I did a cursory look at those in the performance 1 to 4 grades, I easily detected two groups in the eastern suburbs of LA with glaring cases of suspicious victims. My hope is that those reviewers who saw it first hand instead of just yelling at the girls as worthless scums, may stop to think that the girls might be sending out SOS signals. If I were one of the reviewers, I'd figure a way to draw more attention to possible victimhood.

* If we highlight such victim cases, it is a win-win-win-win scenario. It's a win for the hobby to weed out the unsavory elements that give us a bad name. It's a win for gov to concentrate on cases that have victims. It is a win for those girls who are actual victims. It's a win for us consenting adults to be left alone.

Hope I have clarified the bigger picture.

KGirlCrazy230 reads

That's a good idea. Using the TER rating system for good (rather than the usual selfish) reasons. The possibility never even occurred to me but, yeah, I think if I ran across a situation like that, I would report it in a heartbeat. Anonymously, of course.

Although I doubt I would ever be in that situation, precisely because I use the TER rating system to find top performers. A score of 1 to 4 would be totally unacceptable. Even 6 or 7 usually means I will avoid that provider, unless it's a rare deviation from a long list of 8s, 9s and 10s.

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