Legal Corner

How far can I go with lewd acts/ public indecency before an arrest?
NYC Provider 8076 reads

Have a bit of a wild side, and sometimes end up doing more than I should in public.  How far could I go without being arrested in NYC, LA or LV?  Or in Paris, London, or other cities?

A BJ in public at a park, in a cab, at a club.... with my ATF, while trying to be somewhat discreet?  We both like to push the limits, yet neither could risk something on our records.

Thank you!!

depends on where you are

in New Orleans and Florida, almost anything goes but in charleston the laws are strict.

They temporarily passed a law in VA where you couldn't even allow your underwear to show (bra strap, top of boxers)

Bill was just proposed by an ultraconservative legislative rep, but never got to governor's desk - was killed (after providing plenty of fodder for jokes)

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