Legal Corner

Re:undercover question
caralott See my TER Reviews 9508 reads

As above, I have heard the same story, except that the woman asked if he would use 'protection', to which he replied "yes", at which point he was arrested. No talk of sex at all!

phieagles368943 reads

I am completely new to the hobby and I am pretty young, so I want to know something before I start. Is there a real risk for the customer in an incall. I'm not talking about picking someone up on the stree, but a previously made appointment. If so, what can you do after meeting the person to make sure you are not getting set up

you have luck on your side compared to us girls

research the provider

never ask for sex...ask if she likes french poetry

buy two hours instead of one and bring a box of chocolates to the session with the money underneath the chocolates. If she is a cop, she will ask for the money, if she is a provider, she will ask for the gift and you can offer her a piece with the money peeking out. She will take the chocolate to the bathroom and do her business there.  

this is what many of my scared new clients who are new to the hobby do

The Law Doctor7212 reads

Use common sense and never mention money..normally..stings..are carried out in a norm..although it happens allot for incall residential..recently chat room stings prove that.

you won't know, but if the person ever says they have a roomate you better make sure to get a description of that roommate. Know what the girl looks like to if you can. It's a risk mo matter what.
Several yrs ago this guy used to go to incall and he was busted by the girl he thought was the roommate, who turned out to be the cop.
ofcourse he rolled on everyone to save his own ass.

As above, I have heard the same story, except that the woman asked if he would use 'protection', to which he replied "yes", at which point he was arrested. No talk of sex at all!

If you call on a provider with TER, can they still be undercover and is it safe to ask if she is a police officer or working for a sting.

You can ask, but she doesn't have to tell you the truth.  I found this out first-hand, but I was on the other end of the sting.  I think it's a misconception that LE has to tell the truth if you ask them if they're associated with law enforcement in any way.  They can (and do) lie.

Lktwn_don8996 reads

If I use the service for a outcall and the girl comes to my hotel room, can the cops bust the girl and me.

My thinking is, if the cop is following her to bust her and she enters the room, we try to take care of the business and the cop knocks at the door. What happens then? Can they arrest us?


Get yourself a bug detector. Stings are almost always wired and/or on video and there are inexpensive detectors for both. If you do your homework, the threat goes away.

phieagles367958 reads

First, is it safe to just get a nude massage. I figure that a cop would not go nude massage so after the massage, you can move on to more intimate activities.
Second, what is the real penalty for being caught with a prostitute in an incall/outcall. Is it a misdemeanor, is it probation, or is Jail time possible.

oh yes they will go nude ... I have heard of some cops actually having sex and then making a bust,some really enjoy this work... remember this buisness is a risk no matter what, the point of the game is to figure out what to do to out smart someone and distinuish if they are a cop, with that comes experience being busted before and conversation. Cops have an exterior that gives them away everytime. They carry themselves different because of attuide and training.
Anything you do with your forarm is considered sexual it is the intention of the act, that gets you busted, that's all you need.
Orange County is the worst place and cops have jurisdiction everywhere.
Ask their full name when verify and when you meet before letting them in ask for their drivers license, that will indicate thei identity. Cops really don't want to show that. I haven't met one who will.

ask to see his drivers license after you ask his first and last name.. cops dont want to show it.. and if he is lying then you just busted his lie.

Hey cowgirl, Is it safe to believe that the providers in TER are safe and what can i do to make sure a provider is not working on a sting. What questions to ask or what to do to prevent any problems?

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