Legal Corner desperate need of a lawyer
gbfavre2002 15415 reads

where do i start.i have been in a relationship for the past year and we are expecting a child in august.the problem is she never wanted to have this child and has told many people about this.we lived together from the start but now she has told me to leave and she does not want to work things out.she has 4 children from a previous marriage.the oldest daughter is 21 and has no direction in job,a 2 yr old daughter whom she does receive any child support from.she has no car insurance nor a car seat for the girl.the oldest son 20 yrs old who smokes and distributes marijuana from the house.the 16 yr old son ranks 425 out 427 students in his class.he missed more school than he actually attended.and he has an alcohol problem.last but not least is an innocent 8 yr old whom still has a chance as long as she has some direction.then there is the ex husband.he has a history of domestic abuse.physical and verbal-not with just the wife but also the kids.i need a lawyer who is willing to help me get custody of my daughter as you can see i can not allow a child to grow up in this environment.can anyone recommend a lawyer who has experience with fathers rights and what i need to do asap.i know paternity can not be established before a child is born but i can't wait and see what could happen if i don't do something now.thanks in advance,and please don't ask why i would get involved with someone like this.

The Law Doctor14731 reads

State laws vary..and I feel for you..but if what you have indicated in the exact will not be able to seek full custody..unless the mother agrees..What you can do is be the best possible father..and hope that fate works in your if this lady is a the long run you will prevail. You best chances are having her past work against her as time goes by..and then you can work the system to your advantage..Child custody..sometimes is determned by a judge..and a influencing factor can be a 1031 evaluation (psychologist).
Bottom the best on your end to be a participating you have that right.

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