Legal Corner

Psycho golf pro in Orlando...
Sexy Toni See my TER Reviews 14301 reads

I have been a South Florida provider for several years and have been fortunate that throughout my profession and travels to have never encountered a psycho...until now.  Please read this and provide your thoughts and input.

I received a few e-mails and had a few telephone conversations with a hobbyist over the course of a three nights.  They were always late in the evening and discussed an overnight date for one or two evenings.  His 40th  birthday was in a few days and he was taking time off. He claimed to be a golf pro, he sent a photo of himself and directions to his place, and his telephone number checked out.  On the third night of speaking, I agreed to travel three hours from Pompano Beach, FL to Orlando, FL.  I spoke to him along the way and all was confirmed.  At the gate to his place, his name is on the list, but there was no answer.  He did not answer his cel phone, either. Unfortunately I did not have the final directions to his place.  That was my error.  I left messages indicating that if there was a problem, please just let me know.  No response.  I had a male friend call him from a different number and left a message that "your birthday present needs to be delivered, etc." and still no response.  It was very late so I got a room and stayed the night at a hotel.    

The next morning at 9am he called me and said "my dog died", "give me your address to send you money as compensation". I told him I was sorry, I was still in town and would be right over to get travel expense compensation personally.  He said okay. As answer at the gate.  

The next day, I posted on the Orlando board of a few boards and "golf pro a pro scammer" and briefly warned others without providing a name or details.  Then, the e-mails started.  He is treatening me, know what car I drove, followed me through Burger King (he knew what time and everything), supposedly ran the license plate and threatening to expose my name/details, cooperate with LE, said that I am a "whore" and he thousands for other "whores" but nothing for me, he is licesed to carry a weapon so "my broke, fag pimp boyfriend" who "threatened to deliver a present" better be careful, he will pay attorneys whatever, and other typical psychotic words.  I am receiving hangs up every night from an unknown  number at the same time, etc.  

I know that he is a sick individual and I need to basically not respond to his e-mails or calls and just let the situation cool down.  I guess I am posting this for feed back and support.  If anyone has any comments, suggestions or has had something similar, please feel free to contact me.  

Thanks for listening...

Dr. OBGYN17495 reads

You need to report the incident to the police as soon as possible.  Your life, as well as the lives of other girls, is in danger as long as he is roaming free.  He might be a serial killer who has chosen you for his next victim.

I agree with Dr. This guy has a rather large screw loose. Let's face it, i could think of alot better things to do then spend my night following you thru the drive thru. I suppose that on the better side of this, he had to have known where you stayed for the night also, yet made no attempt to harm you in any way. Still, that wont be any consolation should he actually have the information(plate #) he says he does and decides to do something. It wouldn't be to hard for him to take your plate number and find out where your car is registered(where you live). Irrational people don't make decisions based on logic, so it's it's possible that he could pop up at your door or anyplace else at any given moment.

At the very least i would contact my atty to see what the repurcussions would/ could be for you so you are prepared to deal with them, although since you never met/recieved payment, i'm not sure if there would be any. I would also contact the authorities or possibly ask your atty to do it for you, at least initially. Either way, i wouldn't advise waiting to long, you don't know what this man is capable of. It could be nothing, but then never know. Better safe then sorry.

Best fo luck, please keep us posted on your wellbeing.

ameldamarcos14933 reads

That's why I ALWAYS GET THE GUYS WORK NUMBER. This way you know where to go if he does exactly this!
But that won't help you now. As a provider, through my experience, I strongly suggest you go to the cops. I once had a dangerous situation and I went to the cops,told them that I was an escort(there's no crime in that), and that I was in danger. I promise you they told me that they totally understood what I did and that they didn't want to cause problems for me and that they wanted to "get the bad guys". They were GREAT. Very respectful and really did help me. The guy that was messing with me was just as rotten as your golf psycho.
private e-mail me and I will give you more advice. There's all kinds of things you can do, like private investigators. It will cost you a few bucks, but it's nothing you can't make in an hour or two. Most people have something to lose and I bet if this guy isn't married with kids, he has a job somewhere or maybe is on probation or parole somewhere.
[email protected]

Fast ferret16320 reads

I agree you need ot report this, but because of the nature of the work. you should do so through your attorney first.  If the attorney can get some assurance from the PD they won't prosecute you based on your work.

ShakenUp15285 reads

I am going to wade in on the opposite position.  I have dealt with a handful of these types over the years and here is my spin.
1.If he were a serial killer you would not have been around to write the complaint. 2. He is irrational and paranoid and is better left alone.  3. The system will really not respond enthusiastically to your complaint because there is very little that can be done with what he has said or done, so far.  Assume he was arrested for making a threat over the phone.  In most cases that is a misdemeanor, and hard to prove without a recording.  The punishment for most of these guys is relatively small, they are willing to pay for a good lawyer and the prosecution will not exhaust the time and effort necessary to
overcome his high priced counsel.
You will lose lots of time/money and the most he might be looking at on his unluckiest day will be a few days in jail.
And you will have made a life long enemy who may just be unstable enough to do some real harm once he has been punished.
Leave it alone.  Set aside 10% for a cushion against this sort of thing and "pay" yourself from that fund when you get ripped off.  Oh, and avoid golfers... trout fishermen and bird hunters are much more reliable...

calmbreeze15076 reads

If I read the orgininal post correctly, it boils down to a case of a provider driving three hours away for an appointment and getting stood up by the client.

Obviously this is very frustrating, as well as a financial loss (missing other appointments during that time). But bringing up the client's rudeness in the Orlando boards as you did the next day then started the chain of serious events in motion now.

Of course he's completely wrong and disturbed.

But being stood up happens to all of us providers from time to time (and hobbyists too). Personally I just try to keep things in perspective. I'd never go on a board to say anything in the first place.

When I've been stood up, I will email (not call) the person and ask in a nice way if there was a miscommunication. Sometimes the client gives an excuse and we reschedule for later, and everything is great.

The guys that never respond are obviously rude, but even then I wouldn't write a second, nasty email, and would never say anything publicly either.......precisely to avoid this kind of trouble.

I sincerely hope these problems get resolved soon and this guy gets off your back.

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