Legal Corner

Craigslist bustsad_smile
generoustoafault 13495 reads

I just saw that LE arrested 4 after setting up a sting on Craigslist in DC. Don't they have anything better to do?

more fun, no.

What would you do if you had a badge, gun and car with a siren and flashy lights?

Same  in Milford; "100.00 special" offered and
sumbody set up the bust - it was front page in the paper there, + she had NAMES OF ALL..

If your not listed on craigs list right now, guess what? You wont get busted that way!
Le can't access other sites, They have laws they have to change first, before they will allow the police to look up our sites up on their own computers. A small glitch. That, I am sure, will be fixed very soon!!

sidone7401 reads

I have never heard of any laws which limit the way police can browse the internet as part of their duties.  Where did you hear otherwise?  Do you have any additional details?

Most providers,in fact, post a notice saying that that their site is not a solicitation for prostituion, and that any fees requested are simply for time, and nothing else.

Paying a person to spend time with you is not a crime anywhere that I know of.

This is why a prospective client should never ask about any sexual acts with a provider.  They will have to assume that you are LE if you do.

sidone8313 reads

Posting web page that doesn't solicit money for sex isn't a crime in itself, but that does not mean the police and prosecutors have no use for the site.  It can help them decide whom to investigate and possibly to target for a sting.  It can also be used as evidence against the lady in court if she is prosecuted.

You're deluding yourself if you think those disclaimers offer any legal protection.  They're all lies and everybody knows it.  You cannot shield yourself from prosecution by telling a transparent lie about what you will or won't do in exchange for your fee.

If the cops have a hardon (pun acknowleged) for you, then you're toast no matter what you do.

My only point is that the First Amendment does protect speech that advocates breaking the law, as long as no causal relationship to that speech and the law breaking is established.

Depending on how you word your site, it could be exculpatory.  Just because everyone knows it's a lie, doesn't mean it is a given in a court of law.  There is a big difference from being able to prove it in court and what everyone "knows".  The law is a bugger, you know.

sidone6704 reads

Your comment re: the 1st amendment is pretty much accurate, but the law is more nuanced and such speech often is criminal.  The most obvious example of this is solicitation, which is a crime even if it does not lead to a further criminal act.

There are other ways speech can be punished as a crime.  Just ask anyone who has been arrested for conspiracy.  In addition to speech, a conspiracy charge requires an act in furtherence of the conspiracy's objective, but that act can be perfectly legal, and usually is.  The speech advocating the criminal act is what ultimately gets people into trouble.  

As to the "exculpatory" value of the disclaimer, I'm afraid you seem a bit naive.  People generally see no need to deny such things ahead of time unless the denial is a lie.  Even Queen Gertrude (Hamlet's mother) understood what it means when a "lady doth protest too much".

there is no offer of prostitution, etc., would make any average Joe perk up and think exactly the opposite.

IMHO, this is a case that the less said, the better.  Much harder to make a case that a suggestive photo is a solicitation.

just1guy8391 reads

I used to be a driver for ladies and never had a bad experience with police. The girls were all liciensed and they never feed into a sting. They never spoke of sex for money and everything was implided by the tip.  If the provider does not specify what will happen for the fee, you are not at risk.  Do not specify services unless you are familiar with the person or have nurmouous reviews on a reputable site.  Request for past providers is not A set up but protection for the girl. If she is comfortable with you it will only make your experience more enjoyable. No specifics about past girls, only names and contacts. It will put her at ease and make your stay more enjoyable and not incriminate you.  You were only ther for a legal theraputic massage. If caught in the act, you were set up or stupid. Best of luck.  By the way , none of my girls ever were question as to only what they were doing there. Legal entertainment. Lieciencing turned out to be very imporytant.

sidone8237 reads

You can't be serious.  "If the provider does not specify what will happen for the fee, you are not at risk"????? You couldn't be more wrong.

Prostitution is the exchange of sex for money.  Period.  What the participants actually say is not an element of the crime.  In other words, being discrete about it does NOT alter the fact that they are committing a crime.  It likewise does not eliminate the risk of arrest and prosecution.

Not discussing money for sex might spare you a conviction for solicitation, but not for prostitution.  They are not the same crime, although here in California they are covered by the same statute.

Then there's this one: "If caught in the act, you were set up or stupid."  Being stupid is not a defense (the prisons are full of stupid peple), and neither is being set up unless it was done by the police and rose to the level of entrapment.  A "setup" usually means a sting, and the vast majority of stings are perfectly legal.  And if you TELL the police you did it because you were stupid or set up, the only part that will matter is the statement that you did it.

Calling it "legal entertainment" or a "therepeutic massage" won't work either if you are naked and engaged in sexual activity.  The envelope full of cash - always more than the going rate for a real massage - will also doom your explanation.

Licensing doesn't matter much either, since no one can be licensed as a prostitute in most American jurisdictions.  A license to massage is just that.  It isn't a license to have sex for money.

-- Modified on 8/17/2006 2:16:06 PM

Schatzy8436 reads

Hypothetically spoken, you were 5'10', blonde, busty and in superior physical condition and had a love for men (not their Money!) and you were innocent and pure and din't want to exchange sexual favors for compensation or favors(afterall that's illegal and pure women don't engage in that), how would you go about being an adult entertainer?

sidone7119 reads

Adult entertainers do stripteases, erotic shows, etc. but do not have sex with their customers in exchange for money or other compensation.  To stay out of trouble, they need to get a license, obey its restrictions, charge money only for those services the license allows, and charge a price commensurate with a lawful service they provide ($500 for a striptease and a massage won't fool many people).  Based on what wannarideher has often written, they also should stay out of South Carolina.

passion728736 reads

miss ashley you are mistaken i have been arrested off of ads in eros,cityvibe and worldclassplaymates if your careful,and intelligent you have a better chance of staying away from LE dont answer the intimate questions and don't quote a price. use your head the haters are after us!

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