Legal Corner

Which states are most likely to legalize ?
Launce 31082 reads

Mod, I assume posts regarding legalization are correct in being posted here, if not please slap lightly.

I've heard several rumors in the GA house that a bill for legalization may make it to the floor later this year and a similar rumor for SD.

Any other news/thoughts?

Jeez, you are the optimist.
Why bother.
As to sex laws, the US is still pre-Jurassic, hopeless, and controlled by the weirdest assortment of brainless corporate, political, opportunistic, religious, and other special interest monsters that ever walked the face of the Earth.

Toynbee - he was the historian, not the linebacker - suggested that few great civilizations make it beyond 200-300 years because they start f**king up badly after peaking and destroy themselves.

A Nation that puts up bad choices for higher office decade after decade is doomed to mediocrity, corruption, greed, and ultimate failure. It is so sad. BTIMBW.

Have you ever been through an effort to get a state legislature to make an intelligent progressive reform? You'll never see as many dickheads and morons as there are voting in state lower house legislative bodies. LOL

My f**king collie is 7 times smarter than Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms put together, and has a lot better aim when taking a piss.

Launce32359 reads

Yes, I am the optimist!  But for good reason :-)

If we don't try nothing will ever change.  I do know that we can get some of the laws changed or at least relaxed.  I've worked with a couple of state legislatures to get some laws changed and know the issues very well.  BUT, it can be done and I think it can be done in this case.

The key is to know what's going on in every state, which legislators are doing what, which ones are on our side and which are agin us.  

We've got a great opportunity with a number of politicians criticizing cops for going after prostitution when there are other more pressing issues.  There are a number of other politically digestible and viable reasons why it should be legalized and I know that there have got to be a number of politicians out there who can help us get some stuff through

If everyone would stop being so frigging pessimistic we might get something done...  Man, how do some of you ever come?  "I can't do it, it won't get up, it's no use trying, even if it does nothing will happen, I'll just be frustrated, I better go home."  :-)


effective in developing and promoting reforms in numerous areas.
Having them behind a reform measure makes a huge difference when you take a new idea to a state or local legislature.
They have a website, and I think are in Philly.
If I were young, not busy, and had the resources and energy to be dedicated to doing something like this, that would be the first step.

Now, back to studying the rules of evidence, or maybe a bbjteoku would be nice this afternoon, with a visiting blonde hottie, a leggy vix with soft wet pouty lips.

But then I'd have to find it and get it up. Naaah.

Launce31459 reads

I've had a few dealings with them on telcom law (I'm not an attorney).  Why do you think they would be the place to start?

Considering the amount of discussion the topic of legalization has generated on the general board and here I wonder if there is really much interest from the community in doing anything anyway.

BTW, how were the soft wet pouty lips?


The UL Commissioners have a long track record, and were very instrumental in promoting legalized abortion 25+ years ago, an analogous subject full of religious, gender, and morality overtones. I don't know much about their current agenda or composition. I'm not an energetic and young tall poppy any more.

The bottom line is always to have first rate model legislation circulating around the country, supported by prestigious organizations and individuals, and introduced for hearings and votes in progressive jurisdictions. I haven't seen any of that, and the current political social climate now may not be a good one with the religious right in power. I fear that we will see a lot more TBD type prosecutions instead of reform any time soon.

A few dedicated energetic people however, can make a huge difference if they don't waste time in low impact busy work.

I'm sure that Board members are supportive of reform, but that's different from having time to do anything about it.
Maybe providers and hobbyists and agencies alike should all give 10% of their donations to a fund to do this. LOL.

Launce27077 reads

I would certainly be willing to chip in a few bucks towards this, we just need someone who can take the lead.  Maybe we should conduct a pledge drive to get some idea how much people are willing to put up.  If it's enough to get something done that's good, if not then we all keep on living like we are.

...for decriminalization rather than all-out legalization.  Why?

The only reason you could get our current government structure to completely legalize it is for the taxation, regulation and public-health aspects.  I strongly doubt that legalization would mean that indys would continue in a legalized fashion - it would be too hard to police (as it already is), tax and oversee.  Legalization would mean brothels, with licenses, tax stamps, income tax record-keeping (yes, most providers pay income tax already, but I'm talking about a tax withholding structure similar to what tipped employees such as waiters face today), required frequent health checks of the providers overseen by the public health department, etc. ad nausium.  And most likely it would require some sort of record-keeping on the hobbyists by the establishment, at least under the guise of public health safety (if a provider came up HIV-positive, the health dept would want to know who she's seen recently.)

Decriminalization, on the other hand, would take the political and other pressure off the police to waste time harrassing the quality indys while continuing to expend their efforts on nabbing the rough pimps, cutting off the organized-crime aspects, and keeping the streets clean.  A win-win situation.

Launce28778 reads

From a political standpoint I think its more palitable to say "we're legalizing for these numerous reasons" than to say we decriming for these few.

I'm open to correction though - good point !

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