Los Angeles

Before my next playdate I'll down a box of strawberries and ask my provider how I tasted -e-teeth_smile
lopaw 29 Reviews 334 reads


So they say that red fruits, like raspberries, strawberries, et al. make a woman's you-know-what taste just gorgeous.  Any personal testimony to the veracity of this? :)

Knows4fun395 reads

Sounds like a perfectly delicious experiment...

Fun and informative read, BigPapasan!  Thank you so much for sharing it!!!

juice for her (I had) because she said it tasted sweet. It only happened when I saw her, but it convinced me that there isn't a downside to drinking a bunch of it (other than all the calories).

French desserts is framboise pussee.  You press the juice out of a cup of raspberries and, using a pastry brush, brush it liberally all over a woman's freshly shaven girl parts.  If you want to intensify the raspberry flavor, you can add a few drops of Chambord liqueur before brushing it on.  For final presentation, you garnish with a couple of small raspberries and a mint leaf at the opening of her vagina.  Absolutely delicious!  Bon Appetit!

WOW!  Quite picturesque, coeur-de-lion!  You are certainly the gourmand!  

If she's saying I am a "glutton" at eating pussy, it would be disingenuous of me to deny it.  You know, if the shoe fits . . . . . . .

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