Legal Corner

splitkings 2 Reviews 537 reads

You should have UIM coverage (uninsured/underinsured motorist)

Dont rely on the opposing vehicle (who only needs $15k) to cover your medical costs.

I had a small accident back on march 31, 2012.
All the lawyer could get was $15,000 cause that's what the insurance covered.
It took 10 months. The lawyer his $5K. I got a little under that. The rest for medical providers.
what's funny is only the hospital stay of one day was about $60K for a total of almost $70K.
Had it been a rich guy that lawyer would had gotten him. I'm glad this is over and I can forget about it.
Now I can take care of my non existance shoulder injury, supposedly.

and you have a “non-existent shoulder injury” but you still spent a day in the hospital running up a $60,000 bill and claimed $15,000 from the driver’s insurer?

      Let me guess- you didn’t have health insurance and did not pay the hospital.

How many levels of fraud do we have here?
Well, there is you.
There is your attorney.
There is the doctor who put you in the hiospital for a day when you weren’t really injured.

Somehow I can’t feel much sympathy for anyone here except the insurance company.

the fire dept. took me to the hospital with road burn on one side of my face and a microscopic skull fracture.  I had ins. when I was working. But I was unemployed and laid off at the time.
It would have helped if I had had my own health insurance and gotten the "shoulder surgery" with it.
There was no fraud whatsoever. There could have been. But there was none.

but do you realize the legal board here is really geared more toward subjects that relate at least peripherally to pay 4 play?  I hate to be rude but maybe the BBB website would want to hear your complaint, I doubt anyone here comes to read about traffic law.

.....and get them to take less on their bills because of the low insurance, he didn't earn his fee. I'd consider filing a complaint with the State Bar.

You should have UIM coverage (uninsured/underinsured motorist)

Dont rely on the opposing vehicle (who only needs $15k) to cover your medical costs.

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