Los Angeles

Jessica90210 See my TER Reviews 1000 reads

Living out fantasies is healthy when all parties are consenting to the fantasy, but we are dealing with an imbalance of power here which is tricky. Greyskz, your curiousity is understandable because this is a hot fantasy. Keep in mind, if you do reach out to her and it is indeed the same woman you know in real life reaching out to her could threaten her sense of safety and security. On the flip side, it may not be the same woman you know in real life and you could play out this fantasy with her doppelgänger instead. You've peeked our curiosity too, but are you devious enough to get away with it?  

Please let us know how it all unfolds!

So a few years ago I met a girl through a mutual friend.  Beautiful,  stunning girl. I spoke with her a few times but had no chance what so ever but it was a pleasure just to be in her presence.  Lost touch with our mutual friend,  but just came across a profile that I believe is her. Face is never shown,  but I'm almost positive.  Tempted to live out a fantasy, but was wondering does anyone see this blowing up in my face?  Any providers have this happen? I doubt she will even remember me, but I just want to know if anyone has experienced this before.  


I came across a provider's personal ad on a dating site. Wasn't sure what to say, if anything ("Hi, I think you're hot, oh, and by the way, we don't have to worry about the awkward first time sex stuff since we already got that out of the way.." didn't seem appropriate...).

I've also befriended a few providers and hung out with them just as friends (and even did some work for/with a few of them).  

Providers are real, people. They get go on dates, get married, have other jobs....that's why discretion is important to them - as much as it is to us...

 What u wrote on third paragraph is best thing  I read  
in TER boards  Lately

brcforest738 reads

You can be straight forward with her and tell her you think you know each other and that you always wanted her. Tell her if she is up for a discrete booking, you'd love to keep a great secret together.

If she doesn't want to, tell her it's cool and that her secret is still in the vault.

Don't panic.


Keep Calm Communicate openly.

Living out fantasies is healthy when all parties are consenting to the fantasy, but we are dealing with an imbalance of power here which is tricky. Greyskz, your curiousity is understandable because this is a hot fantasy. Keep in mind, if you do reach out to her and it is indeed the same woman you know in real life reaching out to her could threaten her sense of safety and security. On the flip side, it may not be the same woman you know in real life and you could play out this fantasy with her doppelgänger instead. You've peeked our curiosity too, but are you devious enough to get away with it?  

Please let us know how it all unfolds!

Thank you for your response.  I was hoping for a providers POV. I'm worried that, if it is her she will feel as if her privacy is in jeopardy. I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable. I'm thinking if it is her doppelgänger, that would be the best case scenario.

Posted By: Jessica90210
Living out fantasies is healthy when all parties are consenting to the fantasy, but we are dealing with an imbalance of power here which is tricky. Greyskz, your curiousity is understandable because this is a hot fantasy. Keep in mind, if you do reach out to her and it is indeed the same woman you know in real life reaching out to her could threaten her sense of safety and security. On the flip side, it may not be the same woman you know in real life and you could play out this fantasy with her doppelgänger instead. You've peeked our curiosity too, but are you devious enough to get away with it?  
 Please let us know how it all unfolds!

BigBossGuy638 reads

There was a girl at a former job that we found out worked as an escort. Always wondered how our receptionist drove a Lexus.  When confronted with it she resigned.  I imagine she did very well at her other job!

agree with Jessica and think you should keep her as a fantasy rather than creating an uncomfortable situation for both of you.
 If it is really the same woman, she would probably figure out a way to come on to you in a very discreet way because you exude sexuality and you are so HOT!!

You just made my day! Thank you.

Thank you everyone for the advice.  Not sure if I'll go through with it, but I think my curiosity will get the best of me.

is a provider. She doesn't know that I know, and even though I'd love to have a date with her, too many ways that things could go south.

i have stumbled across a few guys in the hobby whom i have worked with at law firms i have worked for in the past.  one even came as a customer and it was a little awkward at first.

had an appointment with a provider.  He gets up to her door and knocks, he hears her walk to and can tell she is looking through the peep hole.  She walks away, then walks back and looks through the peep hole and walks away again.  A few minutes later her booker calls the guy and tells his that the provider is sorry but she can't see him because she knows him in the real world.  

Needless to say, but that probably drove him nuts trying to figure out who it was.  Don't recall the guy's handle, but if I recall he posts there quite a bit.

Thanks for that. I don't think I'd be able to stop thinking who the provider was if I were him

Chauncey Gardner509 reads

Lady and I talked briefly on the phone and realized--without naming it--that we probably both worked for the same company.

Met a lady and when she was telling me about what she was doing I don't know why I didn't realize it first, but turned out we had the same employer.  But different office locations fortunately and we did not know each other before.  We actually did not end up considering it all that big of a deal plus it gave us more employer stories to share.  Fortunately we both totally trust each other.  

Then long ago I met a provider who it turns out grew up in the same area I did and went to high school the same time I did.  When she was growing up she lived about three blocks from where I live now.  That one did make me a little nervous.  But we talked it over and realized it probably was not a really big deal.  We're both adults and if we ran into each other at a function or something maybe just say Hi and leave it at that.  No body none the wiser.  

But in neither case did I know the lady beforehand.

I had something similar happen to me. Got to the incall location, knock on the door and the provider said she can't let me in because she thinks she knows me. She ended up chaining the door then have me hand my DL to her. She did let me in, but said I looked like one of her cousins and was using a fake name when I set the appointment. This was before internet ads, so cellphones and newspapers were the norm.

Never had anything like that happen since, but often wondered what would I do if I did meet up with someone I knew.

CaptainRenault769 reads

His firm was hiring and he interviewed a lovely young gal.  She was too inexpeirenced for the position, but he told her he'd keep her resume on file, etc.  

Three minths later he books an out call session and the lovely young gal shows at the door. He thought it wise to give her the fee but decline the session. She gladly took it and thanked him. Neither ever said anything about it, as far as I know, although he told me because he knows I hobby, too.  CR

I had become friends with a woman who I met at a strip club.  She turned out to be a fairly well known porn star as well.  Since I've never really followed porn, so I wouldn't have known without her telling me.  This was before TER.  Our friendship was on and off.  Sometimes I would not see her for a year or so.

When I discovered TER (thanks LA Weekly Best Of issue), one of the first names I looked up was her porn star name.  I was  shocked to find her profile with with lots of reviews.  I had never known her to escort. Knowing what I know now, it's not a shocker at all.

Anyway, I had thought of making an appointment with her.  I did call her once and she didn't recognize my voice, but I never went through with it.  I  thought it would be too weird for her and perhaps blow up in my face.  She definitely had her Jekyll and Hyde moments.  We did remain friends off and on well after that, but I never told her about calling her up, etc.

One former provider is a Realtor. I need a Realtor soon but I am afraid to call her because it might make her feel uncomfortable.

Another person, I barely know, but I do know in real life. However, for a brief period, she had unblurred photos on her website. It is clearly her. If I should make an appointment, it could freak her out.

Yet another person, I know her real name but have never met her in real life. If I should see her in public, no big deal. Either a brief hello or nothing, depending on what she wants.

With person #2, the person that I sort of know in real life but do not know as a provider, she's going out with a guy. I have no idea if he know. Some people may think that she doesn't need to tell him. I am uncertain. I would like the girl to tell me. However, she is safe and there's zero chance that I will ever spill the beans. Her boyfriend is probably happy that she's good in bed.

It could be very awkward.

Instead, I would try to contact her real life identity and see if she'll go on a regular date. If not, give up the fantasy.  

Either that have lunch with her and later express to her the fantasy of seeing an escort and ask her if that is such an evil thought. If she says no, see if she will help you find an escort. At this point, perhaps you could suggest role play and pay her.  Could this blow up in your face? Yes? Less likely?

Tough question. I've often wondered if I met someone I know/knew as a provider if it would make things awkward or extra hot. I've been thinking back on exes and girls that got away or I used to admire from afar lately and I admit if I found out one was a provider now, especially the right one, I'd be almost irresistably tempted to try and taste the fantasy. So if it was a girl I knew ages ago in the kind of setting (friend of a friend, a girl I interviewed for/with, distant ex classmate/ex-corker) who doesn't remember me but I remember her, I'd probably jump on it (literally) and not think back.  

If it is someone I know well know in my current work/social circle- especially someone I am attracted to/have any kind of standing chemistry with... it would be hard to say no but probably best to walk away. It's the kind of thing where if we made it to the face to face stage, we'd probably have to talk it out first. Yes neither of us would want it getting out but on the other hand if it was a girl I'd had off and on clear chemistry with and it would be a controlled/allowed/safe way to get our urges finally out, I would love to. But ultimately this is more fantasy than reality.  

If it was someone from my past who I knew well but haven't seen in 5 years or more... I'd lean to going ahead with it if there was little chance they'd cross paths with me in my current life/work/family. Although I'd totally respect her safety if she declined. It would certainly bug me if I got turned away at the door! I'd wonder who it was forever and pray she didn't out me!

I've seen providers that remind me of girls I know (but never by design... tried that- always disappointed- always by accident once I'm there.). I've run into a couple of providers IRL- usually keep it to a knowing nod/passing smile and move on.  

Two closest times I can think of...

There was a girl I had a major thing for in College. Total hottie. Looked similar to the french actress Virginie Ledoyen. We kept in touch afterwards. Flirted, but never dated. I was too intimidated to make a serious move. My friend ended up dating her a few years later so we hung out more. Only time in my life I was burning with jealousy at a close friend.  Whenever she got drunk she got flirtier and extra touchy feel with me. Little things she said and even he said had me wondering if she wasn't a hostess at night but actually an escort. As my birthday at the time drew closer, she promised me a special nighttime surprise in my ear whenever my friend wasn't around. For a week I was convinced she was going to give the best roll in the hay of my life, as a freebie or discount. Turns out of course it was far more innocent and my mind was likely playing tricks. If it had happened, I wouldn't have given it a second thought and been on her like white on rice, consequences be damned. But I was also single and 25 at the time.  

Other time... I have an older friend who doesn't really date but has friends with benefits, sex exes and booty calls. I know he also on occasion hires out for the occasional escort. A couple of these girls are aspiring models/actresses and occasionally graze minor celebrity. Two have posed for playboy- 1 a cybergirl and another a semi reg of the Lingerie SE's. Two others have had nude cell phone pics leaked (years before the big hack of Sept). So I've seen 4 of these girls naked/topless. Very hot but I don't ever bring it up or call them on it of course. I know my friend has had a few ongoing sugar baby arrangements at times (separately each, never overlapping). His most recent SB is a ripe young 20 year old blonde who reminds me a mildly curvier Lexi Belle and really revs my engine (and I usually go for brunettes!). He's a pretty open guy and I admit I've been tempted more than once to pull him aside and ask if I can have a limited or one-time crack at this girl. Knowing him I doubt he'd say no. It's highly possible I could have this girl to myself for the right arrangement. BUT... She does hang with him and ergo my friends including my SO socially as well. We see her anywhere from once to 4 times a month depending. Despite whatever arrangement I make, the risks are too high that he or she could act weird or say/do the wrong thing when my GF is in earshot that I hold back and don't take the risk. If I were single it would be a different story. He's a voyeur though so I may still work up to asking if he has any hot pics of her he's open to share that I could check out for some vicarious living but I'd draw the line there. Yeah... it would be hot to pull the trigger in some fashion with her or any girl I 'know' and lust for in real life but I remind myself one of the key reasons I stick to providers for any side fun is to firmly keep any blowback drama off the table. LOL.  

Okay, maybe I need to go and revise my first few paragraphs now... ;

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