Legal Corner

LE Check
SK11 2853 reads

I am thinking of seeing a lady off backpage with no reviews.  I am not so worried about the money aspect of it, if it is a lousy visit.  But is there a sure fire way to do a LE check?  Any questions to ask?  Thank you for any info.

and balanced budgets.

Don't embarrass yourself by asking.

Instead, stick with well reviewed providers and play safe.

the "le check" myth is just that..

The only sure way to know she is safe, is to verify she has reviews from well established hobbyists!

I agree reviews are a very good indicator, but that does not preclude the slight chance of a recently turned provider.

There are no guarantees in life

Ask for a nude massage - there's nothing illegal about that.

If they refuse, good chance it's LE.

In most localities, just exposing certain "naughty parts" is all it takes to make a prostitution rap stick.  Hence the infamous little white towel.

(still not a lawyer)

Other things to worry about.

She is high on drugs.

She is crazy/has mental health issues.

She is not clean/has Stds

This is a setup for you to get robbed

You will be threatened by her pimp.

All reasons to stick with well-reviewed providers.

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