Legal Corner

Re: Never heard of it but I don't know what they would accomplish.
Angel4Life 2149 reads
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Has anyone ever heard of Uncle Leo infiltrating a M&G?  What legal ramifications exist if any?  Recent busts in ATL and Seattle really have me thinking?

Falcons1 20 Reviews 440 reads
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It's a group of like-minded individuals having a gathering.  Nobody is doing anything illegal.  I don't see them having any chance of charging anybody with anything just for being at a private event.

GaGambler 410 reads
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about six years ago a competing review site was infiltrated and their Xmas party led to the arrest of several members also leading to the site being shut down, it was resurrected under a new name that sounds sort of "icky" and is the dominant board in most of the mid continent region.

ThePeopleRule 357 reads
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What LE "accomplished" here in San Diego was putting faces to "names".  Apparently it was helpful when later arresting the two guys running the local advertising/review site.

DAVEPHX 349 reads
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In Pheonix, both female and male undercovers have attended M&G's and were solicited and made arrests later.  The most famous was the Desert Diva's bust years ago where the M&G's were a part of the investigation and many guys and gals were arrested.  

There is nothing wrong with M&G's as long as you don't try and make any "deals" for sexual conduct or promote it in any way.  Just promoting is a felony in Arizona.

Tower1 390 reads
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Whatever you do, don't drive your own car to a M&G. If LE there, they will photograph you when you get into your car to leave and your license plate.  Cab it or Uber or park a mile away.

Falcons1 20 Reviews 347 reads
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