Legal Corner

Senate Votes 96-0 to hold BP in Civil Contempt and Force CEO to Testify in D.C. District Court
JeffEng16 22 Reviews 1681 reads

Not sure if this goes on Legal or Politics because it's both, but the Senate voted to hold BP CEO in Civil Contempt for not appearing at a hearing and to have their attorneys go to court to force their CEO to testify.

"The resolution, approved 96-0, directs the Senate legal counsel to bring action against the chief executive officer of in federal court, a highly unusual move aimed at forcing the Internet firm to provide information about its internal operations.

The last time the Senate approved a contempt action was more than 20 years ago, and it hasn’t filed a lawsuit since 1993."

BP's Akin Gump Attorney is not surprisingly mounting a First Amendment defense. This litigation unless some settlement is reached that would involve CEO Carl Ferrer honoring the subpoena to testify will start in D.C. District Court and IMHO there aren't going to be any judges there are in the D.C. Circuit sympathetic to BP's position.

It seems to be an inapposite stretch to try to tie BP to a sex-trafficking charge, and the contempt resolution is civil. Rob Portman (R) of Ohio and Claire McCaskill (D)of Missouri are leading the charge against BP.

octovert474 reads

I'm sure there are people somewhere who are ready for your attempt to leave the country who will do everything in their power to stop you. You might have to renounce, much as an animal chews its foot off to escape a trap -- but it is probably worth it, as long as you never intend to have anything to do with the USA for the rest of your life

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