Los Angeles

If you had reported it before me, I wouldn't have been...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 212 reads

...able to report it at all; I would have been informed that there was an open problem report and to check back in 24-48 hours.  My problem report was accepted, indicating that there were no others who submitted problem reports before I did.

I agree with you that the K-girls are engaged in practices with which I am not familiar.  The providers I see don't suck and fuck 8-10 cocks a day.

Harpman60802 reads

It seems that a couple of 6's and a 7 has turned Frida into Tasha. The link from TER profile leads to Tasha's new ad CV ad that has new pictures and phone number.  If Frida is now Tasha, it is then interesting to note the  donation is reduced to $270.

-- Modified on 5/7/2012 4:47:09 PM

JimmyHenson440 reads

When the pics are so obvious and when you obviously already know the answer.  And what's Lohan got to do with it?  She strikes me as one who has too much class to put you up to this punk assed post.  Swwms like you got your beek far up her backside you're trying to protect turf that doesn't need any protection.

How ironic, he who always pulls the race card, jealously argument, blah, blah, whatever at every K-girl slight real or imagined is now bashing a K-girl.  Will wonder never cease?

Harpman60427 reads

The disicion has nothing to do with the action of any other K-doll and more to do with changes in destiny and distribution in various enclaves abiut which you seem clueless and there jump tp false conclusion. Let your ignorance be a bliss .


Posted By: JimmyHenson
When the pics are so obvious and when you obviously already know the answer.  And what's Lohan got to do with it?  She strikes me as one who has too much class to put you up to this punk assed post.  Swwms like you got your beek far up her backside you're trying to protect turf that doesn't need any protection.

How ironic, he who always pulls the race card, jealously argument, blah, blah, whatever at every K-girl slight real or imagined is now bashing a K-girl.  Will wonder never cease?

JimmyHenson405 reads

you just wanted to throw her under the bus.

And been seeing them longer than you, so know a little about K-distribution.  You can say it ain't so, but that don't make it so.  I've seen she of the ice cream blowjob - maybe some other vet will give you the answer to that one.  Or to which current K's with active CV adds have been around since at least 2005 (not something you can figure from reviews due to changes in destiny and distribution).

JimmyHenson312 reads

For late comers to this thread who can't make sense of my previous comments - it's because the original poster has edited his message to obscure what he said to start the thread.

And yes, as mentioned below, guys that have been around awhile know Ji Young liked ice cream.  Or maybe not - she kept spitting it out.

-- Modified on 5/9/2012 1:52:27 AM

Bigpapasan when you need him? He seems to be the resident expert on which kgirls change their names.

Cmon mr champion of review integrity do your job.

...I don't see K-girls so I don't care what they call themselves.  But I do care when any provider who gives bad service changes her name in order to deceive her customers.  It's the same as a used-car dealer ripping people off and then opening another lot after being driven out of business under his old name.

So Beemer, I did do my job and reported Frida to TER.  As a result, TER removed the Cityvibe ad in Frida's profile which was of a woman named Tasha.

Harpman posted this thread questioning Frida's profile.  I'll leave it to others to question his motives in so doing.  The proper thing to do would have been to quietly report the matter to TER.  That would have avoided calling into question the integrity of Frida and/or her booker.
Well, Beemer, don't you have any questions for Harpy?

Harpman60301 reads

I did not question Frida's profile , I stated that when you click on the link to CV you get a new ad , new name and phone number . I was lamenting on the fact of how  3 mid range scores can cause so much damage. I also pointed out that the new ad has a lower donation , but still higher than the the standard K-doll rates. Last week you accused the K-doll guys of
not reporting such incidents so make up your mind because the problem is yours.

You make comments that are baseless and based on ignorance and falsehood. How did you conclude that I did not report the changes to TER. Why on earth would you  think that I did not  report it. You are irresponsible even reckless in making baseless accusations and don't be to fast in thinking that you have the inside track to knowing what I do. I do not want to discredit you in your own mind . Well i hate to disappoint you my big bubba but  I did report the facts  to TER prior to posting . I did not wait for you to do so. They responded favorably and the matter was closed.

When did B310 take his marching orders from you. Why would he need you to prompt him to ask me a question, I would not describe B310 as incapable of deciding for himself.

I agree with you that you know nothing about the K-dolls nor do you patronize them but you sure are obsessed by them.
Let go my friend , they are not engaged in the practices you are familiar with girls you frequent, or second hand car sale men  salesman, who cheat.I suggest you would do step  back and move over. Leave the K-dolls to those in the know.  

Posted By: BigPapasan
...I don't see K-girls so I don't care what they call themselves.  But I do care when any provider who gives bad service changes her name in order to deceive her customers.  It's the same as a used-car dealer ripping people off and then opening another lot after being driven out of business under his old name.

So Beemer, I did do my job and reported Frida to TER.  As a result, TER removed the Cityvibe ad in Frida's profile which was of a woman named Tasha.

Harpman posted this thread questioning Frida's profile.  I'll leave it to others to question his motives in so doing.  The proper thing to do would have been to quietly report the matter to TER.  That would have avoided calling into question the integrity of Frida and/or her booker.
Well, Beemer, don't you have any questions for Harpy?

...able to report it at all; I would have been informed that there was an open problem report and to check back in 24-48 hours.  My problem report was accepted, indicating that there were no others who submitted problem reports before I did.

I agree with you that the K-girls are engaged in practices with which I am not familiar.  The providers I see don't suck and fuck 8-10 cocks a day.

JimmyHenson318 reads

You were lamenting how 3 mid scores caused damage?  You're spin doctoring now and I see you modified your original post to obscure what you really said to start the thread.

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