Legal Corner

To be accurate that is not the truth
Alodar 7 Reviews 8597 reads

There was a case where someone ran up a sizable debt in Las Vegas and was later sued to recoop the money.  The casino lost since the state he lives in does not allow gambling and therefore will not inforce the debt.

I was reading online that Credit Card Companies can't collect if a person runs up a debt on online casino's.  Apparnetly gambling debts are unenforceable in this country.  It's an old English Common Law dating back to Queen Ann.  (See related story below)

On that same notion, if a Provider takes Visa, M/C, Discover and American Express, could we get away with not paying the bill?  After all we really know we are not buying their time, art, pencils, counseling services, consulting services, etc.  Sounds win/win to me: Lady gets lots of money, and I don't have to pay the bill?

Eureka!  The pot of gold has been found.

Why not take one for the team?  Let us know how you like federal prison too.

Turkana8786 reads

If the debt is legal where made, it's enforceable.  For example, if you run up a gambling debt in Vegas, the casino can get a judgment in Vegas and execute on it in your home state.  I'm sure on-line casinos, which are offshore, include in their terms and conditions a provision that you agree that their law, not yours, will apply, so that the debt would be legal.

As for providers, do you really want to file a protest with Visa saying you don't want to pay because you were doing something illegal?  What's sauce for the goose...

No, you say the card was stolen.

There was a case where someone ran up a sizable debt in Las Vegas and was later sued to recoop the money.  The casino lost since the state he lives in does not allow gambling and therefore will not inforce the debt.

8ezpmpn11012 reads

Even though I had him sighn a recievt which was claiming DJ services rendered with no additional promises

Don't know, but I would not be caught dead trying.  (1) If the provider or agency has required any screening of you they could use that information to make your life quite uncomfortable (and I am talking about a lot more discomfort than paying the bill, but their "getting even"). (2) I hear there are provider "bad client" data bases out there and you might not be too welcome in the hobby anymore. (3)It is one thing to try and dispute a charge if the promised service was not delivered, but if you got what was promised it is patently unfair to rip off the provider in this manner. If a credit card charge is disputed and the card company accepts your basis for the dispute, they charge back the merchant account that was used for the transaction and reverse the funds. The card company does not simply eat the disputed charge. The time the provider spent with you could have been spent with a bona fide paying customer. (4) If you tried it more than once your credit card company may say they don't want you as a cardholder anymore, or worse, consider it fraud and take action. I trust that you really are not serious about this hypothetical.  Lastly, my advice to those in the hobby is not to pay by credit card (or checks for that matter) as they create a paper trail that could create legal problems of one kind or another for you.

You would be opening up yourself to a lot of questions you might not want asked.

You would be opening yourself up to some serious pay back.

But most basicly, it just isn't the right thing to do.  Why would you even think of robbing a Lady whose company you enjoyed?  There is no other real description.  It's every bit as much robbing her as if she took you $$ and ran.

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