Legal Corner

Re:PM me please and I'd be happy to speak w/you
Tig Ole Bitties 8500 reads

Sola what is your email address please? I would love to talk to you about this.

Tig Ole Bitties10197 reads

I no longer offer fs and I want to offer FBSM but I am not licensed as a massage therapist. Can't I get into trouble for doing this? I was just thinking this to myself. How can I advertise for massage when I don't have a license for one and what if someone actually wants a real massage?

I have LOTS of experience in this subject, though you will certainly want to look at the local RCW's for your area.

Tig Ole Bitties8501 reads

Sola what is your email address please? I would love to talk to you about this.

I like to keep it a bit more off the boards than that.  Please visit my site and contact me through the "returning clients" email link.
: )

it varies from state to state. This is how I got into a little trouble. Over a year ago I did FBSM and when the police raided the place, they asked for my liscense, I didn't have one. Some states only want you to go to school, some states require you to take the national test. I went through the 6 month massage school and it has been 8 months of waiting to take that stupid test. Still waiting.  Best to offer lingerie modeling or offer massage products (like the mall does) and hopefully new clients will pick up on your reviews that you will do the other. Be careful though. Negotiating prices can be held against you too which is also why I do escorting.

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