Legal Corner

15 women indicted in Porn Studio case Final Update (Phoenix)
DAVEPHX 1764 reads

15 women indicted in Porn Studio case Final Update (Phoenix)

 In addition to the owner convicted at trial and awaiting sentencing (State wants 44 years in prison), the workers of the porn studio were separately indicted for felonies related to the criminal enterprise.  They took felony pleas instead of risking long prison sentences if convicted at trial.  
 The case originated after the raid in 2013.  About nine women had sentencing continued since they were potential witness at the recently completed trial of the owner.   As reported related to the owners all the women that testified at the owners trial cried on the stand upset that they were assured all was legal but now will have a felony record for mere association with the porn studio.  
 One of the indicted (JA) was not found and arrested until April 2017.  In June 2017 she pled to facilitation to commit illegal enterprise felony and sentenced to only four months probation.   A quick review of others sentences, 18 months probation was typical (including the receptionist).  
 The worst part is they will all have a felony that will follow them for life.  Some were "undesignated" which can later be reduced to a misdemeanor. However, for future employment the typical question "have you ever been convicted of a felony," has to be answered yes.  
 As I described in detail earlier, they should be able to get a fingerprint clearance card once their probation is over, however from the Temple case of 38 women court records may not properly reflect the reduction to a misdemeanor or "terminal disposition"  One woman shared the extensive work she had to do in order to get clearance and how to speed up the procedure required for most professional licenses in Arizona.  
The case is all in private consenting adults with all the women assured by the owner that all was legal.  BTW, I had discussions with the owner years before the 2013 raid, that in my non-lawyer view,  his "porn studio" would not hold up in court, as others had used that defense in the past and were convicted. For example, decades ago a studio on Indian School Road as I recall.

GaGambler332 reads

I have lost track of just how many morons  have come on this board with the "original" idea to claim they are simply shooting porn and not fucking hookers. Usually there are plenty of us around to set the record straight before some newbie (hooker or john) decides to take the idea and run with it, but someday one of those posts is going to slip through the cracks and some idiot will take the idea at face value and end up ruining his/her life.

I can tell you one thing you have accomplished if nothing else. You have convinced me that when visiting Arizona, I am going to bring my own "companionship" your state is cray cray where it comes to law enforcement of all kinds.

NOT to mess with Phoenix.  It's a nazi state.  The people in that town want a family friendly community.  You gotta go to Vegas or LA if you want to do sex work.  Dave, you should know this by now.  Move to Vegas.  Fuck Phoenix.  Every girl I know down there has been busted at least once.  They have caught girls at the airport trying to travel there for work, and made them get back on the plane to go home.  The town doesn't want it.  

DAVEPHX317 reads

It is not just in Phoenix but in many U.S. cities.  Phoenix helped train the nation LE over the last 10 years and now it is just as bad (or almost) in many cities.    Seattle arrested 129 customers in just one week with a fake massage parlor and ads. I know an escort in Pheonix who bragged about never being busted for 10 years in Phoenix, and then she visited Chicago and got busted.  

SO its not just limited to Phoenix, although maybe its the worst here with such aggressive policies and the activity of McCain/ASU training how to do stings, get info from hotel folks etc.

The stuff going on Phoenix has nothing to do with trafficking or looking out for women's rights.  It has more to do with conservative Christian family values and a redneck mentality.  They hate minorities, women and gays, and they make it very clear.   I've dealt with more racism in Phoenix than in any other part of the country.  They don't like people from California, Nevada, New York, Chicago or any big city.  They do not want to be a big city with big city "problems" i.e. drugs, prostitution, fighting, loan sharks, gambling, etc.  Anything or anyone who comes along and reminds them of that, they will lock up.  The other major cities are NOT the same.  The other cities like Chicago and Seattle ARE seriously trying to stop human trafficking, and, unfortunately, a lot of it is happening in my line of work.  But, I have no problem whatsoever with one of those massage parlours getting raided, because the Asian women in those places ARE trafficked.  It is not a threat to me, because I don't traffick girls and I'm obviously not trafficked.  They are not after me.  They are after pimps and traffickers.  If you aren't one, you have nothing to worry about.

GaGambler332 reads

Just how many of these Asian women being trafficked do you know?

I have dated a few Asian women who worked at AMPs, and have been friends with others for many, many years. The number of these Asian women I have seen OUTSIDE their place of work numbers in the hundreds. Trafficked women don't have their own apartments, trafficked women don't have boyfriends, trafficked women don't take weekend trips to the casino.  What the fuck does a white woman like you know about their world?

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