Legal Corner

provider websites that have I.D. on file
shana75 19204 reads

Should a provider be hesitent about advertising on well known sites that require valid I.D. and keep it on file?

JCinNYC12867 reads

From a legal standpoint, there should be no liability for you as long as it's just a pure **advertising site** and not a referral site, a verification site or any "agency" type arrangement where they do any type of quasi-agency gobetween work like booking or scheduling, taking a per customer "referral" fee and/or forwarding of mails. If any of the above apply and they come under investigation, then you could be attractive as either a target (if the investigators need to prove illegal activity is occuring) or you could be subpoenaed as a witness, easily tracked through record seizure. Some might think the IRS could become involved as well...if the site owner has to provide records or is facing criminal tax charges, an investigation of your tax situation could arise. I think this is a s t r e t c h, but a remote possibility to consider.

However, of far greater concern and risk, is the fact that so many board owners and ad site owners are actual hobbyists themselves and are linked with local hobbying communities. They schmooze and gossip and have been known to use inside info to manipulate escorts--particularly if they have leverage to work with. Perhaps they know the escort is vulnerable to exposure or relies on his board for a good % of her clients. Perhaps she has another employer, kids or family members whom she doesn't want knowing about her escorting work (one reason you should never reveal this info--essentially exposing your weaknesses--to any client.) Your ID, DL number, SSN and address are generally not something you want any patrons or potential patrons to know under any circumstances....right?

Just as an aside, many escorts will not see known board owners/moderators/site owners **at all** since the potential for abuse, privacy violation and manipulation is too great. We also don't want hobbyists assisting us out with our computer, web design or hosting needs. We'd rather employ distant or detached professionals we're not going to run into anywhere, not local hobbyists who want to "help us out", LOL. NO THANKS!

again, though I may seem overly cautious here, and 95% are probably decent folk, it only takes **ONE** to completely ruin your life. The consequences of a lapse in judgment or mis-judgment are just too great for most women for us to let our guard down at all when it comes to personal privacy, safety and security.

I've stated repeatedly that ALL of my problems in this business have come from customers becoming obsessive, attempting to get too close and violating my privacy ... not from "LE" or any stress or social stigma related to this occupation or the "double life" (which are both games I actually find amusing and pretty exciting and far easier to control and win!).

The problem of "just one" is why we apply a consistent screening or referral process we're comfortable with and use condoms with all partners...IT ONLY TAKES ONE. You can't, with any degree of certainty, cull that rogue from the herd. You have to treat them all the same once you've decided on a policy that assures your comfort level. If you listen to stories from women who have gotten themselves into trouble, they virtually all have the same theme..."I knew I shouldn't have BUT..." BUT meaning they made a diversion from their previous policy and attempted to rationalize an exception to their better judgment.

So in light of the privacy issue and potential for abuse, I'd probably have no problem advertising on a large national board or adsite that isn't headquartered anywhere near me, but I'd avoid the local sites and boards for this reason even if they are owned by another female escort or ex-escort. Again, they are all too involved in the local scene. Too many factions and dynamic drama at work; geographic proximity means the consequences of privacy violations are just too potentially dangerous.

SexyCurvesDC16681 reads

I think I agree with JC on this one. Also I feel like the vast majority of advertising sites don't require any such nonsense. I know Eros will put a "verified" blurb on you if you send them your ID, but to have an ad there requires no ID at all. Why put that info out there if you don't have to??? Be as discreet as possible!


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