Legal Corner

Real Estate license in nevada
Vegas Daisey 16902 reads

I am currently studying for the real estate exam in Nevada.  I have been arrested twice and had both cases were condensed into one guilty plea of loitering.  The first arrest was october of 2001 and the second was august of 2002.  My guilty plea was entered close to 90 days ago.

My question is, will I be able to receive a real estate license.  Also I plan on getting a brokers' license in 2 years.  Will I be able to obtain that?

If not can you please give me the reasons why and let me know what I can do to get the license, expunge but not wait 3 years.

I enjoy reading the opinions of the non-lawyers but I would really appreciate if a lawyer who is familiar with the licensing laws in nevada chiming in if he/she could or send me an email.

Thank you in advance.

I am a real estate broker in Las Vegas and have an excellent working relationship with the real estate division.  I would be glad to find out the answers for you.  I would need some more information and if you provide your e-mail address, I will send you my phone number.  I think it will be more diplomatic having a broker check this for you.  Hope that I can help you.

lover boy14641 reads

Vegas Daisy,
I've sent you a long private message analyzing the Nevada statute on criminal convictions and real estate licenses.  It's too long to repeat here, but basically the answer is that unless "loitering" is deemed to be a crime of "moral turpitude", you should be okay.  However, a no-name phone call to the Real Estate Division would give you a better indication of the Division's attitude.

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