Legal Corner

Re:Porn Star Exceptions?
KEM99 10 Reviews 8125 reads

I'd think by searching this site you could find out enough about her to decrease your risk . . . as long as you're sure its actually her on the other end.

dddreamer13104 reads

I'm considering booking a session with a pretty well known porn star but she's asking for my job information and cell phone number.  I know she can't be LE, but we've exchanged emails -  I'm wondering how dangerous this kind of thing is?  Any ideas?

I'd think by searching this site you could find out enough about her to decrease your risk . . . as long as you're sure its actually her on the other end.

she has to ask you for info to prove that you are not LE,  her career can be over with if she gets caught as she is famous enough to create a scandal.

Maybe if you trust her, you can wire the money to her ahead of time and she won't need as much info. Most girls have ways to make sure you don't get away with murder such as getting your info and having someone call when the hour is up that is nearby.

I know some porn stars and they go out of their way to verify info, they even have a secretary answer all emails so they don't need a laptop or a record of calls...their secretary in another state makes all the calls and answers all emails so their client list isn't confiscated when/if the get caught

I've had some experiences with porn stars. In one case, I was living in some corporate housing in Philadelphia. To get this porn star out here on a trip, she asked for a portion of the money up front and she asked for a ticket. I had met her through a buddy of mine who shoots for the industry and figured it would be fine. She came and delivered as promised and was quite happy to have an advanced deposit. From what she told me, that's the norm with porn stars. I didn't really hesitate as checks are so easy to cancel these days and the big porn stars don't seem to really want problems anyways.

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