Legal Corner

It's a long but compelling read...
mrfisher 108 Reviews 881 reads

The gist of it starts on page 12 of the document.

Thanks for posting Gina.

COYOTERI Amicus Brief in support of the FOSTA Appeal- oral arguments are set for 1/11/23 in DC District court

The gist of it starts on page 12 of the document.

Thanks for posting Gina.

Here is  COYOTERI's  "FOUR YEARS OF FOSTA SURVEY REPORT, which the amicus brief was based on

FOSTA Appeal- oral arguments are set for 1/11/23 in DC District court. I googled, but could not find anything not behind a pay wall.

Oral arguments took place on Jan 11th. You can listen to the hearing at the link attached.

We are cautiously optimistic. One judge is all-in and the other is all-out. The latter is a Trumpkin egregiously political appointment (originally rated not qualified by the ABA). He did everything but send the government lawyer milk and cookies from the bench. So it comes down to Judge Millett. She's a smart cookie and had tough questions for both lawyers, including endless hypotheticals which got a little frustrating. I think at the end of the day she won't be able to say that "promote and facilitate" has to be read as "aid and abet" but we won't know for sure for several months -- if not longer. Since it's pretty clear it's going to be a split decision, that means there will be a dissent, which will add to the writing time.

DAVEPHX804 reads

The case was lost a month or so ago sadly.   Same when the CALF prostitution law was challenged many years ago with the best briefs I have ever seen on legal issues at the 9th Circuit.  Many years before that was also on the committee of a large Phoenix swing club challenging the outlaw of swing clubs in Phoenix.  Sadly lost at the 9th Circuit also.    Until laws are changed, there is little hope other than in some states the Nordic model where the prostitute is protected but clients are illegal.

This has been struck down in Ontario 3 times now (C36) after original law 9against incalls and agencies - outcall was legal) held violated the Charter of Rights and Freedoms which is much stronger on rights in Canada vs our Constitution. Major cities police including  Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver announced would not enforce against private consenting adults.   The Critical issue in the prior law, the new C36 challenges is making it illegal increases the risk.  

Now they go after "real crimes" of forced and underaged prostitution.  

But that is Canada, little home left in the US.    

I think what they should do is make it legal and get the Prostitutes/Escort to get test and pay taxes on the money that they make (As if it was a regular job). If they don't then report them to the IRS.


Wow, that was your response to an amici brief based on a research study that proves FOSTA increased violence and exploitation.  

Perhaps you dont pay taxes, but most of the providers I know do. Since we are self-employed many of us file taxes as consultants, performing artists, massage therapists, life coaches & educators. We infuse a lot of money into the economy.  You sound like a resentful potential client, who once threatened to report me to the IRS because I refused to book with him.  

 Do you think we dont get tested regularly,  well we did some research and found out US providers had better condom usage than the general public.  

 If you want legalization, that would require you to register under your legal name. Anyone could get your personal information by a public records request, just like they can in the Nevada brothels. But I guess that would help KARENS

Also, legalization requires licensed escorts to turn over their client list. You might want to research Arizona escort licensing laws

You might want to EDUCATE yourself about the 4 models before forming an opinion that is not in the best interest of providers or clients.  The attached minute video explains it.

OOOOK. If they are trying to warn sex providers of the preditors who threaten the Provider's (Sex Worker's) life, then the Preditor should go jail for putting a Provider's (Sex Worker's) life at risk.

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