Legal Corner

loophole or wishful thinking?
newbieseattle 10996 reads

I'm a new provider in WA state and have been reading many of the posts here to get informed.  This site and the discussions have been amazing!  Does anyone have any thoughts on this scenario...You talk and email with a guy for a little bit, (only speaking in a very subtle way, of course) and mention that you make and sell a product (handmade bracelets for example) and how much a bracelet costs.  You agree to meet for him to purchase a bracelet you've made and you meet up, bracelet in hand.  He pays you for the bracelet (a previously agreed upon price - expensive for a trinket of course) and after chatting for a minute, you decide you are attracted to this customer and can't resist having sex with him.  If this were LE, would you have done anything wrong since you sold him something tangible first?  I do realize that everything would be open to interpretation by a jury or judge in the end, but is there anything illegal about selling something (a product) to someone and THEN having sex with them?  Does this offer any protection or would this actually cause more problems?

Turkana10262 reads

I've seen this -- the provider sells CDs she's compile -- a one hour CD, a 2 hour CD -- and she really has them.  She tells me the idea originated with ticket scalpers in jurisdictions where scalping is illegal.   They sell, say, Yankee souvenirs for $400 each, with a free World Series ticket thrown in.  

I don't know if it actually works. I will say that it muddles the waters a bit.

Clam Digger8121 reads

The arresting officer would testify in court that he was assigned to a vice unit with the intent of enforcing vice laws, when he came upon your ad in a newspaper or your website.  The newspaper ad or a certified printout of the website would be introduced as evidence, and the officer would read the contents to the court.  The bracelet would be introduced as evidence and the officer would testify that he paid you a certain amount of money for the bracelet and all of a sudden you had an overwhelming attraction to him and wanted to have sex.  Of course the testimony would be in much greater detail than I have summarized here, but you can get an idea of what would be presented to a jury.  Your side of the story would probably not be told since your attorney would most likely not put you on the stand.  If you were a juror, what would you think?  By the way, one of the most convincing items the prosecution can present to the jury is the disclaimer that states that LE of any kind is not authorized to enter the website.  The prosecutor would ask the jury, “Why would the defendant put this disclaimer on her website if she were engaged in a lawful enterprise?”

kingdave9072 reads

I couldn't resist this so hear it goes. my point is simply they know exactly what your doing as do you. They simply need arrest you for it. They are not boyscouts they will lie to get you convicted. let me say this they don't really care how much evidence they have just thier suspision alone is enough for them.  my advice if you are to get caught hire an attorney and don't say shit to them. Also if you are guilty don't ever tell your attorney that you are, unlike the stereo type they do get on moral high horse. I know this becuase I have been busted before, not for this but it total bs.

sidone9281 reads

It's wishful thinking.  No one will be fooled by this, especially if you just happen to be wearing lingerie when the man arrives, just happen to advertise where escorts place their ads (and NOT where sellers of bracelets place ads), etc.

If a jury gets to decide a case like this, you will just happen to find yourself with a conviction on your record - even if you try to make it look like you don't.

I say keep a camera nearby as u offer nude photos,  i like the cd thought and put nude photos of yourself on it.  anything muddles water will make the prosecutor wonder if he wants to push forward or just resolve quickly.

There's nothing illegal about people brought together for a legal purpose consenting to a sexual encounter; however, in your scenario, the initial contact will probably be from an advertisement on a web-mall or publication that does not ordinarily have ads for bracelets and probably of an adult nature (actually your scenario states that you mention you sell bracelets AFTER your initial contact, so something else must have triggered the initial contact other than a bracelet ad, such as an ordinary escort ad), the money paid is grossly exessive for just a bracelet, and you probably suggest sex (or that maybe you should go somewhere private and begin) almost immediately after money exchanged hands.  This is an unusual way to sell and purchase a bracelet, but similar to how escorts operate.  You make the call.

I don't know about bracelets but artwork might be more interesting. Selling a bracelet esp costume jewelry already has some legal value (although Saks 5th gets away with selling socks for 600).

sell tasteful digital nudes of yourself and tell the client that you are looking for patrons. Naturally, the artwork would arouse him and you guys can go off and celebrate the sell of another masterpiece but hollywood and the art community does this all the time.

I should stay off this part of the website but I have a big mouth.
Who wants to spank me?

I am an artist and most especialy love drawing, painting and sculpting the human form. If I have a gentleman over for a portrait session (nude) for $$$ hrs worth of work would that be different considering when I travel I always have my easle etc with me and that is one of the first things I set up in room for that is also my relaxation. How difficult would that be to make it stick if things lets say get a bit frisky?

sidone9650 reads

Given that your customer probably selected you based upon suggestive photos of you and/or the text of your ads, I don't think anyone would believe your story.

And even aside from that, not many people would believe that a visitor who advertises on the local escort mall is really just seeking patrons for her art.

Although if she actually does take the time and makes a decent portrait of the subject then she might stand a better chance at convincing the DA or a jury if it gets that far. She would need to have the subject pose for her for a decent amount of time and her artwork would need to be professional looking. I'm not sure a cop would be willing to submit to a lengthy nude posing session - especially since the artwork of him would be submitted as evidence. It just might expose his shortcomings.   ;-)

... and the customary price for similar trinkets (say, $10) would enable a DA to convince a jury that the $300 tab encompassed more than just the trinket, if you get where I'm coming from.  The other problem is that the cop would lie.  He'd say that you said something explicit about the price, such as, "Of course, you also get mish, doggie and BBBJCIM with your trinket."

cops can lie which is scary but these days many people are realizing that there are crooked cops out there so many have to wear a wire

the artwork would be so cute. you could rub yourself while talking to the guy about the picture and people pay thousands of dollars to buy artwork made from elephants so why not a photo you can really admire

but coachmeister is right.....selling something one can buy at walmart for 3 bucks for 300 would cause more legal trouble than it is worth.

what I am doing now.....I do have escort ads and dating ads on the internet. It may not help but who is too say my dates don't go to my free ads on dating sites.  it probably doesn't help at all but whenever a date brings up the subject that he has seen my site, I bring up 13 others I have done including my star wars fansite.....morality laws suck (harder than I will ever be able to even if I did this for 20yrs)

Don't forget about taxes.  Sales tax.  They could get you like that plus now you have to pay income take for your business and your self employment regulations/laws/tax.

Just a thought

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