Los Angeles

Maybe you would like to explain . . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 152 reads

to the class why YOUR assumption that he was NOT talking about Kgirl agencies is a more valid assumption than me assuming he WAS referring to Kgirl agencies.  That seems pretty arrogant of you, given the limited information in the OP.  Its pretty much a known fact that there are more Kgirl agencies in LA than there are other types of escort agencies, so just playing the percentages militates in favor of my analysis rather than yours.  More guys come to LA in search of the crème de la crème of Kgirls than they do for girls that can be had at any agency in other major cities.  

Further, your interpretation doesn't make a lot of sense because if he was approved with Le VIP, he would ALREADY know that he can get referrals from other cities, as he also can with other NATIONWIDE agencies.  He also fails to state if he is P411 approved, which would give us a further indication.  So you have created a false narrative based on your own arrogant assumption that only YOU know how to interpret what the OP meant by his post.  All of this just to mask your desire to engage in a personal attack.  

But really, this isn't about helping out the OP, but rather your historical penchant for personal attacks coupled with your own hatred of Kgirls, right?  Did you get blacklisted or what?  You tried to attack me on this post yesterday, and I handed your ass to you, so you removed your post, which took down mine, and then you reworded yours and put it back up.  Now you are making me do it again.  I'm not the only one here you do this to.  You do it to providers, too.  You are obviously oblivious to how small and petty it makes you look.  I look forward to your explanation as to how anything the OP said slants one way or the other for or against Kgirl agencies.  We're waiting . . . . .

Meanwhile, take a deep breath and compose yourself a little.  Its embarrassing to see you ranting like this.  Lets see the resident coward take down this one like you did yesterday.  

schlbus5551489 reads

I'll be traveling to LA and wanted to see if there are any agencies worth looking into in the area, or stick to independent?

Are worth looking into, but unfortunately, without any local references, it's doubtful you will get a response. LA is less friendly to out-of-towners than other major cities.

...are you once again talking about the only thing you know -  K-GIRLS?  You said:


"... without any local references, it's doubtful you will get a response. LA is less friendly to out-of-towners than other major cities."


What did you mean by that?  K-girl agencies of course.  Everyone knows that you need "local references" to see K-girls and everyone knows that K-Girl agencies are "less friendly to out-of-towners."


Ever heard of Le VIP Collection?  No, of course not, because they don't have any K-Girls.  They have referrals to MANY providers all over the country and, yes, that includes Los Angeles.  Are you claiming that a NATIONWIDE company like Le VIP asks for "local references" and is "less friendly to out of towners?"  Bullshit!  If a customer from another city wants to see someone in L.A, Le VIP won't turn him down because he's an "out of towner" without "local references."


Was that the "fictional" CDL who gave that advice?  Is the "real" CDL now going to PM the OP with a list of agencies?  Why don't you just STFU already and stop giving advice on subjects you know NOTHING about!


Go ahead - let's see how you weasel your way out of this one....again.

to the class why YOUR assumption that he was NOT talking about Kgirl agencies is a more valid assumption than me assuming he WAS referring to Kgirl agencies.  That seems pretty arrogant of you, given the limited information in the OP.  Its pretty much a known fact that there are more Kgirl agencies in LA than there are other types of escort agencies, so just playing the percentages militates in favor of my analysis rather than yours.  More guys come to LA in search of the crème de la crème of Kgirls than they do for girls that can be had at any agency in other major cities.  

Further, your interpretation doesn't make a lot of sense because if he was approved with Le VIP, he would ALREADY know that he can get referrals from other cities, as he also can with other NATIONWIDE agencies.  He also fails to state if he is P411 approved, which would give us a further indication.  So you have created a false narrative based on your own arrogant assumption that only YOU know how to interpret what the OP meant by his post.  All of this just to mask your desire to engage in a personal attack.  

But really, this isn't about helping out the OP, but rather your historical penchant for personal attacks coupled with your own hatred of Kgirls, right?  Did you get blacklisted or what?  You tried to attack me on this post yesterday, and I handed your ass to you, so you removed your post, which took down mine, and then you reworded yours and put it back up.  Now you are making me do it again.  I'm not the only one here you do this to.  You do it to providers, too.  You are obviously oblivious to how small and petty it makes you look.  I look forward to your explanation as to how anything the OP said slants one way or the other for or against Kgirl agencies.  We're waiting . . . . .

Meanwhile, take a deep breath and compose yourself a little.  Its embarrassing to see you ranting like this.  Lets see the resident coward take down this one like you did yesterday.  

...But you just can't help yourself, can you?  You keep slinging the bullshit.


The OP was asking about agencies and independents.  Only a K-fanboy like you would assume he meant K-girl agencies and K-girl independents.  Of the 20,000+ profile of L.A. providers, how many have been INDEPENDENT K-girls?  He obviously meant providers in general.  If he wanted to know about K-girls, he would have specifically asked about K-girls.  
 But you're straining at a gnat instead of admitting you were wrong.


More bullshit - you said:  "...if he was approved with Le VIP..."  Why are you presuming he was approved by Le VIP?  Obviously he was NOT, or else he wouldn't be asking about L.A. agencies.


I love the way you're trying to re-write history.  It was YOU who got his ass kicked up and down the General Board from all sides until you finally slunk away, licking your wounds and saying you weren't going to post for a while.  You should have taken your own advice instead of begging TER to remove the thread.

I wasn't posting there because I was in Europe.  Not enough time to keep up with that board while I'm traveling.  I told several of my friends on that board before I left.  Ask around.  Maybe there's someone there that's still speaking to you.  Now I know why they call you BigMamasan over there on the GD board.  Seems to fit.  You're such a drama queen.  

That was my point you dumb shit.  He was NOT approved with Le VIP or he wouldn't have asked about agencies.  YOU'RE the one that went off in your previous post about Le VIP.  I never mentioned it.  Meanwhile, you're still telling us what he meant.  We don't know because he didn't say.  If he says he's looking for non-K agencies, I can tell him who to ask about that as well.  While we wait for his clarification, I don't think we can rule out K-agencies just because YOU say so.  Are you a mind-reader now?

I didn't think you were ignorant enough to not know there are NO Kgirl "independents."  Kgirl is a business model, not an ethnicity.   Who were you saying should STFU when they don't know what they're talking about?  I think its ironic that I'm approved at many of the traditional escort agencies, but you're not approved at a single Kgirl agency.  You probably don't know this because you don't get out much, but there are MANY independent Asian girls working in the SoCal area.  So the OP could be asking about Kgirl agencies AND independent Asian providers.  If he PM's me, I can give him solid recommendations on both.  If he PM's you, the only thing he will get is a hard time, and if we're lucky, another drama-queen meltdown.  

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