Los Angeles

Make love
Carla_capri See my TER Reviews 1251 reads
1 / 17

Hat you would do??
iF  you had oniy 1 month to  Live ???
we always postponed nice things for  various reasons
Time issues  
work commitment
made money  
 or Have no courage to do....
BUT hey..  You have only 1 month
no much  to lose  
WHat u enjoy be doing .....
what is important to you

to me ...
reconnect with my people in Italy
spend more time with mom  
eating good PASTA and  cannoli  
 and Laughing  
forgiving things on the past  

 on MY  Last day be Jumping out of a plane with Paraglider  

Use your imagination
be creative and  respect each other desires  


HAVE a  funny  week

CdnBman 11 Reviews 720 reads
2 / 17

... In the British Virgin Islands - Necker Island.  http://www.virginlimitededition.com/en/necker-island

Then I would bring my top 10 favourite providers.  The place holds 33 people, so maybe more.  They would come on the all you can eat plan.  There would be doubles, threesomes, and maybe even tensomes.  My objective would be to not last the whole 30 days, and to croak due to too much sex.

Either that or get tickets to Wimbledon.

SodaPop 528 reads
3 / 17


Dbl_take 23 Reviews 511 reads
4 / 17
Father_of_Dragons 30 Reviews 469 reads
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I would spend with my family. The next 14-17 days, I would visit every provider I could in LA with my video camera. I would pay them of course for the session, and then would film myself performing cunnilingus on all of them. I would have each one guide and direct me so as to please them the most. (While doing it...if I'm feeling up for it...I will recite Jim Morrison lyrics..."I found an island in your arms, country in your eyes, arms that chain, eyes that lie"). I will then spend the last week with my family again...and on my death bed, I will hand my son an edited video on flash disk and tell him it is the key to happiness, and not to open it until he's 15 and to never show it to his mother. Then I will Rage against the dying of the light, and take my parting breath.

Father of Dragons, scumbag at heart

ashleyshye See my TER Reviews 621 reads
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Travel To Italy & Other Countries I've Been Wanting To Visit,
Have Sex In The Window Of A Furniture Store While People Walking By Or Watching,
I'm A Dare-Devil When It Comes To Heights, Hang Gliding, Paragliding, Etc.
I've Always Wanted To Go Fishing,
Sex On Top Of The Highest Tower Roof,  
And Many More Other Ideas I Have...

Lick Lick,


Alanah415 See my TER Reviews 475 reads
7 / 17

definitely start out with a girls only party with Ashley, Carla, and all of the amazingly hot chicks on TER!  
Beginning the evening with drinks and delicious food catered by Nobu, then swap stories about how everyone got started in this biz, then talk about what it's like to be a provider. For the coup de gras, we would invite a select few of our favorite clients over to play with us. Wait, do I have to wait until I'm dying to make this happen?  No fair!!!! :)

AHappyCamper 9 Reviews 492 reads
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sometimes you gotta make things happen on your own.  Waiting around hoping gets a person nowhere.  

As for me, my plan is simple.  First, hire someone to tell my life story too.  The good, the bad and the ugly. Second I'm going to seek out the wildest activities available.  Just saw a video clip of a couple of people flying jet powered wing, that's first on my list.  Visit a few places that I've always wanted to go to.  Finally, when it's close to my time to go, I want to go out in blaze of glory.  None of this withering away stuff.  I know just the place, and hopefully I might take a few with me.  A certain part of me misses that life.

But that's just me...

bigjoe2002 55 Reviews 655 reads
9 / 17

I wold write a journal about my life and things to remember me by. Then I would probably travel to an exotic place with my favorite provider. Then I would like to drive in a Nascar race. Then spend the last few days just enjoying life to the fullest.

HarloweDahl See my TER Reviews 497 reads
10 / 17

with loved ones, rehoming my three dogs, eating the most sinfully rich and delicious culinary delights I could find, and having lots of sex. Maybe trying a different beautiful camping spot every other night if possible.

-- Modified on 8/21/2015 2:21:46 PM

FIDCUOF 760 reads
11 / 17

I would make love to you and make you feel amazing.  I miss you

Carla_capri See my TER Reviews 603 reads
12 / 17

amazing  place ...... what way to go ..

Posted By: CdnBman
... In the British Virgin Islands - Necker Island.  http://www.virginlimitededition.com/en/necker-island  
 Then I would bring my top 10 favourite providers.  The place holds 33 people, so maybe more.  They would come on the all you can eat plan.  There would be doubles, threesomes, and maybe even tensomes.  My objective would be to not last the whole 30 days, and to croak due to too much sex.  
 Either that or get tickets to Wimbledon.  

Carla_capri See my TER Reviews 433 reads
13 / 17

I can be your interpreter ..

Carla_capri See my TER Reviews 463 reads
14 / 17

how about  Italian restaurant

Carla_capri See my TER Reviews 506 reads
15 / 17

"Then spend the last few days just enjoying life to the fullest"

start enjoying life to the fullest"      now  
we can not predict when end comes ..

Carla_capri See my TER Reviews 527 reads
16 / 17

that ..is  
..... Sweet .....
behave Io

Carla_capri See my TER Reviews 443 reads
17 / 17

I am glad you are not diabetic  
there any C sugar free ?

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