Legal Corner

jury duty
marybeth 19300 reads

why is OC trying to threaten me about jury duty ? ,,i could not afford to fly cross country to go to my own trial,,much less someone else's trial,,saying if do not attend jury duty that is a probation violation and they will put warrent on me ..i had to plead guilty even though they had no case because i live on the east coast of USA

All states have to have some mechanism for getting out of jury duty for people who are no longer residents.  I now live in VA, and recently got out of jury duty in my previous home state of GA by filing a form (included with the notice of duty) with photocopies of my VA drivers license and my homeowner's insurance policy to prove my current residence.

If I remember correctly, you had to go thru some court process for them to let you move out of state in the first place, right?  The court documents on that should be enough to prove that you no longer reside in CA, which should be all that's needed.  

Of course, CA is so hard up for jurors (it's impossible to have a "jury of your peers" when the only people that show up for duty are migrant-worker illegal aliens) that they might go as far as you describe to put a jury together.

I hope you are being sarcastic regarding your comment about migrant workers. First of all, I have tried many civil cases in various locations in CA including Fresno. I have always been impressed with the caliber of the jurors before whom I have had the privilege to try cases. Second, migrant workers work incredibly hard under conditions that most of us would find dreadful and totally defeating. Please pause next time and consider what you are writing before you make such hurtful comments. Since I do not know you, I assume you were just being flippant. While I abhor political correctness, we all have to be careful from time to time to avoid being insensitive to others.

Finally, the Constitutional right to travel means anyone can relocate to any other state without filling out any forms or seeking permission from anyone. Once you establish residence in another state, you do have to register with the DMV if you want to drive and with voter registration if you want to vote.

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