Legal Corner

Sovereign Citizen looks like the way to go.
num nutts 10122 reads

I was invited to attend a meeting at a private home about becoming a Sovereign Citizen.  I was unable to make the meeting but a friend of mine who was at the meeting told me it is easy to do.  Once you are a Sovereign Citizen you are no longer required to have any government issued documents like a drivers license.  He said that since you don’t have to have ID, the police can’t arrest you.  In other words if you are stopped for a ticket or for meeting a provider, the police can’t do anything because you are a sovereign citizen and they have to let you go. I was wondering if I left my ID at home when I went to see a provider and told LE I was a sovereign citizen they could not arrest me.  He said sovereign citizens are not subject to the laws of the US and don’t have to pay taxes. The speaker at the meeting will set you up as a sovereign citizen for a fee, but you will save thousands on taxes.  I think you have to take an oath to We the People.  He said it’s a loophole the government does not want you to know about.

sidone8986 reads

Prisons are full of people who thought they were immune from arrest because they were "sovereign citizens".  Luxury hotels are full of people who charge fees to supposedly get this status for the clients.

Most people who claim "sovereign citizenship" do so because they think (or hope) they can avoid paying taxes that way.  Many of these folks have gone to court over their unpaid income taxes.  The IRS is batting 1.000 in these cases.

At best, the people who pitch these services are delusional.  At worst, they're frauds.  My bet is that at least 95% of them are in this latter category.

num nutts6330 reads

The way it was explained to me was if you are a sovereign citizen you are not subject to the laws of the country.  If you tell LE that you are a sovereign citizen they have to release you immediately or risk being sued and lose everything they have.  You can sue LE for their homes, cars and anything else of value they have.  If this is not true, then why would anyone be a sovereign citizen?  Also what exactly is a sovereign citizen?

Diplomats are not subject to the laws of a country but they are citizens of another.

sidone10190 reads

The reason diplomats are immune from prosecution is that host countries could otherwise persecute diplomats from nations they didn't like.  It otherwise has nothing to do with their citizenship.  This is why foreigners who are not diplomats can be arrested, prosecuted and punished for their crimes.

That's because the host country has agreed not to prosecute diplomats under certain constraints.  It's not akin to the nutty idea of sovereign citizenship.

There appears to be an outbreak of insanity among posters without legal training.  Is it a venereal or generic virus?

Mr. Info9717 reads

Why not do a five minute research project on
Google and get some independent facts.

Get real!!!!

sidone8930 reads

There is no such thing as a "sovereign citizen".  Why would anybody want to be one?  Because they are as gullible as you and believe that handing some money over to another person and filling out a bunch of bogus forms will insulate them from the law.  

This is a scam, plain and simple.  There are three categories of people who promote "sovereign citizenship".  The first group consists of con men who are just trying to separate people from their money.  The second is people who are either delusional or extremely gullible and who therefor actually believe this nonsense.  The third is would-be revolutionaries who are trying to get people not to respect the rule of law and who think doing so will eventually lead to an overthrow of the government.

This is a complete fraud.  If you give these people any of your funds... well, you know what they say about a fool and his money.  And then after you have been cheated of your cash, you will probably find yourself in serious legal trouble after breaking a law you think somehow no longer applies to you.

I have come across several people in my career who tried to use this "sovereign citizen" nonsense with police and/or the courts, and they ALL went to prison for the crimes they thought they were free to commit.  Another thing they all had in common is that they did not think very rationally.  I hope you are rational enough to see what is going on here, but if you aren't I hope you will at least trust the advice of people on this board who are trying to prevent you from hurting yourself.

foo10490 reads

Let's think about how you'd actually work this. the laws of the US don't apply to you and you get arrested.  You decide to sue.  Where do you sue?  The US courts aren't going to be any help-you're outside US law.  Oops.

Further, if US law doesn't apply to you, then they could argue that the US Constitution doesn't apply to you, just like the folks in Gitmo.  So now not only can't you sue, but if the cops feel like it they get to hold you forever without

Everyone within the United States is subject to US Law, no matter what their citizenship (Diplomats have a specific exemption as part of US Law).  Everyone within a state is subject to that state's law, no matter what their home state is.

As for your last question, it's a made-up term in an attempt to scam you out of money.

They're also scamming you if they start talking about income taxes not being legal because Ohio wasn't technically a state for a long time due to a paperwork snafu.  People who followed this advice got a lovely stay in federal prison.

this meeting sound as promising and that email I got from a princess trying to come to the states and asked me to open a bank account for her so she could transfer millions of dollars to me.  Imagine the possiblities that a Sovereign Citizenship could do.

There is  no such thing as a Sovereign Citizen, in the U.S. or anywhere else.  You still have to pay your taxes.  You still have to carry a driver's license.  You don't save a f**king nickel on anything.  The only real money involved is the fee the fish (that's you) pay the con artist who "sets you up."

GaGambler8013 reads

I think you should get their banking information so my friend, the Prince from Nigeria can wire my fee to the speaker directly. Where do I sign up?


OMG! I almost died laughing. Sovereign Citizen? Who thought of that one? Robert Heinlin?

"Yes officer Smith..I'm Super9, Sovereign Citizen of the Milky Way galaxy" Hey..stop hitting me officer. Ouch!!!

I sure hope your "friend" didn't pay any money to the crackpots who thought that one up.

tokai8482 reads

Once you give up your US Citizenship, you no longer have an automatic right to be in the US. Illegal immigrants are arrested all the time without papers. Break any law, and you are arrested, with our without papers. The only people who can't be arrested are foreign diplomats with diplomatic immunity. In such instances, the USA can tell you to leave and revoke your immunity if you don't.

By the way, there is no requirement that you have a government issued ID. If you don't want to drive, you don't have to have a DL.

Any income earned in the USA is taxable by the USA. Period.

Any income earned by a US citizen (inside or outside the USA) is taxable by the USA.

Go ahead and become a Soverign Citizen. But to receive the benefits touted, you have to leave. Have a nice trip!

US citizenship CANNOT be renounced except face to face in front of a US consul abroad.

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