Legal Corner

What happens if I'm caught??
djb33 18677 reads

I'm a newbe who is paranoid about LE. Lets suppose I do get arrested. What is the easiest way an officer can go by the book on a first time offender?? Is jail time and a court date mandatory? Or is it possible to bail yourself out at the police station?

fortitude16089 reads

It depends on the jurisdiction.  Laws differ from state to state, and probably from jurisdition to jurisdiction within a state.  I have experience in one small city in New York, where I was arrested in a sting operation and held in jail for a short time.  The courts, because it was a first offense, issued what is called an Adjournment Contemplating Dismissal.  An ACD states that if one remains offense-free for a period of time determined by the court (say 6 months to a year) then the Court will dismiss the charge and expunge the arrest record.  Sometimes they attach a requisite amount of community service, and in some larger jurisdictions they will make you attend "John School" which teaches you about the immorality and disease potential of what you did.  Really, all-in-all, a painless experience.  My experience was even less painful because of a very skillful lawyer who also knew the right people.

Sometimes, a rarer experience these days, the police will be more interested in the girls, and let the guy go,

averagejoe00016967 reads

I got caught getting bj in car in hollywood by uc vice. Got booked and ticketed. Cops acted as if it wasn't a big deal, just a ticket. When I got to court it was a different story, they started saying that since I was a first timer and had a clean record there wouldn't be any jail time. They were saying that it WAS a registerable offense (meaning that I would be considered a SEX OFFENDER, grouped with rapists, child molesters and all kinds of other sh*t!).
That sh*t scared the * outta me. So I got lawyer and hoped for the best. The lawyer didn't seem like it was gonna do me good. But they got the offense reduced to trespassing. I got 20 days community service and 2 years summery probation.
Anyways it was some BS! The best advice I can give is... don't get caught! Hahaha! Nah but seriously they say just to play safe no money/sex talk, be cautious on phone and find a provider that's more scared than you are to get busted!
Good Luck!

Why were you doing it in a car, dude?  Your rights are protected much better in the privacy of your own home (or hers).  Of course you can get busted for having sex in a parked car, whether it's with your wife or with a 14-year-old street hooker!

averagejoe00015148 reads

Oh yeah I just wanted to add. If you do get caught then "Just shut the F up" don't incriminate yourself. Even if the cop seems cool and that he might let you go, they're just playing you to cop to it. Just keep quiet, what's done is done, and keeping quiet will not hurt you but saying the wrong thing will definately put you in the toilet. Good Luck to us all!

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