Legal Corner

Orange County vice.
informationseeker 31603 reads

What are the procedures in Orange County as far as being arrested?
If you refuse to accept the probation settlement and want to take your case to trial, what are the chances of being found guilty or not? Or what are chances of the case being dismiss before going to trial?
Has any-one had a similar situation? If so, would like some feedback on how to handle this matter.

TheLawyer27547 reads

When you are arrested for a misdemeanor your fisrt court date will be your arraignment. This is where normally you would enter a plea of not guilty, you would also get the discovery(police reports and pleadings.  

From there you would set the case for a pre-trial settlement conference where the prosecution and you (or your attorney)work out a deal. Depending on what you decided, whether or not to take the deal or go to trial depensd on what happens next.  If you decide to take the deal (probation), you could enter a plea of guilty or no contest.  If you decide to go to trial, you would set a trial date.

Normally, aprox. 95% of cases settle prior to trial, meaning that a plea is entered or on rare occasion, the case is dismissed.

The question you are asking about whether anyone thinks that your case could be dismissed or you being found not guilty after trail is impossible to answer given the information you have provided.

I hope this is the info you were seeking!

Depending on the DA and the judge, you can get the solicitation case reduced to disturbing the peace and 1 year probation.  

Also have to submit to HIV test and confidential counceling session.

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