Legal Corner

Re:legal help
tommylick1 7671 reads

Was not arrested. Can they still charge me?? After the sting has taken place??

tommylick110956 reads

what does le have to prove to conviced a hobbiest?? did not use my cell or real name. just parked in the complex.

sidone8172 reads

That depends upon what you're charged with.  I'll presume the charge is simple solicitation, since that is the most common charge.

The prosecutor will have to prove that you asked another person to perform a lewd act for compensation.  

Assuming the police can prove you were the one who made the request, not using your real name doesn't help you.  In fact, it hurts you because it shows you knew you were doing something you shouldn't have done.  Ditto for not using your cell phone.

You obviously did more than just park at the complex.  Many other people must park there every day without being arrested.  You most likely called or emailed the provider to arrange your appointment and the police probably know about this communication.  You may think the police know of nothing else you did, but you're probably wrong.

tommylick17672 reads

Was not arrested. Can they still charge me?? After the sting has taken place??

I went to florida after my massage parlor was busted in february....I didn't start back in SC until may and I still try to have no conversation about money .....I try not to even introduce myself to the guy...just act like I have known him for years

sidone8194 reads

Yes.  Many people believe you can't be prosecuted unless you were arrested, but that's not how it works.  

Arresting people takes time and effort, which misdemeanor offenses seldom justify.  Prosecutors decide later whether to charge someone based upon the evidence of his guilt.  Whether there was an arrest has nothing to do with the decision.

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