Legal Corner

Curious 1 16026 reads

In state of California, what are the grounds to quash a subpoena?If I am ready to go to Library, and have access to Lexus Nexus, how do I research this?

Prisoner No. 24311729 reads

It's published by the Rutter Group and it is the definitive source.  The chapter on discovery/depositions is what you want.

Good luck.

Curious 114491 reads

Thank you.  See the following post as well.  With you help, I indeed found what I needed ...

That is precisely the reason they exist - to answer YOUR questions. Honestly, most people think librarians check out books or shelve books. Those are not the responsibility of a librarian. Instead, he or she is there specifically to help the patron find exactly what he/she needs. Some are more helpful than others, but it is their JOB to help you. Please ask. They will most likely be more helpful than you thought they'd be.

Curious 114740 reads

Actually, I did take the advice of the previous poster, and yours, and went to the library.  The book suggested was not available in ordinary library, rather in a law-library.  The librarian reference person helped me find and locate what I needed.  I want to thank both of you ...

I'm so glad the librarian helped you! Most people don't know this, but librarians can get you almost any book ever printed. It's called interlibrary loan. Depending on where the actual lending library is, it usually takes 3-4 weeks for your library to recieve the item, however it's a service well worth using. All you need is the title and author or preferably, the ISBN number. The service is free to library patrons, and in my opinion, it's severely underused.

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