Los Angeles

I don't try to look inside the minds of the women I fuck
GaGambler 661 reads

but when a woman makes it clear about just how much disdain she has for both her sister providers and her clients alike, personally I take a wide berth.

You were doing fine until you started getting on your high horse, and everyone has a bad day or week, but "fighting back" is a double edged sword, we can all sympathize with someone getting pissed about a rash of cancellations, but saying the other women in LA aren't "all that" and basically calling the guys cheap in one of the highest markets in the country just make you look like an entitled bitch. I am not saying you are "an entitled bitch" but your last couple of responses sure come across that way.

Like I told a girl on the LV board this morning, "when you find yourself in a hole, STOP digging" These words of wisdom most definitely apply to you today. STOP digging before you find yourself persona non grata in the countries second largest market.

and yes, sometimes in business "sitting down and shutting up" is the wise thing to do. Do you want to be "right" or do you want to enjoy a thriving business? Just look at all the reviews in LA, "somebody" is getting business, and getting it at your same price point if it's not you maybe you should look inward and not outwards for your answers.

I'm always fully booked when I tour LA. Now the past two trips my schedule is full a week prior to visiting and then BOOM two days before my trip, half if not 75 % cancel. Not only is it expensive to work in LA (hotels, advertising, traveling costs, etc) you're wasting everyone's time including your own. I'm about to stop touring LA all together. What's going on guys?????

ibuysteel919 reads

Tax season is here.

Corporate taxes due 3-15, individuals are 4-15.  Priorities can change once a guy finds out from his CPA how much he's on the hook for.


FYI, this year tax returns for individuals are due on 4/18.  3 extra days to procrastinate!

As.Good.as.It.Gets959 reads

It's not to the same degree (about 1/4 cancel or NCNS) and it doesn't affect me all that much because I have 2 agencies as backup and many regulars who I can reach out. I don't think it has ever happened this frequently in my last 3-5 years of hobbying. I am starting to stick with my regulars and P411 providers as much as possible. I am not sure what providers can do beside to treat this as part of business and raise their rate to cover their cost.

ClamsCasino672 reads

I told you "everyone gets a trophy" would take the world straight to hell!


He's grabbing all the pussy so there's none left?

Posted By: dick h

a lady visiting from Texas has a cancellation in the near future and remembers to check her wait list for my name and contacts me for the 2 hour fantasy I requested.  Staring at my dreamcatcher and looking for a butterfly in my house in anticipation of her message.

Guys see your ads.  You are smoking hot, so they just jump right at it.  As the day approaches they realize that the money they would have to spend on your rate could be better spent elsewhere.  They've spent the last couple weeks jerking off to your stunning photos and the need to actually see you is no longer as intense.  There's a lot of that going around as the hobby becomes more popularized and middle income dudes come into it. It wasn't a problem when the average rate for top tier girls was $300 to $400.  I'm not saying you should change your rate structure, it just seems like it's more of a problem for the top end ladies.  It's just the nature of the business.

This is just my theory based on my observations over the last couple years.  Everyone is free to disagree.

There are so many gorgeous ladies in L.A. both in and out of the hobby, it really can be like a kid in a candy store for some folks.  It makes it hard for touring ladies.  I know it's a business risk, but you may want to shorten the lead time on your advertising visits here. That would mean less time for guys to flit about while they wait to see you.  That may cut some of the last minute cancellations, but I've heard from a few ladies that business is slow anyway, so who knows?

Incidentally, your profile says you are based here in L.A.   I take it that no longer the case?

I only post my tour dates for incall 3-8 days a month lol (and that's spread out within the month). The reason for that is the very thing you just said! I've been doing this awhile and I totally agree with the "kid in a candy store". The market is really oversaturated. I've done well here in LA, it's just the past month has been mostly cancellations so I lose out on the money for advertising costs and hotels. I'm do not feel safe under any circumstance letting someone into my home for appts (no matter how thorough screening is ive still heard night mare stories and I myself have had my fair share of stalkers and I don't even work from my home). That's my sacred space and I cherish it dearly. I really appreciate you taking the time out of your day to speak to me like a human instead of bashing me. Thank you very much :)

GaGambler431 reads

I completely agree that your safety is not worth compromising just to save a few bucks on an incall.

Using your home to work from is a horribly unsafe thing to do, stalkers not being the only risk, but certainly one of the biggest. The other major risk of course is being charged with "operating a house of prostitution" if you are ever busted and losing your home to civil forfeiture.  

My advice is that if you don't know a guy well enough to be on a "real name" basis, NEVER let him within miles of your actual home. (The generic "you" of course, it's plain that you hardly need my advice on the subject)

Like many have said above, it's supply and demand.  In LA we are blessed with a variety of ladies to spend our time with.   I'm betting most of us have a budget as well.  So every guy has to decide on where to spend it.   2 lady's at $300 each is 2 hours of playtime compared to one lady for one hour...  for me the math is easy.  More so when I'm seeing local lady's that I've seen before, and going back for a return visit.  I've found while sometimes the 'new' is worth it, most times not.  Same with the 'rate creep' that's been going on.  Good on the girls that raise their rates, and shoot for a better quality client.  It does mean it cuts some of us guys from seeing you... but maybe that's the point.  ;)

BUT, having said the above...  I know I'm not booking a lady for $600 only to cancel later, because I decided it's too much to spend.  Ashley, I've seen your ads since you were on HX, and a few times I tried to make plans, but the timing on my end never worked out.  I'd LOVE to see you, but now even your HHR is out of my budget range, so I don't bother even contacting you.  

Don't book unless you plan to actually see the lady... it's rude and unfair.  It's a waste of time/effort and makes you look like an ass.

I think guys book a 600 date and then a 400-500 pops up they like and take it. Not even close to saying your over priced but guys are guys

After they have time to think on it, well that could be the case. I don't have a strong answer for you.
But I guess cause I've been around and that I'm savvy enough not to call or commit if I can't afford to play. I know my limitations and I wouldn't want to waste anyone's time. I feel for you as you lost time and dinero.
I don't know how Vegas plays out for you, but if I ever made an appointment with you while I'm there, you can bet your last donut that I wouldn't cancel.
Hang in there.

Your pictures are so hot but perhaps your prices are not.  Lot's of K-gals here in LA for 50% less than your price of admission.  Just my two cents and you are lovely and I'd love to meet you!

You're comparing an apple to an orange. We are two totally different worlds apart babe

Brother - If you're tripping on the price, check 411 - She offers half hour appointments and discounts on top of that - Very affordable for the Hobbiest on a budget...

As.Good.as.It.Gets634 reads

They are both based on donations. Is it possible that they changed their mind when budget reality set in?

-- Modified on 3/11/2017 11:09:46 AM

Boogie Boy609 reads

Sorry you're having so much trouble.  Doesn't speak well for us LA Hobbyists.  Just my personal character, but when I book, I keep my dates.  I always hope the Provider feels the same but I understand that "stuff happens."  But most excuses I get from Providers rate with the "my dog ate my homework" excuse.  I'd love to see you, your pictures are hot but your prices are not. So...I won't waste your time.

I would rather move to a different place than lower my rates because I'm worth every single penny. I'm not a "k-girl", I'm not Russian, I'm a real established provider. Now I know some of you cannot afford the rate which is fine. From the girls I've met here, I'm seriously NOT impressed by any means. I know most of you lower your standards because you can't afford a certain rate, which again is fine. It's a simple economic structure. Charging more money creates less volume. I'm not talking about people being able to afford my rate because I stay plenty busy. I'm talking about the amount of FLAKES there are in LA (and sometimes OC as well as far as time wasters). So to all the men commenting on my rates please save your BS for someone else because that's the lamest excuse I've ever heard in my life. I also have heard from several girls they aren't busy AT ALL so they either cancel their tour and stop touring so much in the area OR lower their rates to appease the "market". I have no empathy for ignorance or for men taking ladies and providers for granted and/or treating them badly because of their own insecurities.I know it's a simple "you're a dime a dozen" thought process to most of you since you view women as being so easily disposable. To tell someone "your prices are not hot" is the most ignorant comment I've ever heard. You guys are PAYING to spend time with a lady of your choice. YOUR choice!!! You are paying US so you should probably treat it with more respect instead of talking down and being so rude. We're all here for one reason or another. We are also human, so since the non gentleman like to treat us like a product, we can just as easily treat you like an asshole. Oh but wait!!! You would then complain we didn't treat you like a "King". This is two way street so when someone makes a statement like that, it's really just them being oblivious to other people's situations (including your own), creating something they think the masses with agree with, and trying to make themselves feel better for not being able to afford a higher priced lady.

"I would rather move to a different place than lower my rates because I'm worth every single penny. I'm not a "k-girl", I'm not Russian, I'm a real established provider. Now I know some of you cannot afford the rate which is fine. From the girls I've met here, I'm seriously NOT impressed by any means. I know most of you lower your standards because you can't afford a certain rate, which again is fine. It's a simple economic structure. Charging more money creates less volume. I'm not talking about people being able to afford my rate because I stay plenty busy. I'm talking about the amount of FLAKES there are in LA (and sometimes OC as well as far as time wasters). So to all the men commenting on my rates please save your BS for someone else because that's the lamest excuse I've ever heard in my life. I also have heard from several girls they aren't busy AT ALL so they either cancel their tour and stop touring so much in the area OR lower their rates to appease the "market". I have no empathy for ignorance or for men taking ladies and providers for granted and/or treating them badly because of their own insecurities.I know it's a simple "you're a dime a dozen" thought process to most of you since you view women as being so easily disposable. To tell someone "your prices are not hot" is the most ignorant comment I've ever heard. You guys are PAYING to spend time with a lady of your choice. YOUR choice!!! You are paying US so you should probably treat it with more respect instead of talking down and being so rude. We're all here for one reason or another. We are also human, so since the non gentleman like to treat us like a product, we can just as easily treat you like an asshole. Oh but wait!!! You would then complain we didn't treat you like a "King". This is two way street so when someone makes a statement like that, it's really just them being oblivious to other people's situations (including your own), creating something they think the masses with agree with, and trying to make themselves feel better for not being able to afford a higher priced lady."

Hi Ashley,

This post of yours is full of broad generalisations and stereotypes about Hobbiests and your sister providers  

and it's pretty brutal!!

I can see that you are in LA now and that you used to be Chrissy Cream in New Jersey / Philadelphia.  

I can also see that your rates used to be a lot lower and you built them to where they are now - that is often the case in this business.  

Without question - you are hot as fuck (you are lucky that way as I'm sure this business would be much harder if you had average or below average looks).  

There are flakes out there and this time of year is tough - but hang in there - LA is the best place and once you have a stable pool of regulars any time of year will be a breeze.

PS - Look at the girls that I have reviewed - I guarantee you that you would be impressed with each and every one of them - They are absolute goddesses...

I have done a 180 since then babe. Not only do I look completely different (hair, face, boobs, body- I workout hard almost every day), I changed my menu from non gfe to basically PSE. I'm not the girl that says "oh I'm hot give me money". I quite literally busted my ass in every single way to get to where I am today. The majority of the girls do NOT compare so just enough. I haven't met the girls you've reviewed, in talking about the girls I've personally met here

-- Modified on 3/12/2017 12:02:08 PM

Baba Booey511 reads

You mean you've done a 180.  Doing a 360 means you're in the same spot.  You may be hot, but maybe not so bright.  

CaptainRenault639 reads

Your pics are breathtaking, your performance ratings very solid.  But YOU posed the question, m'dear, and if some of the answers are not what you'd like to hear, a sure way of alienating the responders is to vilify them.  And, may I add, it might have broader impact, since others reading the post might say, "hm, I think I'd prefer not to be lumped into that category....  wonder what that new KGirl who is rated 10/9 and asking $250 is doing..."

Every girl that works in this industry has their own goals. I feel like their WAY underpriced ESPECIALLY if someone is taking a cut (which with these girls is usually the case). So how much are they even making?! The amount they do this for is sad and it's sickening and the clients that see them contribute to the sadness. How are we as a society to price a person so low? I know I'm not going to like every opinion and I can also express my reply to these opinions. Do whatever you want, just know I'm not a Kgirl so you absolutely cannot compare me to them whatsoever. I'm not discussing rates, in discussing flakiness. As in, book and appt and then suddenly cancel. It's rude and it's inconsiderate. You guys have zero empathy for the girls in this business and it's disturbing

GaGambler542 reads

Most of these "poor abused" K-girls manage to save that much during each visit here.

We have plenty of empathy for the women in this business and WE are the ones who actually support them, not you. What we don't have empathy/sympathy for are entitled bitches who thinks the world OWES them something.

You want to feel sorry for someone, feel sorry for the hard working sap who works full time to support his family and only makes per week what you make in a single hour. I am no more going to feel sorry for a six hundred dollar an hour hooker, than I am a six hundred dollar and hour lawyer. Good grief woman, get over yourself.

-- Modified on 3/12/2017 2:27:20 PM

Have you ever written a review or do you just troll TER and comment negatively on literally EVERYONE???? Go be a dickhead to someone else please

GaGambler521 reads

$600 hr isn't really THAT much in the LA market, but getting on her high horse is NOT the way to endear herself to the community.

I will agree, she looks nice. I don't know if I would quite say "breathtaking" but certainly as good as most of the other women at her price point, but I see hookers in order to NEVER have to be berated by the women I fuck. Why on earth a guy would want to see her after this little tirade is beyond me.

Yes, everyone has a bad day, but talking down to your potential customers is hardly the way to get guys to come see you, and I agree there are a lot of equally hot K-Girls who will make you feel like a king for less than half her price. Let's see $250 for a K-girl that will do every thing in her power to make me happy, or $600 hr for the OP who is coming across as quite entitled and "bitchy" Tough choice, isn't it?

GaGambler662 reads

but when a woman makes it clear about just how much disdain she has for both her sister providers and her clients alike, personally I take a wide berth.

You were doing fine until you started getting on your high horse, and everyone has a bad day or week, but "fighting back" is a double edged sword, we can all sympathize with someone getting pissed about a rash of cancellations, but saying the other women in LA aren't "all that" and basically calling the guys cheap in one of the highest markets in the country just make you look like an entitled bitch. I am not saying you are "an entitled bitch" but your last couple of responses sure come across that way.

Like I told a girl on the LV board this morning, "when you find yourself in a hole, STOP digging" These words of wisdom most definitely apply to you today. STOP digging before you find yourself persona non grata in the countries second largest market.

and yes, sometimes in business "sitting down and shutting up" is the wise thing to do. Do you want to be "right" or do you want to enjoy a thriving business? Just look at all the reviews in LA, "somebody" is getting business, and getting it at your same price point if it's not you maybe you should look inward and not outwards for your answers.

As they say in the book Matterhorn by Karl Marlantes - "there you have it"...

There is no high ground to be had (particularly when your beginnings are that of ADs) and disparaging the other providers in LA pissed me off...

You said yourself you research the shit out of potential dates. You clearly didn't research me at all lmao

sdsurfer31596 reads

Your price of $600 seems ok for your rating of Looks 9.03 / Performance 8.33 - I would characterise both as pretty blue collar but I would take issue with your assessment of other girls here in LA - There are plenty that are one solid class ahead of you and a lot of them only book one client a day (as oppose to the revolving door on some "visiting gals"). Also, How is your communication? All buttoned up and perfect or pretty ragged? I have heard it's the second one... The answer is pretty simple in my mind, If you don't like the clients in LA then quit touring here...

I suppose our ideas of different ladies are our own opinion. As far as my communication goes as being "ragged", could you please elaborate? I respond within 15mins of any text I receive unless it's after 11pm, I'm very polite, I give out all and any info needed. I have no idea in what world that is to be considered "ragged".

It's slow everywhere...not just LA but over here on the east coast as well. I've spoken to agency owners and independents here and they're all bitching about how slow it is. Dunno the exact cause but someone mentioned tax season and that could have something to do with it. But this industry is an "ebb and flow" industry and unfortunately right now it's "ebb".

But in my opinion, it could be how saturated the market is for big cities like LA, NY and Chicago. You may want to consider touring LA a little less for now. Because if you're frequently available in LA, a guy might become too complacent that he can "always see you next week" while he sees another girl who's touring. Then when next week comes along and another touring HOT girl comes then he'll end up pushing off seeing you again another week. And so on and so on...

If you're touring an extra-flaky area, you may have to give fatter discounts, but only if the customer keeps his appt and shows up.  
Don't give prebooking discounts. Give bigger show-up discounts.
Even though both discounts are effectively the same, the perception of the discount is kinda different.
When you freely hand out prebooking discounts, guys take it for granted because they have the discount up front.  
When you make it sound like an attendance discount, there may be a subliminal desire to 'work' for that discount by showing up.  
Flakes will be flakes, but it may help.

if you have a shit ton of flakes, you need to keep a backup waiting list and follow up with them.

ShillBill453 reads

And the advice you've given is based on your experience as an escort?

Posted By: Bendadick.Cuminsnatch
If you're touring an extra-flaky area, you may have to give fatter discounts, but only if the customer keeps his appt and shows up.  
 Don't give prebooking discounts. Give bigger show-up discounts.  
 Even though both discounts are effectively the same, the perception of the discount is kinda different.  
 When you freely hand out prebooking discounts, guys take it for granted because they have the discount up front.  
 When you make it sound like an attendance discount, there may be a subliminal desire to 'work' for that discount by showing up.    
 Flakes will be flakes, but it may help.  
 if you have a shit ton of flakes, you need to keep a backup waiting list and follow up with them.

flaking, ghosting, is more common than you think, because it's easy.
Try a dating app and you'll see.

humans are inherently lazy and flaky with keeping appointments, not just in the hobby. It's fucking everywhere, even with your friends.  

and no, this is not from escort experience. This is just about sales.

You will never waste your time, or $ again.  75% cancel on you putting forth thousands to tour, advertise, etc.. is no bueno.  Many providers require half their rate to cancel, but I am sure this is not easy to collect.  Deposits to book should be normal.  Dr's require deposits, photographers, childcare, dog care, so why should reserving an entertainer be any different?

Many fine TER gents will pay the entire tribute in full, so $ is never an issue, or discussed during our date it makes playtime more fun.  For the guys who refuse to provide a deposit their loss.  I can not afford to waste my time, or money.  

I don't think your rates are out of line, but it does limit clientele to those who can afford the luxury of your company. A drop on rate will likely in a drop in quality of customer.  

I do not wish to get too personal, and we've never met. What is your repeat rate? Are you reliant on new clients or is there a base of friends who visit you on a regular basis? Another poster mentioned a deposit. This might be a good idea for new clients. Anyone unwilling to pay a reasonable deposit of 25-50% may not be serious, or, booking multiple options and choosing afterwards of an option a lower rate was available.

Just my opinion.  

-- Modified on 3/12/2017 5:02:43 AM

-- Modified on 3/12/2017 5:04:09 AM

All I know is in so grateful for my regulars whom I love dearly!! Thank you to all those gentleman that honor their word and treat myself and the other ladies with MUTUAL respect. Love you guys!!!!

GaGambler616 reads

Now if you had kept this same tone during the actual thread, you might not have encountered such push back.

Not going to let strangers sit there and degrade me because they don't like that I said I get flaked on. That's literally all I said and I got bashed so yes, I started to get hostile because I'm not letting anyone degrade me. Now have you gotten that long overdue hug yet? I'm done arguing, I've made my very valid points as everyone else has also. Have a great night and a fabulous week!

If you don't want to be degraded, you should not have degraded the local market the way you did, both our hobbyists and our local providers.  

You should try San Diego next.  After you have revealed a little of your true self on this thread, I don't think there's going to be many hobbyists clamoring to see you here.  Many before you have come here with a bad attitude and didn't do well as a result.  I'm sure there will be many after you.  

I have to agree with everyone else except not just taxes. I think timing is a big key, but a lot of people are getting hit hard with taxes. Same thing happen to me in NY, which is so expensive. Just timing..

I live in Orange County, Hobby in LA and Travel extensively for both work and pleasure. From time to time (particularly during the slow season) I have had providers reach out to me to entice me into a date. I was snowboarding up in Mammoth over the holidays when I received an invitation from someone I had only heard whispers of previously and knew very little about. I had tried to reach out to her a few times in the past through a 3rd party but with no response – Then, out of the blue, I get an email inviting me for a date. I was driving home the next day and could easily divert through LA so I figured ‘why not’.  
   I explained to her the condition I would probably be in after riding in the morning and then powering 5 hours in the car – she just laughed and said she was up for it. I woke up early, found my powder stashes and bolted out of there. My friends were tripping but I told them the forecast looked bleak and I was out. I made it to LA in 4 ½ hours and rolled to her in-call looking and smelling like a dead Opossum with my outerwear still on. I grabbed my backpack and headed in (thinking there was a 50% chance she would turn me around when she saw me - or smelled me).  
   She opened the door all smiles, gave me a big hug and sent me to the showers. She was so hot, I should have felt a little intimidated but there was something more there that I could feel and it made me really chill and relaxed… So, I dropped my Orange envelope on the table and proceeded to shower. When I got out of the shower, she had food prepared and was like “you must be hungry after the day you’ve had”. The food was amazing and the Corona’s tasted insane (did I mention the big bucket of Coronas?) After we ate I brushed my teeth and while I was coming out she asked what I wanted to do. She seemed chill so I thought I would suggest something INSANE! Me - Hey, I just recently got hooked on Homeland, Do you have Showtime. Her answer – Yes let’s jump in bed and watch it, what’s it about?  
   Through our pervious communication I learned she was a very intelligent girl - VERY intelligent. As we were headed to the bedroom I saw she was reading King Leopold's Ghost - which I had recently finished and I had only told a few people I had read and loved. I asked her about it and other books that she had read and she was so spot on – it was scary…  
   Most providers who don’t know me would be twitching at this point thinking “don’t you like me?” ‘Why aren’t we fucking yet?” but she was 100% into Homeland and just the perfect companion. Halfway through the 2nd episode I reached over and we started kissing. The only way I can describe what happened next is that we made passionate love for the next 50 minutes. When we were finished – we carried on watching Homeland, talking about life and sapping Coronas…  
   Next thing I know, I am waking up at 1145pm with her laying next to me engrossed in Homeland and still sipping on a Corona. She doesn’t say a word but reaches over and puts her hand on my chest, kisses me, then we are at it again. I crawled out of her place at close to 2am – kissing her goodbye like we were college lovers and trying to convey to her how impressive I thought she was. I drove home and was in bed by 3am. The next morning I wake up to an email from her saying what a great time she had and how she wanted to have another date as soon as possible and that she had feelings for me…  
   I hit her back with – “What would it cost to take you SUPing or surfing for the whole day?” She replied – “Have you looked through your backpack yet?” I thought – Oh shit my whole life is in there, I’m probably fucked! I went out to my car and grabbed my backpack and when I went through it – the only unordinary thing was my orange envelope that I had left on her table at the start of the date was in my backpack’s front pocket along with the $2500 that was in it with a sticky note saying she had such a good time she could not accept and would not accept in the future. I emailed her – “Hey that was yours!” “WTF”. She just hit me back with – “So when are we going surfing?” along with a few insights on King Leopold's Ghost…

If that doesn't kill off this thread - Nothing Will!!!

you told us this one last year.  Did you type the whole thing over again, or just cut and paste?

Cut and paste - Just thought a long boring story would kill this thread off - Lol

Yes!! She played me like the fiddle that I am...

I ended up giving her 25 grand and only saw her 3 times (one was a 3 day mini-vacation)...

She conned me pretty hard but - in retrospect it was really fucking worth it...

She's probably grabbing Trump by his pussy right about now!!

Yikes! My question to guys this happens to, is there a point at which you knew and didn't care? I wouldn't know how to do this if I wanted to, which I don't cuz it's pretty crappy, but wow. How talented is that? I have zero skill in that area. If you're looking for a cute girl who very smart, but more of an "idiot savant" smart, liklier to spout off Latin names of trees than con you out of your money, I'm your gal. LOL

Much as I love latin names and the Krebs Cycle - It's complicated...

When I found out, I didn't care - but that was after it was over - Lol

I have spent much more for various things in my life and received much less value - It was a good deal...

I tried to book, didn't get any response after a few messages back and forth through p411.  Sorry, I tried, it ended up sounding bitter lol XOXO

Like the gents said...  

February is the worst time for retail post X-mas. March still has that lingering
March Madness Competition: Guys are betting and watching...and NBA too..
Taxes: We all are saving up.
Lots of $600 girls in LA already.
Traffic and Location really affects LA business.

Like the ladies said...

Get deposits...I don't say this with salt because I had to learn through a super fucked SF tour many years ago where everyone who prebooked flaked...Luckily my SD at the time saved the trip for me. I don't tour anymore unless I have my minimum lined up and confirmed with deposits to cover expenses.

Best of Luck Another Time...

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