Legal Corner

Con't II: What are the chances of legalization ?
Launce 31274 reads

Here's part II

- I know, you are saying if they only legalized these "victimless crimes" many of these problems will go away.  Do you think organized crime would like to see sports gambling legal all over the country?  What about drugs?  They are probably the last people who would want to see this happen.  What about prostitution?  

Agree.  Exactly why it should be legal.  Openness will allow the stuff that should be illegal to be exposed.

- Do you think the ladies would want it legalized?  First off, it is legal in parts of Nevada.  The ladies can just go work there if that is their desire.  Notice even in Nevada it is only legal in certain counties depending on the population.   What would happen if we elected someone with the slogan "a brothel on every corner"?  

Most yes, some no (Ladies?).  I think most would agree that the way Nevada went about legalization is wrong.  I would advocate legalizing it for independent providers only.  The idea is to give control to the providers not to a brothel or anyone else.

Jesse Ventura advocated for legalization during his successful campaign for governor of MN.  Most politicians are too skittish and don’t realize that they can deal with issues such as this and in many cases gain more support than they realize and have less negative press than the think.

- Wouldn't legalization cause the prices to drop drastically?  Would the ladies be willing to sell their time and companionship if they were now getting paid $10 per hour rather than $300?  

Legalization would certainly bring both more clients and more providers but I think the only impact on pricing would be a more broadening of the market, not reduction of current prices.  We would see a lot more providers at the low end ($1xx) and a few more at the high end ($4xx and up), but I think the market in the $200 - $300 range would remain pretty stable.

- Would you want it legalized if there is a brothel on the corner of where you live?  Would you want your daughter to get a job at the brothel when she turns 18?  You know, to help her through college.  I am sure some of the young men of the neighborhood would love it.  I am sure some would even go so far as to get a fake ID to visit the brothel after baseball practice.  Just think if that hot school teacher worked at the brothel after school.  Boy I remember some teachers who I would have loved to have seen after school. However, a positive thing might come about; I am sure some of the fathers would be more inclined to go to parent-teacher conference to check out the hot teachers who work at the brothel during summer vacation.

I am not in favor of legalizing brothels, only independents and maybe include a provision for 2 or 3 independents to share a common in-call facility.

- Is my post full of hypocrisy?  Yes, most definately and on purpose!  However, given some of the points in the post do you honestly think prostitition will ever be legalized in this country?

It is legal in this country just not in 48 states (It’s legal in the state of Alabama, but all counties have a law against it).  I do think that more states will legalize it and that we’ll see this happen within the next year or two.  There is a pretty strong rumor that a bill for legalization will be introduced in GA later this year and I know that it has been discussed by some ND house members over the past several months.

If prostitution were legalized in California, I really believe that little would actually change. There would most likely be a greater number of LE busts at first (a demonstration that, though prostitution is now legal, we're going to control it and you must be licensed and zoned).

Otherwise, ladies are not going to be putting up billboards and handing out business cards. Prostitution would not suddenly come above ground. The prices would not suddenly drop. Look at Nevada, where prostitution is legal and you'll find the highest prices in the world.

Vegas is, of course, a world of it's own, but even there, the escort business operates pretty much the same as it does in San Francisco. The only exception being the brothels, which are located out in the desert, away from cities and communities and so they pose little impact.

Launce29847 reads

I agree, the changes would be minimal, but what change happens would be important - Most of all, nobody having to worry about getting busted.  Personally that's a biggie for me and several other folks I know, both clients and providers.

Another change would be more ladies and gents getting into it.  This would provide more options for everyone, more ladies for the guys and more guys for the ladies.  A larger market means that all of us will have a better chance of getting what we want.

Prices would largely stay the same though I think there would be an increase in the number of ladies at the sub $200 - $250 range.  I would guess that most providers would see no change in their current prices.

Nevada? - A good example of exactly what we don't want to do.  I think the idea is to legalize it for independents and give the ladies control over their destiny.  This will create a much better environment than either the NV brothels or what we have now which will be better for all of us.


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