Los Angeles

I do require
BuxomBustyGina See my TER Reviews 443 reads

For Traveling out of state /or If I have to drive more then 2hr's  
or more then 4hr apt  
sometimes for Outcalls  

 If I have to Cancel I return  your deposit !!

FuglyOldFart1258 reads

I know SOMEONE would be dumb enough to fall for this. The same people that send a wire to the "Prince of Chad" for the fortune that would be coming.

She's legit. Has a different handle here. But I would not send a deposit.

that doesn't mean I would send a deposit either.  That said, I do consider her relatively honest......relatively speaking in this business.

-- Modified on 8/19/2014 6:06:46 PM

and it worked out fine every time.

Of course, they were very well reviewed ladies with multiple reviews...but it can work with well established providers.

Kind sir, your professionalism and chivalry are duly noted!

Posted By: MrSelfDestruct
and it worked out fine every time.

Of course, they were very well reviewed ladies with multiple reviews...but it can work with well established providers.

over my 12 years of otherwise very successful TER hobbying; the LAST act of gullible naivety I'm ever going to capitulate too is a DEPOSIT!

Posted By: MrSelfDestruct
and it worked out fine every time.

Of course, they were very well reviewed ladies with multiple reviews...but it can work with well established providers.

SnglMaltMan631 reads

Yes, indeed, being burned is a humbling lesson. Still waiting for a well reviewed lady to make good on a cancelled trip, it's now been a year.

...but the bad experiences were always with providers I knew I was "taking a chance on".  When I did the deposits, it was with ladies who obviously were dependable professionals.

And I wasn't naive...I checked on several of them with previous reviewers.

Unfortunately we usually only hear about these things when they go wrong (except for the comment in this thread by MrSelfDestruct).

I've seen plenty of other ladies who, just like I do, require deposits for overnights, weekends, evening appointments. Looks like this woman is asking for a deposit for outcalls. I personally require the same, which for me is usually $50 unless it's a significantly far/difficult drive... which is what, 10-15% of my total outcall rate. I don't think that's unreasonable; if you don't want to put down the deposit then the solution is simple: incall.  

Speaking for myself, I require the outcall deposit because I've been sent on one too many wild goose chases. The last outcall I did before requiring a deposit, I show up & the guy tries to tell me that he'd misplaced his wallet & only just realized it which I could tell was BS. He wanted me to trade for a $30 bottle of whiskey that he tried to convince me was worth a lot more. He's like, oh you can go get a store credit at BevMo. Oh wait, you don't drink? Well you can give it to someone as a gift!

That was after multiple outcalls to fake addresses, and experiences like receiving counterfeit bills, being shorted, and "let's meet first for coffee"'s that were a complete waste of my time. So now I require a small deposit LOL.  

I'd just suggest: don't give a deposit for someone who doesn't have a substantial review history & someone who doesn't have an established reputation as 'one of the good ones'... if you have to spend any time worrying whether or not she's going to make good, then you probably shouldn't do it.

And DeLaine is one of those reputable, honest providers.  I've made deposits with her at my request for incall bookings.

equire a deposit before seeing the girl.

Posted By: FuglyOldFart
I know SOMEONE would be dumb enough to fall for this. The same people that send a wire to the "Prince of Chad" for the fortune that would be coming.

For Traveling out of state /or If I have to drive more then 2hr's  
or more then 4hr apt  
sometimes for Outcalls  

 If I have to Cancel I return  your deposit !!

There's a million ladies I'd love to see, and I have the references and precheck stuff from a lot of places, (here, Date-Check, 411), but using my credit card to put a deposit down scares the hell out of me.  Also, I've read many times that ladies will refund if they can't make it, well, what happens if they don't??

No refund after sufficient time and communication?  Then contact your card company to report an unauthorized charge.  They'll charge back the transaction.   Simple.  

If you use a debit card, legally you don't have the same level of protection, but generally banks are treating them as one and the same.

I have seen her, and I have no complaints. And yes, I paid a deposit.  If you're okay with her price and her look, she is accommodating and provides good service. You should be tolerant of tantric self-help talk, of course.

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