Legal Corner

emcee 10896 reads
1 / 5

Let's say someone is doing massage and greatly values their anonymity. Along comes a few unhappy customers who think it's ok to post unflattering reviews on the internet(not TER). Not just bad reviews, but lie and intentionally try hurt your reputation. Then, even after repeated pleas to the website owners to remove the reviews, they're still there, you're basically ignored, and nobody cares. I could really use some advice! Anybody?!

emcee 7866 reads
2 / 5

WOW!!! No wait, Slow down everybody! I can't process all this support at once!

foo 4 Reviews 8648 reads
3 / 5

/rolls eyes.

Look, you have two options:
1.  Spend a lot of time and money suing them.  Btw, if you offer any 'extras' or 'happy endings' in your massages you can expect to quickly run into trouble with LE.  You've created some really pissed-off past clients who are willing to help LE, and you've massively increased your LE visibility.

2. Ignore it and get on with your life, realizing that anyone reading reviews throws out the 'outliers'.  If you're all 7's and 8's, and a 2 shows up, then someone reading the reviews assumes a suituation like you describe.  Likewise, if you're all 2's and a 8 shows up, someone reading the review assumes you're self-reviewing and ignores it.

emcee 7480 reads
4 / 5

At least a response! However, I think you missed the point. There are any number of reasons one prefers to remain anonymuos, and not have reviews posted of ANY kind. This is a very serious issue for me and I was hoping for some sincere assistance.

cathyb 7433 reads
5 / 5

listen to Foo & move on..focus on the positive & you will prevail

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